The publication firm WFHV (Work From Home Virtually) ( recently conducted research on the pros and cons of working virtually. The firm has released a report based on its research. The report speaks about the impact of online meetings on businesses and also discusses the effect of online meetings on users’ carbon footprint.
It reports that online meetings are easy to schedule, are less disruptive as compared to face-to-face meetings, and virtual meetings help in saving travel time and fuel cost. Another discovered benefit is that online meetings improve the physical and mental health of participants due to less stress related to less travel and traffic. Busy working professionals often suffer from lack of nutrition, stress, and lack of sleep due to frequent travel.
The report also states that online meetings help users interact with a higher number of people. Even people in a foreign country can be contacted at ease. Online meeting platforms such as Zoom, Meetn, and many others are already taking advantage of multi-time zone meetings, allowing people to connect when convenient. As predicted and stated in the research, one of the biggest drawbacks to online meetings is that users cannot read the body language of others attending the meeting.
The WFHV report states that online meeting have helped to reduce users’ carbon footprint to a large extent. WFHV has reported that face-to-face meeting release 3 million kg of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, virtual meeting released only 1% of those emissions. This is mainly due to the in-person meetings demand for air travel and air-conditioned rooms. The report indicates that virtual meetings can reduce the carbon emissions by as much as 94%.
Also included in the report is the concern for the quality of internet connection when attending an online meeting. Despite companies using high end and high-speed internet connections, the quality of connection also depends on other factors like weather conditions, distance, and electricity.
The report further states that the benefits of online meeting depends largely on the size of the team, or the number of people attending the meeting. If the size of the team is small, then online meetings are more beneficial than in-person meetings. On the other hand, if the size of the team is large, then it can be wise to go with face-to-face meetings.
As also reported, online meetings can reduce expenses. Companies can avoid travelling costs and the time spent to travel, while meeting online can be done at a moment’s notice.
Virtual meetings increased exponentially during the pandemic and have now become routine for many organizations.