Business Finance Lifestyle Personal Finance U.S

Janee Clay of Wealthy Nurse Janee Leads Nurses to Break Free from Financial Struggles

2021-11-17 – Shreveport, LA – With over 10 years of nursing experience, Janee Clay of Wealthy Nurse Janee understands the mental and physical stress nurses work through every day. Her mission became to improve the lives of nurses. Feeling little progress from professional nursing organizations, she knew nurses needed more. That’s when she developed an interest in investing and finance. After delving into many books, courses, and programs, she learned much more than she originally intended, and she knew she needed to share the knowledge with her fellow nurses so they could develop the security and freedom that comes with wealth.

“Nurses are some of the hardest working people,” says Janee. “However, no matter how hard they work, they don’t get wealthy by being a nurse alone. We are told not to go into our profession because of money, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care about it. Nurses deserve to know how to invest and build wealth. Nurses care so much for other people, sometimes they forget about themselves. I’m here to help them remember to take care of themselves and their futures.”

Janee first started sharing her journey and knowledge on social media as Wealthy Nurse Janee, but she realized social media simply would not truly make an impact. She began to mentor fellow nurses and developed her Wealthy Nurse Framework to help nurses build wealth. Janee gives an overview of her Wealthy Nurse Framework in these 5 steps:

Step 1: Developing the Wealth Mindset

Developing a wealth mindset is the foundational step to wealth creation. Mindset is integral to every following step, yet it’s easily overlooked. Most people developed a mindset based on what their families and friends told them when they were young. If a person was not surrounded by wealthy people they probably did not develop a wealth mindset. Think about the things a person may have been taught about money and the way they view the rich.

Many people wonder if wealthy people are just trust-fund babies who had everything handed to them on a platter. Or people think the wealthy had to work too hard and sacrifice their health or happiness to achieve wealth. Often people wonder why they work so hard but still have not become wealthy?

These mental blocks will make a person’s wealth journey much more difficult or even impossible. They need to learn to identify these negative thoughts and reframe them to the positive.

Step 2: Adopting positive financial habits

The next step is developing good money habits. In general, people know they should be saving and avoiding debt when possible, but they also know they should be eating right and exercising. Just because someone knows something does not mean they are doing it. The easiest way to make sure they are taking care of their future self is to pay themselves first. That means they take money out of their paycheck for savings and investments before spending on needs and wants. Even if they can only start with a very small amount, developing the habit is what is important.

Step 3: Investing in money-making assets

People should take the money they are saving and put it into investments to make more money. What kind of investment will depend on their goals (short and long term), ability to risk, and confidence in the asset. They should always invest in their own education first so they can gain confidence and understand what they are investing in.

Step 4: Building Multiple income streams

Nurses generally have good job security. However, the events of 2020 certainly showed nurses’ work is not guaranteed. Just like diversity reduces risk in investing, it also does with income. Additionally, nurses should be finding passive income streams to help supplement their income until it can completely replace their active income.

Step 5: Reinvest and Compound

After increasing income, the fastest way to build wealth is to take additional income and reinvest it. The more money available to invest, the faster it can grow. Beware lifestyle creep which is what usually happens. As income increases, the default is to also increase spending. A clever Wealthy Nurse will wait until passive income can support additional spending.

Bonus: Find a mentor

Finding a mentor for a personal wealth journey will make it faster and easier. Compare having someone give directions, buying a map, buying a GPS, or having someone in the passenger seat telling someone exactly how to get there. A mentor not only shows the way, but they are also there to hold a person accountable to keep them moving forward even when they feel lost or scared.

Knowing how beneficial a mentor is, Janee has launched her Wealthy Nurse Preceptorship, a group for highly motivated nurses wanting to build wealth with direct access and coaching with Wealthy Nurse Janee.

Business Human Resources Lifestyle

B.E. Crowned is Assisting Business Owners to Reclaim Their Time

Lanisha Thadison never thought she would be an entrepreneur but life never goes as planned.

Lanisha was born and raised in the inner city of Chicago. Lanisha lived in a neighborhood notorious for gang violence and poverty but always thanks for parents for making sure was steered on the correct path. After completing a degree in nursing at the University of Illinois, Lanisha decided that there needed to be more female entrepreneurs especially those of color, chasing their dreams of business ownership. Now, she is a wife, mother of 3 girls, Registered Nurse, and Owner of B.E. Crowned. B.E. Crowned is a virtual assistant business that offers assistance for busy and burned-out small business owners who need to outsource administrative tasks, project management, or email/calendar management.

