Business Computers & Software Marketing & Sales Technology U.S

Chirs Wiser CEO Of 7 Figure MSP™ Launches A Free CRM For Managed Service Providers

Austin Texas – September 20th – Chris Wiser, CEO of 7 Figure MSP™, launches WiseTrackCRM, the first-ever complete sales, and marketing platform built by an 8-figure MSP coach specifically for IT & managed service provider business owners. This software allows MSPs to organize follow-up, two-way texting, sales pipelines, appointment scheduling, sales funnels, and so much more.

7 Figure MSP™ is revolutionizing the MSP industry by taking a radical approach to sales and marketing education and coaching for MSPs. 

After speaking with tens of thousands of MSPs and IT professionals Chris Wiser discovered that there is a massive gap in the marketplace that needed to be filled. This is why he created WiseTrackCRM and is now giving away this valuable framework for free. He has kept it simple and streamlined so MSPs can see results ASAP.

WisetrackCRM is a complete, all-in-one sales and marketing software for MSPs. This free platform comes with a ready-to-launch funnel installed so MSPs can begin generating leads and booking sales calls immediately.

Also included in this free MSP CRM is a complete, done-for-you email and text message automation sequence that handles the follow-up process for the user allowing prospective clients to move seamlessly from lead to sale.

The team at WiseTrackCRM has also thoughtfully crafted and installed a complete sales pipeline that follows the proven principles taught inside the 7 Figure MSP™Elite coaching program.

Upon registration, WiseTrackCRM users will gain access to a training vault with resources, trainings, and more done-for-you templates to make marketing their businesses easier. These tools will educate MSPs and business owners on how to efficiently and effectively leverage the software for their businesses.

Users of WiseTrackCRM will also become part of a private Facebook community managed by leading sales and marketing experts to help solve problems and accelerate their marketing and sales progress.

“The entire MSP industry tells business owners to use their PSA for all contact management – but in reality, it should only be used to manage clients” Chris Wiser stated when asked why he created this platform.

Using a true CRM to manage your inbound leads along with true lead scoring and pipeline management in tandem with a robust PSA system is key to business success.

This Free MSP CRM is truly an all-in-one tech solution for marketing and sales. If you were to pay monthly fees for the software/programs to handle all of these functions included inside of WiseTrackCRM, it would be over $600 per month.

Current users of the software have the ability to create lead-generating websites and funnels, send automated email campaigns, curate a list of prospects, nurture leads from start to sale, and even schedule calls and appointments on a calendar that can be synced with Outlook365, Google, and more.

“Having one place to manage our sales and marketing process helps streamline our own company to have maximum efficiency as we continue to grow.” Paul Mancuso, current WiseTrackCRM user, and 7 Figure MSP™ Elite member.

For a limited time, new WiseTrackCRM users will also receive

  • LIVE Coaching Calls: Get the most out of your FREE CRM with guidance from top marketing experts
  • Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Marketing Campaign: Proven lead-generating system created by an 8 Figure MSP Coach
  • Monthly MSP CASH FLOW Workshop: How to double your current MRR In 6 months or less
  • The Daily Six: 6 FREE things you can do daily to keep your client pipeline full

Teaching MSPs to abandon the old-school habits of waiting for the next break-fix client or crossing fingers and hoping business shows up after sending direct mail, 7 Figure MSP™ helps MSPs turn IT into an ESSENTIAL service instead of a commodity. 

With a focus on improving current business strategies, defining solid business processes, and massively increasing MRR to be able to focus on growth and top-level service, MSPs in the 7 Figure MSP™ Elite program are quickly on their way to 7 Figures and beyond. 

7 Figure MSP™ advocates the importance of following a sales strategy and teaching MSPs to easily go from Hello to Close – often enrolling clients up to $500 per seat in any industry/any market. 

The launch of WiseTrackCRM is an extension of the services provided to IT & MSP business owners by 7 Figure MSP™ to help them streamline sales, marketing, and operational procedures to help with massive growth’

To Learn More about the FREE WiseTrackCRM for MSPs Click Here.

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.S

Four types of relationship building opportunities most professionals ignore when networking: Ross B. Williams of Modern Profits

Orlando FL – September 17, 2021 – When networking most professionals seek out one type of relationship, potential clients. They are leaving the most influential types of relationships on the table and missing out on massive personal and business growth in their life. 

When going to a networking party most professionals have one goal in mind…

Get a new client or make a sale.

This process can actually stop them from attaining the goal at hand. This sounds crazy, right? How does going after a goal stop them from reaching it?

