Law & Legal Non Profit Professional Services Technology U.S

Legalese Decoder Launches Speed-Dial AI Lawyer (878) 64-LEGAL in US & Canada

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, a pioneering force in legal technology and a proud member of the American Bar Association, is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest innovation, Speed-Dial AI Lawyer. This service, now available in the US and Canada, aims to revolutionize how people access and understand legal information.

Introducing Speed-Dial AI Lawyer: Your 24/7 Legal Assistant

Speed-Dial AI Lawyer provides quick, straightforward explanations of legal jargon, helping users navigate a wide range of legal issues with ease. From deciphering contract clauses to understanding consumer rights, our AI-powered service is designed to be your go-to legal assistant, anytime, anywhere.

Key Features and Use Cases:

  • Contracts and Agreements: Simplify complex legal language in leases, service agreements, and other contracts.
  • Employment Law: Gain clarity on the terms and conditions of your employment contract.
  • Consumer Rights: Understand warranties, returns, and other consumer protection issues.
  • Traffic Violations: Learn about potential penalties and legal implications of traffic tickets.
  • Family Law: Receive basic knowledge on divorce, child custody, and alimony procedures.

Important Notice: For Entertainment Purposes Only

It is important to note that Speed-Dial AI Lawyer is currently offered for entertainment purposes only. Users should not consider the information provided as legal advice. Legalese Decoder cannot be held liable for any decisions made based on the use of Speed-Dial AI Lawyer. For serious legal matters, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified attorney.

Try Speed-Dial AI Lawyer Today

Experience the convenience and clarity of Speed-Dial AI Lawyer by calling (878) 645-3425 or (878) 64-LEGAL. This service is available 24/7, offering a glimpse into the future of legal assistance.

About Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is committed to making legal language accessible and understandable for everyone. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we strive to demystify legal jargon and empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Legalese Decoder is a proud member of the American Bar Association, reflecting our dedication to maintaining high standards of legal integrity and professionalism.

Law & Legal Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Social Media Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Platform to Simplify Legal Jargon and Publish Informative Articles

For Immediate Release

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder is excited to announce the launch of our innovative platform designed to unravel legal jargon and simplify complex legal terms. Our mission is to make legal language accessible to a broader audience by providing writers and agencies with a valuable opportunity to publish articles that demystify legal concepts.

How It Works:

  1. Submit Your Draft: Writers can easily upload their draft articles through our user-friendly form. Please ensure your submission adheres to our content and style guidelines.
  2. Prepay: Secure your publication slot with a nominal fee of $20 per article. This fee helps us maintain the high quality of our content and services.
  3. Approval Process: Our team will review your submission to ensure it meets our standards. Approved articles will be published within 2 business days.
  4. Reach Your Audience: Once published, your article will be accessible to our audience, providing valuable insights and information on legal terminology.

Why Choose Legalese Decoder:

  • Expertise: Our team specializes in simplifying complex legal language.
  • Accessibility: We make legal information understandable for everyone, catering to writers, agencies, and individuals seeking clarity on legal terms.
  • Quick Turnaround: With our streamlined process, your articles will be published within 2 business days, ensuring timely delivery to your audience.
  • Affordable Pricing: Our transparent pricing model of $20 per article makes it cost-effective for writers and agencies to publish content on our platform. Limit 1 link to your own site please.

Join us at Legalese Decoder and contribute to making legal information more accessible and understandable for all. Submit your draft today and connect with a wider audience through your insights and expertise. Please note that we strictly prohibit adult or gambling content to maintain the integrity of our platform.

For more information, please visit Legalese Decoder or contact us

Human Rights Law & Legal Professional Services Technology Telecom

Legalese Decoder Launches Free Beta of Speed Dial AI Lawyer

For Immediate Release

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, a leading innovator in legal technology, is excited to announce the launch of its latest feature, Speed Dial AI Lawyer, available now in a free beta version. This groundbreaking service aims to make legal information more accessible by providing quick, easy-to-understand insights on a wide range of legal issues.

Speed Dial AI Lawyer: Your 24/7 Legal Assistant

Speed Dial AI Lawyer is designed to assist users by breaking down complex legal jargon and offering clear, concise explanations. Whether you’re puzzled by a clause in your contract, curious about your consumer rights, or seeking clarity on employment law, our AI is here to help.