Lanisha is renowned for her VIP day called “Dubsado in a Day” This VIP day was created for female service providers who need to establish or transform their Dubsado account, a customer relationship management tool (CRM). Her VIP day focuses on assisting entrepreneurs with streamlining their processes which will allow them to focus more on what’s important in their business. She creates their Dubsado account from the ground up. Often, business owners find themselves spending countless hours manually sending invoices, contracts and answering emails. After working with Lanisha, her clients now have an entire suite of business tools to work their magic in the background, automating consuming tasks. If business owners are needing to automate their business and save time, obtaining a CRM is absolutely the correct path to pursue. The best part about Lanisha’s VIP day is its timeframe. What could take a business owners months to set up, Lanisha offers CRM set-up with Dubsado, in one day!

Former clients rave about the quality and efficiency of their business processes after hiring Lanisha to set up their CRM. Lanisha enjoys working with passionate female services providers and wants to share the news of the importance of implementing systems in their businesses. 

Lanisha offers a complimentary discovery call for those looking to learn more. If you are a female service provider or creative and want to learn more about Lanisha’s VIP day, visit

Family & Parenting Health & Medicine Lifestyle Living U.S

Dr. RJ Jackson reviews the difference between therapy and life coaching for teens and tweens.

Austin, Texas – September 15th, 2021 – Most parents, when they have a child that is going through something tough, whether they have been diagnosed with something, maybe they have been bullied, or maybe they see that their child has been a little depressed, immediately think of therapy.

Therapy has always been around. However, even though life coaching has been around for some time, is new in comparison and still unknown.

In fact, I am one of the few life coaches for teenagers in the entire country.

I want to share with you why life coaching may be the better first choice over therapy.

There is definitely a need for therapy, but what we found is that it only applies to around 3% of teenagers. So, only 3% of teenagers will need therapy. This is usually when they just lost one of their parents. That is tough, I don’t think life coaching is great for that and therapy would be a better route.

When someone suffers severe depression where they are hospitalized, I believe therapy and life coaching together work great for that.

But ultimately it’s really severe situations when there is mourning that typical therapy is needed.

What we find is since life coaching is not as known as therapy most parents choose therapy even though it may not be the best fit for their teen.

I know it’s my job to make life coaching more known, but in the meantime parents who only know therapy have a void for teenagers who are really not struggling to a degree severe enough for therapy.

Most parents say “my kid is fine, they have a few friends, I know that they could be a straight-A student but they are making B’s and C’s, there is really no big issue that I can send them to a therapist, but I know that they have more potential in them than what they are showing”.

This leaves a void for solving these issues and that is where life coaching comes in.

Life coaching helps those parents who know their teenager is not maximizing their full potential.

It also is the first step If your child is either depressed, anxious, or has been diagnosed with ADHD, Aspergers, or other diagnoses.

For this life-coaching is the preferred option.

Another difference between therapy and life coaching is the processes they use.

Therapy looks to diagnose a child. They want to put a label on a child. I don’t want people to think that therapy is bad. It’s not bad, that’s just the way the process works.

When someone goes to a therapist, they’re looking for a problem, they find the problem, they labeled that problem, and then they start to use strategies and tools to work through that.

The problem that I found over the many years I’ve been coaching, is that a lot of these problems continue to be problems. Many parents have experiences with a therapist working with their child for six or more years and the child still suffers.

Right away, parents notice life coaching is a completely different picture.

We don’t see problems.

When I meet with teens and tweens in my sessions I never say you all have this problem or that problem.

I don’t label them.

I do the opposite.

There are no problems.

I see the children or teenagers, for who they really are, a person who has an unbelievable amount of potential.

My objective is to get results, not a diagnosis.

It is my goal to help all teens, tweens, and parents achieve their greatest potential.

 Click here to learn more about teen and parent life coaching programs

Business Lifestyle Marketing & Sales Professional Services U.S

The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Networking Revealed by Ross B. Williams of Modern Profits

Orlando, Florida—September 15th, 2021—Networking is a great way to meet new people, build relationships, and grow your business. However, networking can be tricky. Here are five mistakes that people make when networking. Learn how to avoid these common mistakes, and start building strong networks today.