The answer is when it comes to sales and client acquisition there is a lot of psychology and emotions that a prospect or potential client goes through when making this decision. When someone at a networking event makes an introduction with the goal of selling in mind it is obvious and it’s a turn-off to the new prospect.

There is always that person at these events that will run full speed ahead with their business card in hand ready to distribute it. Nobody enjoys talking to this person.

Then there is the guy that won’t stop talking about their product and how good it is. This is an immediate turn-off. Even if the person is slick and good at their craft people will still get the sales vibe and move on.

Now the question is if sales aren’t the main objective what is the purpose? What is the benefit?

Not that opportunities aren’t important but, there must be a focus on the four other relationship opportunities to exponentially take people’s lives and businesses to the next level.

Since the first relationship type (Clients) was already discussed, take a look at the other four relationship opportunities people forget about when networking:

2-Referral partners:

People never know who the person you are talking to knows, how big their network is, or how influential they are. Even though they may not be a potential client for themselves this connection could potentially fuel their business with referrals, if they like the person and if they know what that person does. A good referral partner could be 100 times more valuable than a client if the synergy is good.

Unfortunately many times the second someone realizes the person they met isn’t a potential client they shut down the conversation and move on leaving mountains of future referrals on the table.

3-Resource Providers

It is important that people accept and realize they don’t know everything and don’t have all the answers. This is why resource relationships are so important.

Resource providers have the knowledge, tools, or services that could make a person’s job easier, more profitable, scalable, and even give more free time. Even though this type of relationship may not be a potential client, it could help someone acquire new clients to scale and help them live a better life. It is important to recognize other’s skillsets and how they can help.

This may end up in a purchase but it will likely be worth it.

4- Partnerships

Two heads are better than one. Many times when people meet they find their skillsets or products have great synergy and could possibly have more growth potential together. Or they could reach a whole new audience as a team then they could going at it alone.

Often when two people meet a whole new idea comes to life and they can start a new business together while still running their current business.

If this connection was ignored because they were not a potential client your new opportunities never would have formed.

5- Friendships

This is is the most important type of relationship someone can create at a networking event. Friends make life happier and more enjoyable. When people meet at an event, they already have similar interests and now can do these things together.

People will say they don’t need more friends, they are here to do business not make friends. It is a fact that friendships evolve, people evolve, so to achieve growth people can not remain stagnant.

There are four short questions that will prove why Friendship relationships are the most important relationship someone can make when networking:

When someone is asked for a referral, who do they refer them to? (A FRIEND)

When someone needs or wants a business partner, who do they go to first? (A FRIEND)

When someone needs knowledge, help, or assistance who is most likely to give it to them? (A FRIEND)

When someone is ready to buy something who do they buy from first? (A FRIEND)

If someone networks with the sole purpose of making friendships they will build a community so strong that all their referral partners, business partners, resource providers, and clients will be one message, one phone call, or one beer away.

Learn more about Modern Profits next networking party.

Family & Parenting Health & Medicine Lifestyle Living U.S

Dr. RJ Jackson reviews the difference between therapy and life coaching for teens and tweens.

Austin, Texas – September 15th, 2021 – Most parents, when they have a child that is going through something tough, whether they have been diagnosed with something, maybe they have been bullied, or maybe they see that their child has been a little depressed, immediately think of therapy.

Therapy has always been around. However, even though life coaching has been around for some time, is new in comparison and still unknown.

In fact, I am one of the few life coaches for teenagers in the entire country.

I want to share with you why life coaching may be the better first choice over therapy.

There is definitely a need for therapy, but what we found is that it only applies to around 3% of teenagers. So, only 3% of teenagers will need therapy. This is usually when they just lost one of their parents. That is tough, I don’t think life coaching is great for that and therapy would be a better route.

When someone suffers severe depression where they are hospitalized, I believe therapy and life coaching together work great for that.

But ultimately it’s really severe situations when there is mourning that typical therapy is needed.

What we find is since life coaching is not as known as therapy most parents choose therapy even though it may not be the best fit for their teen.

I know it’s my job to make life coaching more known, but in the meantime parents who only know therapy have a void for teenagers who are really not struggling to a degree severe enough for therapy.

Most parents say “my kid is fine, they have a few friends, I know that they could be a straight-A student but they are making B’s and C’s, there is really no big issue that I can send them to a therapist, but I know that they have more potential in them than what they are showing”.

This leaves a void for solving these issues and that is where life coaching comes in.

Life coaching helps those parents who know their teenager is not maximizing their full potential.

