Lists Best Weighted Blankets for 2021 Lists Best Weighted Blankets for 2021

Fresh off their campaigns done for National Sleep Awareness Month, has released their Top List for Best Weighted Blankets. Last month released reports related to better sleeping and the dangers of being in a Napidemic. It also commenced and completed their giveaway in honor of National Napping Day. Now they have released their Best Weighted Blanket Top List by Category.

“With society as a whole in a Napidemic, we felt it appropriate to release our top list for weighted blankets. There are so many different weighted blanket options available and we broke it down by category and type,” said VP of Marketing, Anthony Santiago. 

The List breaks down the top weighted blanket in each category:

  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Comfort
  • Eco-Friendly
  • Hot Sleepers
  • Luxury
  • Kids
  • Value
  • Versatility

Weighted Blankets overall have shown to improve sleep quality by allowing those to fall asleep faster, reduce their stress and anxiety levels and allow people to get deeper REM sleep.

“Proper sleeping is more important than ever in a Napidemic, equipping yourself with the knowledge and the sleep-wear will only help people to stay as healthy and happy as possible during these unprecedented times,” continued Santiago. 

In addition to the Best of Guide, provides additional information related to the benefits of napping as well as a profile of the top weighted blanket companies in the sleep industry.

See the Best Weighted Blanket list today at

About provides the latest news, information, and expert articles related to sleep, sleep research, napping, and better health and wellness. 

Contact Information

Anthony Santiago

VP of Marketing