Expand your agency's offerings or kickstart your own PR business with our powerful PR Network Distribution service

PR Network Distribution

With Release Media’s PR distribution expertise and extensive network of media outlets,   your clients’ press releases reach the right decision-makers and industry influencers, generating buzz and driving impactful results

Why Choose Release Media as Your Partner?

Tap into a Vast Network of Targeted Media Outlets

Connect with an extensive array of newspapers, major news sites, broadcasting stations, industry-specific media, regional and local news outlets, financial feeds, and more. Your clients' press releases will be disseminated across this diverse network, capturing the attention of their target audience, including potential customers, industry partners, and investors.

Save Time and Maximize Results

Streamline the process of submitting press releases to multiple outlets individually. With just one submission, you will reach numerous media outlets, extend your clients' brands reach, and increase the chances of securing media coverage. Spend less time on manual distribution and more time on strategic PR initiatives for your agency or clients.

Affordable Entry Point

Release Media offers cost-effective options for businesses starting their PR journey or those seeking a lighter distribution package while still accessing key platforms.

Customized Targeting for Precision Impact

Release media offers tailored distribution options that focus on specific industries, verticals, geographic regions, and niche markets relevant to your agency or clients. Fine-tuned targeting ensures your clients' message resonates with their intended audience, maximizing the impact of their PR efforts and driving engagement from the right professionals.

Looking for Long-Term Custom Press Release Distribution Services?

Join the 200+ agencies and industry professionals who have used our PR Network Distribution to expand their service offerings and build successful PR businesses.