Key Use Cases:

  • Contracts and Agreements: Decode complex legal language in your lease, service agreements, and other contracts.
  • Employment Law: Understand the terms and conditions of your employment contract.
  • Consumer Rights: Get insights into warranties, returns, and other consumer protection issues.
  • Traffic Violations: Learn about potential penalties and legal implications of traffic tickets.
  • Family Law: Gain basic knowledge on divorce, child custody, and alimony procedures.

Important Notice: For Entertainment Purposes Only

Legalese Decoder emphasizes that Speed Dial AI Lawyer is currently for entertainment purposes only. Users should not consider the information provided as legal advice. Legalese Decoder cannot be held liable for any decisions made based on the use of Speed Dial AI Lawyer. For serious legal matters, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified attorney.

Try Speed Dial AI Lawyer Today

To experience the convenience and clarity of Speed Dial AI Lawyer, simply call +1 (470) 835 3425. This free beta service is available 24/7, offering a glimpse into the future of legal assistance.

About Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is dedicated to making legal language accessible and understandable for everyone. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we strive to demystify legal jargon and empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

#LegaleseDecoder #SpeedDialAILawyer #LegalTechnology #FreeBeta #LegalAssistance #AILegalAssistant #ContractDecoding #EmploymentLaw #ConsumerRights #TrafficViolations #FamilyLaw #LegalAdvice #EntertainmentPurposes #LegalInsights #LegalInformation #24/7LegalHelp #LegalInnovation #LegalLanguage #LegalJargon #LegalEmpowerment

Business Law & Legal Marketing & Sales Professional Services Services

Fortex Media and Jorge Miralrio: Leading the Way in Legal Aid for America’s Spanish Speakers

May 10th, 2024 – Bakersfield, California – At a time when trust and transparency are more valuable than ever, Fortex Media emerges as a vital resource for Spanish-speaking communities across the United States. Founded by Jorge Miralrio in 2019, Fortex Media specializes in connecting these communities with dedicated, capable attorneys, ensuring access to the justice system is both fair and equitable.

Empathy at the Core of Business

Fortex Media’s journey began from a deeply personal place. Jorge Miralrio, motivated by his parents’ struggles as immigrants to find reliable legal help, saw a pervasive issue within the Spanish-speaking community—vulnerability to scams due to language barriers. This realization ignited a passion in Jorge to create a company that not only provides marketing services but also plays a crucial role in fostering legal access. Fortex Media’s mission thus revolves around enhancing visibility for immigration attorneys who are committed to serving their local Hispanic communities and protecting them from exploitation.

A Tailored Marketing Approach

Utilizing advanced digital marketing strategies, Fortex Media targets Spanish-speaking individuals seeking legal advice, ensuring they receive this information in a language they understand. From immigration law to family and criminal law, they generate high-quality leads that are pre-screened and matched with the right legal experts. 

Success Stories and Strategic Growth

The success of Fortex Media is evident in their results—hundreds of leads generated for law firms at a cost-effective rate, with campaigns often yielding consultations for less than $5 per lead. Such efficiency not only empowers law firms but also builds trust within the community. By ensuring that attorneys connected through their service are well-equipped to handle the nuances of immigration and other legal challenges faced by Hispanics, Fortex Media is actively removing barriers to justice.

Driving Change, One Case at a Time

The influence of Fortex Media extends beyond the digital campaigns and lead statistics. It’s about the real-life impact they have—families staying together, individuals receiving protection under the law, and the wrongly accused clearing their names. It’s these stories that fuel Jorge and his team to keep pushing the boundaries of what a marketing firm can achieve in the legal sector.

As Fortex Media continues to grow, its commitment remains steadfast—to ensure that no Spanish speaker is left unrepresented or misunderstood in the legal system. With a blend of innovative marketing and a deep-seated drive to aid those in need, Jorge Miralrio and Fortex Media are not just advocating for change; they are orchestrating it.

Culture, Society & Lifestyle Human Rights Law & Legal Non Profit Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Grant Program to Help Non-Profits Overcome Legal Jargon Barriers


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, the innovative AI-powered platform that translates complex legal language into plain English, today announced the launch of a new grant program aimed at providing non-profit organizations and charities with free access to its top-tier Business plan, valued at $1,800 per year.