It also is the first step If your child is either depressed, anxious, or has been diagnosed with ADHD, Aspergers, or other diagnoses.

For this life-coaching is the preferred option.

Another difference between therapy and life coaching is the processes they use.

Therapy looks to diagnose a child. They want to put a label on a child. I don’t want people to think that therapy is bad. It’s not bad, that’s just the way the process works.

When someone goes to a therapist, they’re looking for a problem, they find the problem, they labeled that problem, and then they start to use strategies and tools to work through that.

The problem that I found over the many years I’ve been coaching, is that a lot of these problems continue to be problems. Many parents have experiences with a therapist working with their child for six or more years and the child still suffers.

Right away, parents notice life coaching is a completely different picture.

We don’t see problems.

When I meet with teens and tweens in my sessions I never say you all have this problem or that problem.

I don’t label them.

I do the opposite.

There are no problems.

I see the children or teenagers, for who they really are, a person who has an unbelievable amount of potential.

My objective is to get results, not a diagnosis.

It is my goal to help all teens, tweens, and parents achieve their greatest potential.

 Click here to learn more about teen and parent life coaching programs

Business Lifestyle Marketing & Sales Professional Services U.S

The Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Networking Revealed by Ross B. Williams of Modern Profits

Orlando, Florida—September 15th, 2021—Networking is a great way to meet new people, build relationships, and grow your business. However, networking can be tricky. Here are five mistakes that people make when networking. Learn how to avoid these common mistakes, and start building strong networks today.

Mistake #1: Not Having a List of Contacts

When you’re attending a networking event or party, it is very important to be prepared with a list of contacts. Using the internet and social media, you can actually put together a list of potential contacts you want to meet before attending the event. These are people you want to build relationships with. They could become future clients, people that could refer you to potential customers, or people that can offer goods, services, or knowledge to help your business grow.

I recommend making a list of ten people you want to me before going to an event. There are two very easy ways to do this. The first is to go to the event page and see who is attending, read their profile, and add them to your “Dream Business Connections” list. The second is to visit the event web page and see who the sponsors are, discover if any of the sponsors would be a good contact for you as a potential client, referral, or joint venture.

When you arrive at the event you now have a plan of who you want to meet. This will not only help you connect with people quickly it will have a ripple effect for you to meet everyone not on your list as well.

Mistake #2: Not Being Prepared

Too many times I see people coming to networking events and parties, and they are just not prepared. They miss out on opportunities to make contacts and connections for the future as well as growth for themselves and their company.

When you go to a networking party or event there are three key things you need to be prepared for success. First of all, how are people going to get in contact with you and follow up? This can be done through the use of business cards (traditional or old fashion), a digital card that you can text or tap to exchange info, or a QR code.

If you do forget your contact materials, another simple method, but often forgotten, is to just type the name, phone number, and emails into the contact section of your phone and add them to your contact list. I always recommend when doing this, to save the name of the event in their contact name and then send a short text to them, saying Great to meet you, with your first and last name afterward. That way, not only will they know it’s you. The next day, you can refer back to your text messages sent to remember who you met the night before. Otherwise, they will get lost in your sea of contacts.

Key number two, for being prepared is to look the part. You want to look polished, well dressed, and groomed. You do not want to come in sweaty after a workout or look like you just rolled out of bed. You want to come in dressed to impress as if you were going to meet the client of your dreams because you just might.

Key number three is all in the name. Take the stress off of people having to remember so many names or forgetting your name if they met you in the past. It’s simple, just wear a name tag. They are usually provided for free when checking in at a networking event. However, you can tell the pros when they have custom name tags already created.

Mistake #3: Talking Too Much

There is nothing more annoying than the person who talks too much. The person who doesn’t read the uncomfortable body language, the person who plows through a conversation as no one else exists. It is very important to not be that person!

Be the person who is listening and attentive. Have you ever heard that saying, the last person to speak wins? I want you to win.

People enjoy talking about themselves, which is why we fall into this trap very often, naturally. It is important to be conscious of this, take a step backward, and allow others to speak about themselves. While you listen, make eye contact, smile, and follow up on their stories with questions getting them to talk more.

If you can master this skill people will gravitate towards you, they will remember you, and they’ll want to build relationships, partnerships, and businesses with you.

Mistake #4: Talking Too Little

When at a networking event, you need to make an impact so people remember you. If you are the quiet person in the circle you may be forgotten. The people interacting are the ones who leave an impression.

I know this can get a little confusing because in mistake #3 I told you not to talk too much, here is the way around that. In order to speak without speaking too much, it is important to ask questions. This way you’re interactive, speaking, communicating, and people are excited and engaging with you. You become a leader heading conversation, yet allowing others to feel empowered.

