Technology U.K Website & Blog

Geeky Tech, an SEO Agency for Tech Companies, Recently Made a Case for Going Niche

Leading SEO agency for tech companies, Geeky Tech, has decided to work exclusively with tech companies. 

The business started out as a marketing agency for all. However, over the years, the decision to focus on a single industry has led to faster results for its customers.

By focusing on B2B technology clients, the agency has honed its craft and has acquired specialised industry knowledge that has translated to better outcomes for clients, the agency says.

Currently, its client list includes IT security experts, SaaS providers, MedTech companies, and software developers, among others. 

The Geeky Tech team is composed of self-professed “Geeks” who “speak tech”, the business elaborates. That has been the leading reason why the agency decided to focus on the software and technology sector.

This knowledge of all things tech is also useful when it comes to client content as well as communication, the agency claims. The team is able to speak to clients in their “language”, which also makes it easier and quicker to understand exactly what the client offers. 

Simultaneously, because clients are comfortable with technology, the agency also finds it easier to explain the technical side of SEO to them. This, according to the agency, leads to better collaboration, where Geeky Tech becomes a partner rather than a service provider.

The business is quite well-versed in the SEO requirements for B2B businesses. 

A B2B business is very different from a B2C company, the agency explains. B2C customers interact with websites differently and have a relatively shorter buying cycle. A marketing agency that works with B2B clients should be aware of this difference as this affects their marketing strategy. 

Similarly, software and technology companies within the B2B group have specialised needs as well. A strategy that works well for another sector might not work well for them, the agency states.

Since SEO is a part of any B2B digital marketing strategy, that aspect also needs to be customised to the client’s needs.

SEO, says the agency, requires competing with millions of pages for ranking. B2B clients not only have to compete against existing businesses but also any that are yet to be created. 

As a result, simply getting to the first page of Google is not enough, explains the agency. The SEO strategy needs to evolve and keep up with the current best practices.

Focusing on the B2B software and technology niche allows Geeky Tech to have a better understanding of how to plan an SEO strategy for B2B technology clients, keeping them ranking well.

Geeky Tech is a digital marketing agency that helps B2B technology companies get seen by their customers. The agency offers organic SEO and paid advertising services to clients. For more information on the business, team, and services offered, please visit

Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Luminos Software to Offer App Development Services to Start-Up Companies

Leading app development company, Luminos Software, now offers app development to start-ups. 

The business is known for building digital products on fully flexible terms for its clients. Now, it offers a complete lifecycle app development service to visionaries who have a new idea and want to take it to market.

The services include helping clients develop their concept, designing the user journey and experience, building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and scaling up with an off-shore development team, the business claims.

Luminos Software explains that it only hires experienced teams and talent. That is the reason why it can offer clients any tech stack they require. As such, the company offers expertise in Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, Node.js, React, React Native, Ember, and Flutter.

The company also promises unlimited scalability, which allows clients to rest assured that as their user base grows, their app will be able to handle the load.

Scalability can be very important, the business explains, as start-ups should ideally launch an MVP before they bring out the full-scale product.

That, the business claims, is its main focus for start-up clients.

An MVP is an app that has the minimum feature set required to make it viable, the company explains. Since it doesn’t have non-essential features, it’s quick and affordable to build, which allows enterprises to quickly get their apps out onto the market.

Since the MVP encapsulates the business’ core idea, it helps them identify any issues with their product and get feedback from real users. Luminos points out that it also allows them to determine if the idea is viable or not.

In short, an MVP can help clients manage their funding and budget better. By releasing a stripped-down version of their product, a company can release a low-cost version, which can be used both for marketing the product to both users and potential investors.

The funding from this version can then be used to fund further iterations of the product. In each iteration, more features can be added based on the product roadmap and the feedback received from users.

Luminos also emphasises that since an MVP is a minimalist product, clients often need help in identifying the essential feature set they would need in the first draft. They would also need to prioritise the remaining features and decide when to add them.

The Product Consulting service is designed to help in such situations, the company claims. Using its expertise and experience, Luminos provides clients with a roadmap that will maximise their investment and help them get the most out of their idea.