The grant program underscores Legalese Decoder’s commitment to making legal communication more accessible and inclusive across all sectors. By offering complimentary access to its powerful suite of features, the company aims to empower non-profits and charities with the tools they need to navigate legal complexities without incurring significant costs.

“Legal jargon has long been a barrier for many organizations, particularly those operating in the non-profit space with limited resources,” said William Theos, founder and CEO of Legalese Decoder. “We believe that clear and understandable legal communication should be a right, not a privilege. This grant program is our way of supporting the invaluable work of non-profits and charities by removing language obstacles that can impede their progress.”

The Legalese Decoder Business plan offers a comprehensive range of features designed to simplify and clarify legal terminology. With a 1,000,000-word decoding limit, the ability to process up to 2,000 pages, and a maximum capacity of 8,000,000 characters, the plan provides ample resources for non-profits to navigate even the most complex legal documents with ease.

Additionally, the Business plan includes access to a legal “non-advisor” feature that can answer questions related to legal terminology, as well as an advanced contract analyzer that assesses risks, fairness, and potential anomalies within contracts.

To be eligible for the grant, non-profit organizations and charities must meet certain criteria, including being legally registered for at least one year, having an active community or social initiative, and committing to providing usage feedback to Legalese Decoder.

“We understand that legal complexities can be a significant barrier for non-profits, often hindering their ability to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively,” added Theos. “By removing this obstacle, we hope to empower these organizations to focus on their core missions and drive positive change within their communities.”

Non-profit organizations and charities interested in applying for the Legalese Decoder grant program can visit for more information and to submit their applications.

About Legalese Decoder:

Legalese Decoder is an AI-powered platform that simplifies complex legal language, making it accessible to individuals and organizations across various industries. With cutting-edge natural language processing technology, Legalese Decoder translates legal jargon into plain English, empowering users to understand legal documents, contracts, and policies without the need for expensive legal consultations.

For more information, please visit

Human Rights Law & Legal Non Profit Public Affairs Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Donorbox Campaign to Champion Legal Empowerment for All


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, an initiative focused on simplifying legal terminology, is excited to announce the initiation of its Donorbox campaign, “Empower Justice: Gift the Power of Understanding with Legalese Decoder.” This fundraising effort aims to secure support for the expansion and continuity of making legal concepts easily accessible to a broad audience, regardless of their expertise or professional background.

In an era marked by the daunting complexity of legal matters, Legalese Decoder emerges as a vital tool for providing clarity and comprehension. The platform’s objective is to translate the dense and opaque language of the law into terms that are understandable and beneficial for the general public.

Despite considerable advancements, the goal of achieving widespread legal literacy remains a formidable challenge. Legalese Decoder has arrived at a critical juncture, necessitating an expansion of its operations and an increase in its outreach capabilities. The ambition to grow, however, surpasses the current resources available.

Support for Legalese Decoder signifies a commitment to bridging the gap for those on the periphery of legal understanding, where clarity can mean the difference between experiencing injustice and obtaining resolution. Contributions play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding this vital service, ensuring its availability and free access for those in greatest need.

Contributions will be instrumental in enhancing the platform’s reach and ensuring that legal complexities do not hinder justice and equity. Each donation, no matter its size, represents progress toward a society where legal literacy is a universally accessible right.

The campaign encourages collective action towards legal empowerment, aiming to dismantle barriers of confusion and misunderstanding. By equipping individuals with the necessary tools to confidently navigate the legal system, a future where the law is a pathway to fairness and equality is envisioned.

For further details and to contribute, interested parties are invited to visit the Legalese Decoder Donorbox campaign page.

About Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a pioneering platform committed to demystifying legal terminology for the layperson. With a focus on education and accessibility, it aims to make legal concepts clear and understandable for all, fostering an environment where the law acts as a conduit to fairness and equality rather than an impediment.

Donate Today – Empower Justice with Every Contribution

Business Companies Human Rights Law & Legal Marketing & Sales

Legalese Decoder Unveils Exclusive Affiliate Program for Legal Professionals


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, the pioneering legal technology platform renowned for demystifying complex legal jargon for the masses, is thrilled to announce the launch of its exclusive affiliate sales program. This innovative program is designed to empower legal professionals, law enthusiasts, and content creators by providing them with an opportunity to earn commissions while promoting Legalese Decoder’s esteemed services.

