Employment Health & Medicine Human Resources India Pharmaceuticals & Biotech

A Sneak Peek Into the Flourishing Outsourced Drug Trials in India

Over the past decade, the big pharmaceutical companies have moved their clinical testings abroad. Among all others, India has become a choice destination—a goldmine for their operations.

A majority of the research on new drugs is carried out in the more developed countries (MDC). However, according to a recent study by Rabo India Finance, a subsidiary of Rabobank of the Netherlands, there is a 50-60 percent estimated cost of savings if the trials are held in developing countries. The contract research market is worth an estimated $10 billion while the international clinical trial business is worth a whopping $40 billion.

Just as India has become the premium destination for tech giants to outsource their software development needs, the country has also become a hot-spot for a clinical trial like no other country. The country is a fertile ground for this practice with copious, low-cost and English-speaking medical staff, a functional medical infrastructure, heartwarming reception towards foreign industry, and, perhaps, the most important factor: millions of poor citizens ever willing to try out new drugs. 

Despite the economic revenue it accrues to the country’s GDP, to an estimated $2 billion by 2021, there’s been a public outcry in some quarters against clinical trials in India, more so because it has slapped on the country, the denigrating nickname of “guinea pigs to the world”.

The major concern of most critics against this practice stems from the fear that U.S. pharmaceutical companies may be eluding regulatory controls by outsourcing trials to India rather than conducting them in the United States. Speaking about this, Tripti Tandon of Lawyers Collective, a legal group for HIV-positive people, said: “It is important that the regulations take into consideration the rights of the people on whom the tests are being carried out.” Lending his voice, Mira Shiva of the Voluntary Health Association of India said: Post-marketing surveillance needs to be strengthened to ensure that fake data has not been used to get a drug into the market.”

Consequently, Indian health authorities have posited, times without number, that they are on top of the situation. However, this may not be entirely true. In 2015 the Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), teaming up with the Johns Hopkins University, USA, conducted some cancer drug trials. Cancer patients were injected with experimental drugs without due clearance from the appropriate authorities. A special committee investigated the incident, and the matter dismissed.

Agriculture & Farming Arts & Entertainment Australia Uncategorized

Benefits of Reading with Children During COVID 19

Why you should read with your child during Covid-19

Have you considered reading with your children at home? Perhaps Covid-19 has presented a unique opportunity for you to do so. Reading with your children is a noble initiative that facilitates effective communication and interaction in your family. Indeed, the activity fosters a robust relationship between you and your children. Moreover, reading with your children accords them a sense of intimacy and well-being, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Doing so makes the children feel loved, and the attention received from parents helps them grow smart. Studies show that reading to your children improves their imagination and calms them when anxious and restless; thus, it is an essential undertaking during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a parent, you play a pivotal role in your children’s cognitive, emotional, and social development when reading with them at home. Such an activity helps the minors to internalize the information and become better individuals in the future. While the Covid-19 pandemic has been devastating, parents have had an opportunity to spend more time with their children. Indeed, reading to your children improves their intelligence, listening skills and attitude towards studies. Consequently, such children take personal initiative to read by themselves as they grow up. Studies show that reading can boost the IQ of your child by six points.

Besides, reading with your children profoundly improves their vocabulary and the mastery of language, among other concepts. Children become exposed to a wide range of words and phrases, which hasten their learning trajectory as they read with their parents. Also, reading stories to your children prolongs their attention span and improves their concentration. Other than the regular lessons taught in school, reading with children grants parents a golden opportunity to teach their children vital life lessons. These lessons are crucial during a child’s development because they are adequately prepared to overcome the potential life challenges.

Although the Covid-19 pandemic presents enormous challenges, it has strengthened families’ bond as they spend more time together. Parents can now take advantage of the limitations of the Covid-19 pandemic to improve their relationship with the children by reading with them. Studies show that reading with your children improves their intelligence, their attitude and prolongs their attention span. Moreover, parents can improve their children’s emotional and social skills by reading and communicating with them. This noble initiative also calms children, especially during anxiety and restlessness. Perhaps, it is time you considered reading with your child during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Education Finance Human Resources

How Does Gamification Enhance Mathematics In The Classroom?