Mistake #1: Not Having a List of Contacts

When you’re attending a networking event or party, it is very important to be prepared with a list of contacts. Using the internet and social media, you can actually put together a list of potential contacts you want to meet before attending the event. These are people you want to build relationships with. They could become future clients, people that could refer you to potential customers, or people that can offer goods, services, or knowledge to help your business grow.

I recommend making a list of ten people you want to me before going to an event. There are two very easy ways to do this. The first is to go to the event page and see who is attending, read their profile, and add them to your “Dream Business Connections” list. The second is to visit the event web page and see who the sponsors are, discover if any of the sponsors would be a good contact for you as a potential client, referral, or joint venture.

When you arrive at the event you now have a plan of who you want to meet. This will not only help you connect with people quickly it will have a ripple effect for you to meet everyone not on your list as well.

Mistake #2: Not Being Prepared

Too many times I see people coming to networking events and parties, and they are just not prepared. They miss out on opportunities to make contacts and connections for the future as well as growth for themselves and their company.

When you go to a networking party or event there are three key things you need to be prepared for success. First of all, how are people going to get in contact with you and follow up? This can be done through the use of business cards (traditional or old fashion), a digital card that you can text or tap to exchange info, or a QR code.

If you do forget your contact materials, another simple method, but often forgotten, is to just type the name, phone number, and emails into the contact section of your phone and add them to your contact list. I always recommend when doing this, to save the name of the event in their contact name and then send a short text to them, saying Great to meet you, with your first and last name afterward. That way, not only will they know it’s you. The next day, you can refer back to your text messages sent to remember who you met the night before. Otherwise, they will get lost in your sea of contacts.

Key number two, for being prepared is to look the part. You want to look polished, well dressed, and groomed. You do not want to come in sweaty after a workout or look like you just rolled out of bed. You want to come in dressed to impress as if you were going to meet the client of your dreams because you just might.

Key number three is all in the name. Take the stress off of people having to remember so many names or forgetting your name if they met you in the past. It’s simple, just wear a name tag. They are usually provided for free when checking in at a networking event. However, you can tell the pros when they have custom name tags already created.

Mistake #3: Talking Too Much

There is nothing more annoying than the person who talks too much. The person who doesn’t read the uncomfortable body language, the person who plows through a conversation as no one else exists. It is very important to not be that person!

Be the person who is listening and attentive. Have you ever heard that saying, the last person to speak wins? I want you to win.

People enjoy talking about themselves, which is why we fall into this trap very often, naturally. It is important to be conscious of this, take a step backward, and allow others to speak about themselves. While you listen, make eye contact, smile, and follow up on their stories with questions getting them to talk more.

If you can master this skill people will gravitate towards you, they will remember you, and they’ll want to build relationships, partnerships, and businesses with you.

Mistake #4: Talking Too Little

When at a networking event, you need to make an impact so people remember you. If you are the quiet person in the circle you may be forgotten. The people interacting are the ones who leave an impression.

I know this can get a little confusing because in mistake #3 I told you not to talk too much, here is the way around that. In order to speak without speaking too much, it is important to ask questions. This way you’re interactive, speaking, communicating, and people are excited and engaging with you. You become a leader heading conversation, yet allowing others to feel empowered.

By empowering others to tell their story and not speaking about yourself you become liked and trusted by others.

Mistake #5: Not Following Up

So many times people go out of their way getting dressed up, driving through rush hour traffic, spending money going to these networking parties, having cocktails and appetizers, and they go home with dozens of business cards yet do nothing with them. It’s just a waste.

If you’re gonna put the energy into it, follow up. The big growth happens after the event not during the event. The power is in the follow-up.

If you connected with people at the event on social media, shoot them a message say hey it was great meeting you. If you got their business card, drop them an email or maybe even make a phone call. Try to schedule a Zoom meeting where you guys can chat one on one, or meet in person for coffee or lunch.

A great reason to follow up a month later and build the strongest relationship is to invite them to go to the next networking event with you.

There is power in numbers!

The growth is in the follow-up.