Luminos Software allows businesses to develop smart solutions. The company offers complete lifecycle app development, starting from developing the concept to scaling up. To learn more about what the business offers, please visit 

Automotive Lifestyle Professional Services Science Technology

ForA.Chat Launches Online Troubleshooting Mechanic Chatbot to Revolutionize the Auto Repair Industry

Vancouver, Canada – ForA.Chat is proud to announce the launch of their online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot, available at This new and innovative technology provides car owners with a fast, convenient, and expert solution for diagnosing and resolving common car problems.

With the increasing demand for quick and efficient auto repair services, ForA.Chat has developed an AI-powered chatbot that utilizes advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand and interpret car problems and provide expert advice and recommendations. The chatbot is available 24/7, allowing car owners to get the help they need whenever they need it, without the need for a physical appointment.

“We’re thrilled to launch this cutting-edge technology that will revolutionize the auto repair industry,”. “Our online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot provides car owners with a fast, convenient, and expert solution for diagnosing and resolving common car problems. It’s an exciting time for ForA.Chat, and we’re proud to be at the forefront of this industry shift.”

The online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot is incredibly easy to use. Car owners simply launch the chatbot, describe their issue, and receive a response within minutes. The chatbot also offers a range of other useful features, such as the ability to schedule appointments, view service history, and receive reminders for important maintenance tasks. With ForA.Chat’s chatbot, car owners can manage all aspects of their vehicle’s health and well-being from the comfort of their own home.

“We’re committed to making car maintenance and repair as easy and convenient as possible,”. “Our chatbot is designed to provide an unparalleled level of convenience and support, and we’re confident that it will become a valuable tool for car owners everywhere.”

In conclusion, ForA.Chat’s online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot is the perfect solution for car owners who want quick and efficient assistance with their vehicles. With its advanced natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, 24/7 availability, and easy-to-use interface, ForA.Chat’s chatbot provides an unparalleled level of convenience and support.

To learn more about ForA.Chat’s online troubleshooting mechanic chatbot and start getting expert assistance for your car problems, visit today.

About ForA.Chat:

ForA.Chat is a leading provider of innovative technology solutions. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and a passion for innovation, ForA.Chat is dedicated to making car maintenance and repair as easy and convenient as possible.

Automotive Living Technology U.K U.S

Parking Management Software Market Size Forecast to Reach a Revenue of $8.60B in 2030

Having innovative technologies such as payment digitalisation, enforcement processes, access control, and reporting at the core, parking management software is fast gaining currency among local authorities and private parking companies.

Global smart parking management market size was valued at $4.38B in 2022. It is forecasted to hit a staggering $8.60B, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.50% between 2022 and 2030, according to an article by Market Research Future (MRFR) published in Digital Journal.

What is a parking management system?

A parking management solution helps optimise parking spaces, better manage the influx of vehicles, and ensure the safety of both people and vehicles.  

It aids in managing vehicles efficiently by offering full control of the entire lifecycle of parking enforcement information—from issue to recovery and the stages in between.

Driving forces behind the increasing demand for parking management software

The parking management market is gaining traction as more and more companies look to optimise their parking spaces. 

In addition, the rising number of vehicles, growing global demand for smooth traffic flow, and rapid development of smart cities are the pivotal factors promoting the adoption of automated parking management solutions, particularly across some regions of the world.

According to MRFR, due to developers creating additional spaces instead of not making the most of the existing ones, many parking slots remain unutilised.

The solution: leveraging state-of-the-art parking management software.

By notifying keepers of empty parking spaces, a class-leading parking management system with improved signage and real-time parking indicators helps minimise parking space waste. The result: fortified customer experience and a substantial saving on time and fuel.

On top of that, a high-end parking management system helps differentiate between under-pricing and overpricing parking spaces, enabling improved revenue management that leads to effective resource utilisation.

An integrated, cost-effective parking management solution can often address parking requirements by 20-40%, offering many social, economic, and environmental benefits.. 

How the Covid-19 pandemic affected the global parking management software market

Along with vehicle manufacturing activities, parking management software production remained halted in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Many countries enforced stringent regulations declaring lockdowns and discouraged crowding on public vehicles and in transport stations. With declining need for parking management, the growth of the parking management software market witnessed a modest decrease for a short period. 

However, with more and more countries now easing travel and quarantine restrictions, the need for parking management is getting a substantial push. As a consequence, the demand for end-to-end cloud-based parking management software, such as ZatPark, is expected to increase.

North America to reign the global market

Accounting for more than 35% of the market share, North America reigned in the parking management software market last year. 