By empowering others to tell their story and not speaking about yourself you become liked and trusted by others.

Mistake #5: Not Following Up

So many times people go out of their way getting dressed up, driving through rush hour traffic, spending money going to these networking parties, having cocktails and appetizers, and they go home with dozens of business cards yet do nothing with them. It’s just a waste.

If you’re gonna put the energy into it, follow up. The big growth happens after the event not during the event. The power is in the follow-up.

If you connected with people at the event on social media, shoot them a message say hey it was great meeting you. If you got their business card, drop them an email or maybe even make a phone call. Try to schedule a Zoom meeting where you guys can chat one on one, or meet in person for coffee or lunch.

A great reason to follow up a month later and build the strongest relationship is to invite them to go to the next networking event with you.

There is power in numbers!

The growth is in the follow-up.

Learn more about Modern Profits Next Networking event Here

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.S

Ross B. Williams to host Modern Profits Networking Party before major sales funnel marketing conference in Orlando.

Orlando FL- August 26th: Ross B. Williams Founder of Modern Profits announces Networking Event to prequel sales and marketing funnel conference in Orlando FL.

Ross is well known in the digital marketing industry for hosting top-notch events, from networking parties, masterminds, conference cruises, and even block parties. After having to cancel his monthly networking events last year, he is excited to bring back this event as a pre-networking party to his favorite conference FHL. Where in February 2020 he earned the Two-Comma club award for his party business. This award is given to marketers who do over one million dollars in sales through one funnel using Clickfunnels software.

Modern Profits Networking Party For Marketers is great for conference attendees to connect on a more intimate scale before entering a massive conference. When you arrive at a big conference and already have dozens of connections, new friends, and possibly even business deals it will make for a better overall experience.

In previous years Ross Williams and Stephanie Saenz hosted networking events before Grant Cardon’s 10x conference in Miami Florida and two more hosted in Nashville Tennesee before Clickfunnel’s, Funnel Hacking Live.

“These events create very strong long-lasting friendships. The kind of friendships that change your world. When people become friends first and do business second the power that can be accomplished is astronomical. It’s like rocket fuel and your business is a rocketship.” Ross told us.

Ross is excited to host this event in his hometown of Orlando Florida and is looking forward to having his local network as well as his national network come together and build new relationships.

The networking party will be held at The Dream Room about one mile from the Gaylord Palms resort in Kissimmee from 7:00 pm-12:00 am on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

Modern Profits will be offering a complimentary Party bus shuttle service from LimoVenture Orlando for attendees.

There will be a networking experience from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm and then transition into live entertainment from 9:00 pm – 12:00 am.

Live music will be performed by SWITCH an 80s and 90s Rock Tribute band. They will first perform Back To The Eighties: 80’s covering all the hits that made the 80’s great. Then they will SWITCH Into the 90s with all the music that made the 90s amazing.

Making connections before entering a massive conference can greatly change your conference experience.

Having the opportunity to network with attendees on a smaller scale will dramatically increase your chances of making true long-lasting relationships for both personal friendships and business ventures. 

The Modern Profits Party is great for entrepreneurs, digital marketers, coaches, and consultants.

You can learn more about this event at

Education Family & Parenting Lifestyle Living U.S

Dr. RJ shares three steps to ensure success for middle school and high school students in the 2021 school year.

Austin, Texas – August 17, 2021 – Back to school can be exciting but stressful for both parents and students. There are so many pressures teens and tweens face when starting a new year of middle school or high school.

They are worried about getting the grades they need to get into college, making new friends and finding their place, handling the load of new class schedules, teachers, and extracurriculars.

Dr. RJ has a simple 3-step formula to help parents, teens, and tweens overcome the stresses of a new school year and set them up for success in middle school and high school years.

When following these 3-Steps Teens and Tweens will have more focus, become more organized, have increased confidence, and become more motivated.

These skill sets lead them to get better grades, make more friends, handle the pressures of a new school year, not give in to peer pressure and become capable of handling the unknown.

Dr. RJ. is a certified Teen Life Coach in the United States and has been transforming the lives of teens, tweens, and their parents for many years. After working with thousands of teens he discovered that you can create success by simply directing teenager’s focus to the one thing that produces growth, excitement, and motivation, and that is goals.

When teens and tweens shift their focus from problems of the past to possibilities of the future, their mood changes, their attitude changes, their emotions change. They then have everything they need to be overcome the stresses of going back to school and gives them the skills they need to be successful.