Learn more about Modern Profits Next Networking event Here

Education Family & Parenting Lifestyle Living U.S

Dr. RJ shares three steps to ensure success for middle school and high school students in the 2021 school year.

Austin, Texas – August 17, 2021 – Back to school can be exciting but stressful for both parents and students. There are so many pressures teens and tweens face when starting a new year of middle school or high school.

They are worried about getting the grades they need to get into college, making new friends and finding their place, handling the load of new class schedules, teachers, and extracurriculars.

Dr. RJ has a simple 3-step formula to help parents, teens, and tweens overcome the stresses of a new school year and set them up for success in middle school and high school years.

When following these 3-Steps Teens and Tweens will have more focus, become more organized, have increased confidence, and become more motivated.

These skill sets lead them to get better grades, make more friends, handle the pressures of a new school year, not give in to peer pressure and become capable of handling the unknown.

Dr. RJ. is a certified Teen Life Coach in the United States and has been transforming the lives of teens, tweens, and their parents for many years. After working with thousands of teens he discovered that you can create success by simply directing teenager’s focus to the one thing that produces growth, excitement, and motivation, and that is goals.

When teens and tweens shift their focus from problems of the past to possibilities of the future, their mood changes, their attitude changes, their emotions change. They then have everything they need to be overcome the stresses of going back to school and gives them the skills they need to be successful.

However, Dr. RJ finds that teenagers rarely have real goals. What teenagers have are wants, desires, hopes, and dreams. But not goals. To be successful they have to shift their focus and turn those wants, desires, hopes, and dreams into actual goals, and here are the three steps to do that.

Goals have the following three components:

First, we have to set intentions. An intention is a direction you want to go. This could be related to academics, sports, extracurriculars, relationships, or anything else that is important to you or your teen. It is the ability to see a destination. To have a finish line in mind.

Second, we need an action plan. Once you have set your intention and you know what you want to achieve, then you need a plan to get there. With the road trip analogy, this is the time to map out which highways you will take. The action plan is your step-by-step instructions to get to your destination. If your wants, desires, hopes, and dreams do not have daily and weekly planned actions in place, then it is not a goal.

Third, you must set a time frame. This is simply how long will it take to get your want, experience your desire, turn your hope into a reality, or live your dream. How long will it take? Using the road trip analogy, your time frame would be how long will it take for you to reach your destination. I bet if you ask your child how long will it take for them to accomplish their “goal,” they would not be able to give you an accurate time frame.

As I was explaining what goals are, did you immediately started to think about the possibilities for yourself?

For a moment your worries and stresses disappeared. You experienced excitement knowing that there are some goals that you yourself want to pursue. This is exactly what will happen with your teen or tween when they start setting real goals for themselves.

As we begin this new school year it is important to overcome the stresses a new school year can bring to both parents and teens. This is the perfect time to help teens and tweens succeed not only in school but in life.

Family & Parenting Lifestyle Professional Services Stock Market News U.S

American 3D4D Ultra Sound Stood By Expecting Mothers During the Restrictions of the Pandemic

Chicago, IL, USA – Sept 5, 2021: Tummy Vision is a state-of-the-art 3D/4D Ultrasound outlet based out of Oak Park, Illinois and it has been a great support for pregnant women during the pandemic. With COVID-19 peaking in the United States and worldwide, restrictions at OBGYN offices and clinics have been overwhelming for most expecting moms. However, the remarkable services and comfortable environment offered by Tummy Vision have enabled couples to experience the precious moments of pregnancy ultrasounds just like old times except in a more relaxed way.

“Due to restrictions at OB offices, many expecting moms have had to go to ultrasound appointments alone, which meant that dads were not allowed to experience this memorable pregnancy event at all.” Said the spokesperson of Tummy Vision, while talking about the issues faced by the expecting couples. “We are pleased to inform you that during these trying times, Tummy Vision has been a great service allowing moms, dads, and babies to bond in a private intimate setting.” She added. Tummy Vision uses state-of-the-art 3D/4D live technology with real-time movements, capturing the miracle growing inside that parents can cherish forever. 