As a proud member of the American Bar Association and a frequent feature in numerous press appearances, Legalese Decoder has established itself as a trusted resource in the legal community. The platform’s commitment to making legal information accessible and understandable has resonated with users nationwide, garnering widespread acclaim and recognition.

A New Era of Legal Collaboration

The affiliate program signifies a new era of collaboration between Legalese Decoder and the legal community. Participants in the affiliate program will have access to a wide range of resources, including promotional materials, personalized affiliate links, and comprehensive support from the Legalese Decoder team. This initiative not only aims to enhance the visibility of Legalese Decoder’s services but also to provide a lucrative opportunity for affiliates to contribute to the demystification of legal language.

Empowering Legal Professionals and Enthusiasts

“We are excited to open the doors to our affiliate program, inviting legal professionals, bloggers, educators, and enthusiasts to join us in our mission to simplify the law,” said Theos, Founder of Legalese Decoder. “This program is more than just an opportunity to earn; it’s a chance to be at the forefront of legal innovation, ensuring that everyone has the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the law with confidence.”

Join the Revolution

Legalese Decoder invites interested parties to apply to the affiliate program, where they can look forward to competitive commission rates, early access to new features and resources, and the chance to be part of a growing community dedicated to legal education and accessibility.

For more information on how to become an affiliate and to sign up, please visit Legalese Decoder’s Affiliate Program page

About Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is an acclaimed legal technology platform that simplifies legal terminology and documents for non-lawyers and professionals alike. As a member of the American Bar Association and a recognized authority in legal tech innovation, Legalese Decoder is committed to making the law understandable and accessible to everyone. With a range of tools, resources, and services designed to demystify legal language, Legalese Decoder is the go-to resource for legal information and education.

Finance Law & Legal Living Real Estate U.S

The surge in demand for real estate investments in Israel by foreign residents

Masuari Dilan law firm responds to the surge in demand for real estate investments in Israel by foreign residents due to currency exchange differences

25.12.23 | Tel Aviv Israel

Masuari Dilan, a real estate law firm in Tel Aviv informs that following the recent developments in Gaza, the real estate market in Israel has witnessed the development of a rising wave following cases of anti-Semitism in many countries. At the same time, there is a significant increase in demand for real estate investments by foreign residents who want to take advantage of favorable exchange rates to purchase real estate in Israel.

Real estate values in Israel have shown significant and consistent increases in the last ten years and have probably been on the radar of many investors, including foreign residents. According to the Central Bureau of Statistics data, real estate assets in Israel consistently increase 7.5% per year on average.

Masuari Dylan, Managing Partner:

“A small and limited construction area, plus population growth of 1.6% per year, plus massive rising waves every decade, put the real estate market in Israel at an unprecedented rate of increase in property values compared to other countries”

Israel has known 6 wars since its establishment in 1948. The latest crisis in Gaza brought Israel into another campaign which caused the currency rates to drop. In addition, there have recently been many reports of an anti-Semitic outbreak in many countries which is leading Jewish families to seek refuge in Israel.

Nimble investors are taking advantage of the current momentum and recently there has been a sharp increase in interest in purchasing real estate by non-residents. In response to this trend, Masuari Law Firm, which specializes in accompanying real estate transactions and foreign investors, is ready to provide guidance and expert guidance for navigating this dynamic market.


The ongoing political crisis in Gaza has caused a significant increase in the number of people seeking refuge in Israel, which has caused a corresponding increase in the demand for real estate investments. Following damage to currency rates, foreign residents are increasingly turning to the Israeli market to purchase properties, and are looking for opportunities within the evolving geopolitical landscape.

Shlomi Harazi, real estate lawyer:

“Demand from foreign residents interested in investing in Israeli real estate has seen an extraordinary increase. This presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The team at the office is trying to catch up with the interest, and recently several in-depth articles were uploaded to the website to simplify the process for them and guide customers through this complex and developing market.”

The source of the article: Click Here

About Masuari law firm:

Masuari Dilan law firm is a firm deeply rooted in the Israeli real estate landscape. Among other things, the firm offers comprehensive services to accompany transactions for non-residents. With a team of seasoned professionals, the firm has established a reputation for excellence, which ensures that clients receive advice and support from the leading experts in Israel.