Countries with robust economies, such as the US and Canada, are the leaders in driving the growth of the parking management system industry across the region.

That said, with the demand for parking management systems on the rise, it’s critical for businesses to ensure enhanced user experience while also saving time and money. A high-end parking management system helps streamline enforcement and management for private enforcement companies and local authorities. 

Computers & Software Society & Culture Technology U.K

How Ava Is Encouraging Young Girls into STEM Studies

We’ve not even completed the first month of the year 2023 and we’ve been hit by tech companies laying off employees by the thousands. In the first three weeks of January, there have been 56,500 people laid off.

And, the news trickling in is that it is women and people of colour who are most affected.

This has come in spite of efforts to encourage more women to enter the world of technology. It might come as a surprise but apparently, we don’t have enough women in tech! (That was sarcasm. It’s not news at all. It’s been a fact for a while now.)

As a result, there have been several efforts to encourage more women to take on tech roles and get promoted.

Tech She Can: Encouraging Women in STEM Studies

According to a report by McKinsey, most women tend to drop out of STEM studies either during the transition from primary and secondary to university or in the transition from university to the workforce.

Therefore, most efforts focus on encouraging girls in school to take up STEM. One such effort is by a charity called Tech She Can. Among the many resources it offers, there’s one called Animated Lessons

These short animations discuss various technology topics and how they play a role in our lives. They encourage primary school students to think and talk about these subjects.

Some of the stories in these lessons include talking about cashless payment, drones, robotics and AI, and virtual reality.

Whilst the effort is commendable in itself, the charity recently came into the news for the latest video in the series. 

The earlier videos featured Katie (a young research scientist) and Tex (a robotic dog created by Katie). The latest video—which talks about the cloud and how it is useful for storing and accessing information— introduces a new character, Ava (Katie’s research assistant), who was the focus of this ITV News article.

Ava, the character, is being “played” (voiceover and character inspiration) by 10-year-old Ava Roberts. This young lady is a resident of Salford and has Cerebral Palsy. 

Ava was reported to have been delighted to be able to choose the name and what the character would look like.

How Ava Made Ava Come to Life

Hannah Collins is the animation and post-production producer at Bold Content—the company that created the animation—and the creator of the character. 

Ms Collins says she worked closely with Ava and her mother, Lyndsey Bennett, to ensure the character was as close to her namesake as possible. 

Making the character as similar to Ava as possible included incorporating her mannerisms, and the way she moves and speaks in the animated Ava. That included the nose tube that the girl wears, but only after it was established that she was happy for the character to be shown with it.

The idea was to ensure that Ava was completely happy with the character. And, according to the article, she was!

She is quoted as saying, “I helped choose her outfit and got to pick my favourite one the animators sent over.

“We had a showing in my class with popcorn and drinks. I loved it!”

Now, if you thought this heartwarming tale ends here, you’d be wrong.

The character design and animation were just the first part of the process. The next step was recording the voiceover. The script—written by Tech She Can and Bold Content—had to be recorded.

So, they asked The University of Salford if they could use its available recording studio. Not only did the University acquiesce but it also offered the facility free of charge.

It seems like everyone involved in this project wanted to do their part to encourage girls in STEM studies. Including Ava. Who says she wants to be a teacher and “use tech to support pupils like me.”

If that doesn’t inspire you, what will?

(The video might. You can watch it here: The Cloud)

Computers & Software

Hybrid Cloud to Navigate Challenges to Success

Cloud-based deployments are fast gaining currency, with more future-focused businesses looking to drive business efficiency.

Case in point: End-user investment in the public cloud is forecasted to rise 20.7% to a total of USD 591.8 billion in 2023—up from USD 490.3 billion in 2022, according to a report published by Gartner, Inc.

However, mission-critical workloads and IT systems still need to be deployed in on-prem data centres due to key considerations such as privacy, security, and meeting regulatory mandates. The result: enterprises are fast transitioning to hybrid cloud infrastructure. Improved flexibility, cost-savings, better storage capacity, and efficient processing are the key factors contributing to the rapid increase in hybrid cloud adoption.

With a hybrid cloud strategy in alignment with their multi-cloud deployments, enterprises can rely on their on-prem infrastructure for mission-critical systems while also making the most of the public cloud environment, according to a recent Forbes article. 

Over 92% of enterprises today have a multi-cloud strategy in action or underway, and around 82% of big organisations have already implemented a hybrid cloud infrastructure. 