In addition, Tummy Vision provides a wide range of pregnancy ultrasound services. From providing early pregnancy ultrasounds starting at just 6 weeks to gender reveal ultrasounds starting at 14 weeks via ultrasound and 8 weeks through a blood test, the ultrasound outlet has taken the pride and joy of being the first one to give much great news to many lucky parents to be. Furthermore, Tummy Vision offers a variety of 3D/4D Ultrasounds and scans all the way throughout pregnancy. There is no great joy for any parent to be able to clearly see the face and body of their unborn babies in the womb of the mother with the help of cutting-edge technologies used by the outlet.

For more information, please visit:

Business Education Family & Parenting Health & Medicine Lifestyle

Katie Pizzurro Launches Women’s Embodied Wellness, A Company Committed to Supporting Holistic Family Planning and Natural Hormone Support

Women’s Embodied Wellness supports women and increases awareness about the benefits of peristeam, natural fertility methods, and cycle charting to connect women with their bodies and self-care and healing.

10 June 2021 – Katie Pizzurro, a certified Steam Facilitator, doula, and ferti.lity awareness instructor, has announced the launch of Women’s Embodied Wellness, a new holistic living company providing care to women from pre-conception to postpartum and beyond. Committed to promoting the benefits of peristeam and supporting women on their health journeys, Women’s Embodied Wellness is set to empower women around the world with holistic options for family planning that support the female body and natural hormone process.

The Women’s Embodied Wellness brand was inspired by the journey of Katie Pizzurro, whose experience with steaming has highlighted the practice’s many benefits, which included reducing stress by activating the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, promoting healing after childbirth or mis carriage, and cleansing the uterus and healing hemorrhoids, fibroids, polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, dryness, and infections. Pizzurro’s passion for working with women also comes from her work as a certified doula and mother, whose birthing story adopts many of the Women’s Embodied Wellness methods.

Today, Women’s Embodied Wellness is offering a variety of products and services to support women, including exclusive herbal blends for home peristeaming, stools to sit on, and even doula homebirth support. A fertility awareness course will be launching later this year.

To learn more, please visit or @HerbsandSteam on Instagram.

About Katie Pizzurro

Katie Pizzurro, CD, PFc, is a certified Vag inal Steam Facilitator, doula, and fertility awareness instructor in North Carolina. Pizzurro is the founder of Women’s Embodied Wellness, a holistic living brand committed to helping women connect with their bodies and prioritize self-care and healing.

Business Health & Medicine Lifestyle U.S Website & Blog Sees Subscriber Growth with Newly Launched YouTube Channel

New York, NY – is excited to announce a budding subscriber base for their recently launched YouTube channel. The YouTube channel now has over 100 subscribers to date. The site was recently launched along with the YouTube channel and values this milestone in striving to be a pillar of information for the gout community. Their YouTube channel only has a handful of videos but will continue to supply its subscribers with new topics and videos to come. Their most viewed video to date is a discussion related to Fish Oil and Uric Acid. 

In the United States, about 4 percent of the population of about 8.3 million people suffers from the painful and debilitating condition of gout. For those looking for helpful information, features informative and expert articles detailing the latest in treatment options and natural supplements to help alleviate the pain.  

“Reaching 100 subscribers with very minimal marketing for our channel is a great milestone that only validates the need for more content such as this for the gout community. We hear them and we will respond with more content for our subscribers,” said Anthony Santiago, VP of Marketing.

According to Google Trends, the term ‘gout treatment’ has been on an upward trend in the last 5 years and as such, one can deduce that the number of gout sufferers is also increasing. seeks to be an all-in-one resource for those who are currently experiencing a gout attack and those who are seeking gout prevention methods. is planning to release reports related to gout treatment and prevention while maintaining its blog that includes the latest news and information from across the web. 

“The people that work on are those who have actually experienced gout and want to transfer their knowledge to try and help those who also suffer from gout. For those that have gout, once you’ve experienced it, it’s something you want to avoid moving forward and there is a plethora of information out there that could help reduce gout for one’s specific situation. We want to be their go-to source for that information,” continued Santiago.

To learn more, visit and their YouTube Channel today.

About Gout Information takes a holistic approach to treating gout. It was created by individuals who themselves have experienced gout and want to share their knowledge with fellow gout sufferers.