Contact Information:

Masuari Dilan real estate law firm

Address: Hanatziv 39, Tel Aviv

Phone: 079-574-0020



Press inquiries:

For more information or press requests, please contact Eyal Cohen at

Note to editors: Please consider this press release for publication, and refer to the contact information provided for additional details or to schedule interviews with key stakeholders.

Business Law & Legal Professional Services Technology U.S

Legalese Decoder Joins Forces with American Bar Association to Enhance Legal Understanding


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, a leading provider of legal education and language translation services, proudly announces its membership with the American Bar Association (ABA). This strategic partnership aims to bolster legal literacy and accessibility for individuals and businesses navigating the complexities of law.

As a member of the American Bar Association, Legalese Decoder reinforces its commitment to promoting legal comprehension and fostering inclusivity within the legal sphere. By aligning with the ABA, Legalese Decoder gains valuable resources, networking opportunities, and insights to further advance its mission of bridging the gap between legal jargon and everyday language.

“Our collaboration with the American Bar Association marks a significant milestone in our journey to democratize legal understanding,” said William Theos, Founder at Legalese Decoder. “By leveraging the ABA’s extensive expertise and community, we aim to empower individuals and businesses with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate legal matters confidently.”

Through its innovative platform, Legalese Decoder provides users with accessible explanations of legal terms, contracts, and documents. By simplifying legalese into plain language, the company facilitates clearer communication and informed decision-making across diverse audiences.

For more information about Legalese Decoder and its services, visit

About Legalese Decoder:

Legalese Decoder is a leading provider of legal education and language translation services. Through its innovative platform, Legalese Decoder simplifies complex legal terms and documents into plain language, empowering individuals and businesses to understand legal matters with confidence.

About the American Bar Association:

The American Bar Association is one of the world’s largest voluntary professional organizations, with nearly 400,000 members and more than 3,500 entities. It is committed to serving its members, improving the legal profession, eliminating bias, and enhancing diversity and inclusion.

Business Europe Law & Legal Professional Services U.S

Introducing Legalese Decoder’s Groundbreaking Innovation AI Lawyer: Legal Assistance for Small and Medium Businesses


Vancouver, Canada — Legalese Decoder, a pioneering force in legal technology, is thrilled to announce the launch of its revolutionary “AI Lawyer” platform. Designed to cater specifically to the needs of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs), AI Lawyer leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence to provide expert legal answers and document review capabilities.

AI Lawyer is set to transform the way SMBs navigate legal complexities, offering a powerful tool that can decipher legalese, answer queries, and review documents seamlessly. This innovative platform is equipped to analyze text and scans, providing accurate and rapid responses to legal inquiries.

Key Features of AI Lawyer:

  1. AI Lawyer harnesses the power of advanced algorithms to interpret and provide precise answers to legal questions commonly faced by SMBs.
  2. Document Review Made Easy: With the ability to review both text and scanned documents, AI Lawyer ensures that SMBs can confidently navigate contracts, agreements, and other legal documents with increased efficiency.
  3. Time and Cost Efficiency: AI Lawyer empowers SMBs to obtain quick and reliable legal insights, saving both time and resources.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Legalese Decoder understands the importance of simplicity. AI Lawyer boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of legal expertise.
  5. Secure and Confidential: Legalese Decoder prioritizes the security and confidentiality of user data. AI Lawyer employs robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information.


Legalese Decoder’s CEO, William Tsui, expressed excitement about the launch, stating, “AI Lawyer represents a significant leap forward in making legal assistance accessible to small and medium businesses. We believe that every business, regardless of size, deserves access to reliable legal support, and AI Lawyer is our commitment to making that a reality.”

The launch of AI Lawyer aligns with Legalese Decoder’s mission to democratize legal services and empower SMBs to navigate the legal landscape confidently. As businesses face an ever-evolving legal environment, AI Lawyer stands as a game-changer, and efficient solution.

About Legalese Decoder:

Legalese Decoder is at the forefront of legal technology, committed to simplifying legal processes for businesses. With a focus on innovation and accessibility, Legalese Decoder’s solutions empower businesses to navigate legal challenges with confidence.