However, Dr. RJ finds that teenagers rarely have real goals. What teenagers have are wants, desires, hopes, and dreams. But not goals. To be successful they have to shift their focus and turn those wants, desires, hopes, and dreams into actual goals, and here are the three steps to do that.

Goals have the following three components:

First, we have to set intentions. An intention is a direction you want to go. This could be related to academics, sports, extracurriculars, relationships, or anything else that is important to you or your teen. It is the ability to see a destination. To have a finish line in mind.

Second, we need an action plan. Once you have set your intention and you know what you want to achieve, then you need a plan to get there. With the road trip analogy, this is the time to map out which highways you will take. The action plan is your step-by-step instructions to get to your destination. If your wants, desires, hopes, and dreams do not have daily and weekly planned actions in place, then it is not a goal.

Third, you must set a time frame. This is simply how long will it take to get your want, experience your desire, turn your hope into a reality, or live your dream. How long will it take? Using the road trip analogy, your time frame would be how long will it take for you to reach your destination. I bet if you ask your child how long will it take for them to accomplish their “goal,” they would not be able to give you an accurate time frame.

As I was explaining what goals are, did you immediately started to think about the possibilities for yourself?

For a moment your worries and stresses disappeared. You experienced excitement knowing that there are some goals that you yourself want to pursue. This is exactly what will happen with your teen or tween when they start setting real goals for themselves.

As we begin this new school year it is important to overcome the stresses a new school year can bring to both parents and teens. This is the perfect time to help teens and tweens succeed not only in school but in life.

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Technology U.S

Haily AI grows as a viable business assistant solution. AI Exosphere gets NSF pitch approval for Project Hail, aka Haily AI.

Orlando, Florida—August 17, 2021—Today, AI Exosphere, a new startup, announced the pitch for Project Hail (aka Haily AI) was accepted for business innovation by America’s Seed Fund. 

America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF awards $200 million annually to startups and small businesses, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. Startups working across almost all areas of science and technology can receive up to $2 million to support research and development (R&D), helping de-risk technology for commercial success. 

America’s Seed Fund is congressionally mandated through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $8.5 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering.

AI Exosphere’s primary focus is on developing Haily AI, a voice chatbot business assistant, which will help increase inclusion, accessibility, and scalability to the online marketplace.

Haily AI built with GPT-J, the best-performing publicly available Transformer [language model] in terms of zero-shot performance on various [down-stream] tasks.

“It’s an honor to have our initial pitch accepted by the NSF. We will be working on the full proposal in the weeks ahead,” said Sal Peer, CEO of AI Exosphere.

With possible NSF resources, our goal is to broaden Haily’s scope to bridge the gap between technical and non-technically savvy business owners, entrepreneurs, and creators while supporting enterprise-level inbound call volume. 

AI Exosphere will evolve to many business use cases, while our Phase I goal is to ensure smooth voice operations.

About AI Exosphere

At AI Exosphere, our focus is on Project Hail (Haily AI), an AI voice business assistant who can take complex digital actions and act in a sales and customer support role.

Business Computers & Software Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Technology

AI business assistant set to disrupt customer service and sales automation from AI Exosphere with Project Hail (aka Haily AI)

Orlando, Florida—August 12, 2021—Today, AI Exosphere, a new startup, announced it has been working on Haily AI “skills” that can take complex digital action on behalf of its users.

AI Exosphere’s primary focus is on developing Haily AI, a voice chatbot business assistant, which will help increase inclusion, accessibility, and scalability to the online marketplace.

Haily AI will be the first business assistant that carries an organic conversational flow while executing digital actions seamlessly in the background for its operators.

AI Exosphere has secured GPU resources from Coreweave to handle the training and development of Haily AI business assistant. As a result, we feel confident in delivering the world’s first inclusive, fully scalable business AI assistant.

Haily AI built with GPT-J, the best-performing publicly available Transformer [language model] in terms of zero-shot performance on various [down-stream] tasks.

“We’re going to empower the entrepreneur and enable everyone to have truly equal opportunity and scalability.” – Sal Peer.

Our goal is to broaden Haily scope and bridge the gap between technical and non-technically savvy business owners, entrepreneurs, and creators while supporting enterprise-level inbound call volume. AI Exosphere will evolve to all business use cases, while our Phase I goal is to ensure smooth operations.

About AI Exosphere

At AI Exosphere, our focus is on Project Hail (Haily AI), an AI voice business assistant who can take complex digital actions and act in a sales and customer support role.

Learn more on our website.