Contact Information Media Team

Business Health & Medicine Lifestyle U.S Website & Blog Reaches Milestone with 10,000 YouTube Views

New York, NY – is excited to announce reaching 10,000 views to their recently launched YouTube channel. Their YouTube channel has over 70 videos ranging from all topics related to sleep including sleep apnea to comparisons of the best bedding and blankets. The channel also has carefully curated playlists for those looking for more information on a specific topic.

“This milestone is confirmation that we are covering the right topics and product comparisons that our audience is looking for. We strive to provide content in all different formats, from our blog to social media and video content,” said Anthony Santiago, VP of Marketing. has always been a reliable source for the sleep industry and in the early 2000s helped coin the term National Napping Day, which is still recognized. Today, is home to a variety of informational reports, product resources, and an active blog that pushes the latest news and trends in the sleep space. 

Earlier this year, released a report titled “Survival Guide to a Napidemic” which lists how to nap effectively as more and more Americans are working and staying at home, consequently increasing the nap rate of the whole population.

“We believe the world in what we call a Napidemic, stemming from the pandemic of the past year, and we want to continue to spread the message of ‘better sleep leads to better health’ using our various platforms, including YouTube,” continued Santiago.

For more information related to all things sleep, please visit and their YouTube channel.

About provides the latest news, information, and expert articles related to sleep, sleep research, napping, and better health and wellness. 

Contact Information

Anthony Santiago

VP of Marketing

Celebrity Lifestyle Living Professional Services U.S

Make it Date Night at Side Splitters, Tampa’s Premier Comedy Showcase

Speaking of which, we’re back, baby! You’ve missed the nightlife, haven’t you? We all have. For more than a year, date night has meant a pizza dropped off at your doorstep by a teenager in a mask who makes a run for the car as soon as he detects movement behind your door.

Now it means chuckles and drinks in an actual away-from-home location with other laughing adults.

“We’ve made Side Splitters the ideal place to enjoy life for a few hours in the company of friends and loved ones,” says (name, title). “Check it out once and you’ll keep coming back. It’s guaranteed.”

Side Splitters earned its reputation for big laughs by hosting just about every national act who’s split sides for the last couple of decades. Upcoming shows include the likes of impressionist Frank Caliendo, actor-comic Jamie Kennedy, the legendarily and hilariously dirty Tom Green, funny guy-author Todd Barry, and Dan Mintz, the voice of Tina Belcher on Fox’s Bob’s Burgers, among many, many others.

You’re also invited to put one or several of the following nationally touring stand-up comedians on your schedule: Chad Daniels, Angelo Tsarouchas, Ms. Pat, JJ Curry, Daryl Wright, April Macie, Sean Finnerty and Finesse Mitchell. And that’s only a handful of performers dropping by and taking center stage over the next few months. Check out the Side Splitters Events page regularly to see how many great excuses you always have for hysterical nights out.

Got something else in mind besides a visit? Side Splitters is even available on a to-go basis. That’s right. If you can’t come here, your Side Splitters stand-up will come to you. This is the perfect main attraction for birthday and anniversary parties, and business and social events of all kinds. Just contact Side Splitters and share your budget and how you’d like the event to proceed and the ideal headliner is headed your way. Fill out the brief booking request form and a booking specialist from Side Splitters will get in touch with you.

You can take Side Splitters to the next level by becoming a VIP Club member at no cost. In addition to a whole lot of other exclusive fun features, you could win free or discount tickets to upcoming shows.

Side Splitters gift cards are available for the people you love, or at least put up with. Order them in amounts ranging from $5 (for more of an annoying co-worker than a friend) to $250 (for you and the love of your life, or a bunch of rowdy friends and unforgettable times).

Feelin’ funny? Put it all on the line and sweat it out behind the mic during our next Comics Night Out, sponsored by Ledo Pizza. Or stay at your table and maybe help discover America’s next national comedy phenom. Either way, learn more about the award-winning action here.

Side Splitters is all over social media, too. You can follow your favorite Tampa Bay comedy club on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

So be sure to check out Side Splitters Comedy Club in cyberspace. But the best way to visit is in person. Start planning your date night, bachelor/bachelorette party, after-work get-together, or nights of laughs for any reason or for no reason at all.

Side Splitters, Tampa Bay’s premier comedy showcase, is located at 12938 N. Dale Mabry Highway in Tampa. A second location will open soon at The Grove at Wesley Chapel. More on that later.