What is gamification? How does it help in Math education? Here is how: Thanks to the ingenuity of one Nick Pelling, gamification has changed how activities are carried out. Being a game developer from Britain, he coined this term in early 2000s as a tool for enhancing quick and fun electronic transactions. Gamification applies the use of game-playing in non-game activities. Its intended purpose is to motivate, enhance participation and improve memory skills of the activity. Nowadays, gamification has found its way into other industries such as education. As a result, it is applied in numerous subjects, one of them being Mathematics. Here are 5 ways that gamification helps in Math education: 

  • Gamified Math lessons enhance problem-solving and thinking skills in students. During such lessons, students will use all sorts of tactics to win the games. This improves their problem-solving skills and how they process a challenge, both of which are useful in Math.
  • Gamification serves as an assessment tool for learning abilities in students. As a tutor or teacher, you are able to analyze learning styles, strong areas, weak areas as well as their way of approach to each Math topic.
  • Gaming elements in Math lessons improve interpersonal relationships and interactions among students, parents and teachers. It narrows the generational gap between children and adults. This creates openness and freedom of expression, hence children easily seek help.
  • Gamification fosters an open-minded approach. It enables students to understand that there are always two sides to every story or situation, and that none is superior to the other. Losing, whether in Math or life is not the end, you have to try again.
  • Gaming elements enhance active participation in classrooms. For subjects like Math, active participation is an indispensable tool that mitigates boredom and facilitates better understanding of topics.

 When used effectively, gamification enhances solution-seeking, interactions and participation in Math lessons.

Arts & Entertainment Australia Finance


Jennifer Bradley Skincare introduces their new The Best DNA Repair Cream which is a deeply hydrating cream that has a very unique texture. It is not a super heavy cream, it is a bit thinner and it contains ingredients that are purported to promote the health of our cells, our DNA, specifically lengthening our Telomeres, hyaluronic acid, and it has a bonus ingredient that is a surprisingly powerful collagen booster, antioxidant, and is rich in minerals needed for greater moisture retention: Crushed Pearl

Every woman knows that not all makeup is created equal. Stores like Ulta and Sephora have mastered their advertising skills to make it seem that you need the newest additions to your makeup collection. However, there are lesser known companies that make great makeup such as Jennifer Bradley. According to one beauty website The average woman spends about $40 on makeup per month, but this can also include beauty supplies such as lotion.

When you’re walking around in the mall, it’s always tempting to step foot inside a store and get color matched, or get your eyebrows done by a beauty technician. As a huge a growing business in the US, it’s worth tracking how much money is being spent by women each month on these products.

And, let’s face it, everyone is at a different level when it comes to putting on makeup. Lots is being spent but the skills to do it right are in high demand. Fortunately you’ve got experts like Jennifer Bradley who are to help us out.

 “Pearls are a potent antioxidant that help restore your body’s super-critical enzymes and reduce peroxidation. Pearls also contain polysaccharides, 17 amino acids, more than 30 trace minerals and vital proteins which help stimulate the body’s regeneration of collagen (which is what keeps your skin looking youthful) according to their website.

Founder Jennifer Bradley states,” There has been a definite need amongst my clients to have a much richer moisturizer, something that will quench the thirst of the driest skin, and yes, we always want younger, firmer, more radiant skin. I knew I wanted to add crushed pearl to the product, but when I heard about the latest studies on Telomeres, my interest was definitely piqued. When I tested the actual ingredient in another company’s product, I actually saw that the ingredient did something extraordinary for my skin, yet it was so expensive.”

For two years Jennifer Bradley and a lab has worked directly with one of the Nobel prize winning scientists who pioneered this research developed this cream. 

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