SEFUNDA, LLC announces the Launch of their Crowdfunding Campaign

SEFUNDA, LLC announces the Launch of their Crowdfunding Campaign

Sefunda, a Swiss based company established in early 2019, is a small, dedicated team of professionals with background in IVD product development, molecular epidemiology, medical device development and material science combined with business strategy and experience with well more than 100 years.


Increase the safety of patients, reduce individual healthcare costs, promote antibiotic stewardship. 

We are all about finding the solution to a problem – using technology as a tool and not a purpose. We are a dedicated lean team of experienced professionals combining Swiss precision with creativity and visionary drive. Listening to real market needs, we understand the economics driving the health care sector and the intricacies of producing high volume consumables at low and affordable cost.


Recent research shows that 30% – 50% of patients in the US receive incorrect antimicrobial treatment This can in part be attributed to inefficient or incorrect diagnostic processes. Even for the most common infections, the delay between testing and effective treatment can take up to 10 days.


We make patient-tailored treatment truly accessible and affordable for everybody – delivering immediate actionable results for treatment decision where time matters most. Our rapid, cost-effective and easy to use testing platform empowers health care professionals to diagnose and treat patients within one single visit, normally less than 30 minutes. By combining robust, proven and adaptable technology with smart multiplexing capabilities, we bring the precision of a molecular diagnostics lab to your office.


We focus on the solution, not the technology. By building on robust and proven technology, we avoid «reinventing the wheel» and save money and time. Together with our American partner Tensentric, Boulder Co., Sefunda is building a business ecosystem, that enables us to build a cost effective, low barrier molecular diagnostics solution. A small, powerful team is building a PCR based molecular diagnostics solution, that is going to bring laboratory quality molecular diagnostics to your local clinic. Trade Secret agreements will keep the development from competitors copying our solution much longer than any IP.

CLIA waiver as door opener for the US market:

Background: The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) enabled greater access to low-risk tests by allowing their use in facilities with a Certificate of Waiver in the U.S. Recently, the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has shined a spotlight on CLIA-waived diagnostic testing. To meet this increased patient demand for diagnostic testing, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) authorized licensed pharmacists to order and administer FDA authorized COVID-19 tests.

Financial Overview:

Below is the financial overview assuming one product, roll-out in late 2023, a market share of 3%, sales within the US only. We will be adding a second product in early 2024. Estimated exit value in 2024 is around US$100mio. 

*: estimates based under current US market conditions and known regulatory US environment.   

Total Projected Cost:  

Total estimated costs before getting cash positive in 2024 are expected to be approximately: US$35,000,000 US Dollar. 

SEFUNDA, LLC is committed to obtaining and providing the monies necessary to institute and complete this project in a timely manner. 

SEFUNDA, LLC Equity Crowdfunding Campaign,