But why is hybrid cloud deployment gaining momentum today?

Let’s go through how hybrid cloud environments benefit businesses:

Flexibility with hybrid cloud

With a hybrid cloud approach, enterprises can leverage the public cloud to scale up or down their resource usage in response to their changing business requirements.

It means that instead of restricting users within the capacity of their in-house data centres, a hybrid cloud infrastructure helps optimise data workloads while also offering data management flexibility. Thus, enterprises can efficiently attain measurable cost structures with improved flexibility.

Improved flexibility with hybrid cloud environments helps gain a competitive edge as today’s complex macroeconomic conditions continue to challenge businesses worldwide.

Helps address data storage complexities

A hybrid cloud infrastructure facilitates decision-making by providing businesses with a more flexible data storage framework.

The practice of storing enterprise data in individual repositories unique for each data centre makes the data storage process extremely fragmented and intricate. 

The result: inefficient data operations leading to bottlenecks.

In an effort to aggregate and update both structured and unstructured data in a single repository, enterprises are fast adopting the data lakehouse across their hybrid cloud architecture. 

It’s a highly secure system that offers prompt access to data and essential analytics tools, merging the advantages of data lakes and data warehouses.

In short, this hybrid approach to data storage streamlines data access and administration to help enterprises get an in-depth insight into their mission-critical data.

Another critical feature of the hybrid data strategy is its flexible resource pooling. By pooling data together—regardless of where its physical location—hybrid cloud environments help break down data silos and ensure unified data management. Enhanced data management is a huge boon for organisations looking to modernise their operations.

Delivers faster business outcomes

Hybrid cloud allows enterprises to assert better control over their business-critical data and secure their systems from potential data exposure. 

Even better, they can decide where to house their critical business data and workloads based on security, policy, and compliance needs.

In addition, with a hybrid cloud, an enterprise can efficiently optimise and balance its on-prem and public cloud resources. No dependency on a single cloud service provider means no vendor lock-in. 

By enabling businesses to leverage and switch between public, on-prem, and private cloud environments, hybrid cloud infrastructure helps drive agility that, in turn, delivers faster business outcomes.

Importance of hybrid cloud management

The ever-evolving user behaviour, pandemic-induced implications, and extreme business competition have brought hybrid and multi-cloud environments into the mainstream.

However, the biggest challenge is to ensure efficient monitoring, maintenance, and management of the hybrid environments across multiple platforms. 

But what’s the solution?

Leveraging high-end cloud operations and data management services that can proactively manage hybrid and multi-cloud environments across public and private clouds.

Heavily relying on analytics, such a service can address both orchestrated and non-orchestrated IT resources with different layers of cloud operation management. 

It provides a single pane of glass for hybrid cloud management, ensuring enhanced visibility and control while dodging unnecessary cloud sprawl. 

The result: a highly automated and self-service-driven hybrid cloud infrastructure that can dynamically scale operations.

Tilt the game in your favour and turbo-charge your competitive edge with a hybrid cloud operations platform. 

Personal Finance Real Estate Stock Market News U.K

UK House Prices Will Continue to Plunge in 2023

The real estate market in the UK started on a high last year, continuing a period of fast expansion that began early in the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to low-interest, “race for space” rates and stamp duty land tax cuts throughout lockdowns. 

But the mood changed drastically in the second half of 2022, making buyers reevaluate their moving plans. 

What a difference a year has made! 

According to a report published in City Monitor, UK house prices are forecasted to continue plunging this year after a record-high fall of 2.3% in November 2022. Analysts unanimously agreed that 2023 is set to face the biggest slump in property prices since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. 

“Although a housing market downturn was widely expected by economists (including us), the monthly drop in the December survey far exceeds our and consensus’ expectation,” said Kallum Pickering, the chief UK economist at Berenberg.

Reasons behind the recent drop in house price in the UK

The increasing cost of living and the rising inflation rate looming over the UK are two key factors contributing to the rapid cooling in buyer demand and sales activities.

City Monitor marks the recent hike in mortgage rates as another leading player that caused sales to slip to a 12-year low.

The result: the UK property market is anticipated to fall staggeringly in 2023.

Research is frequently being conducted on the extent and impact of this decline in house prices. Case in point: The Nationwide Building Society projects a 5% fall in price that can be as high as 30% in the worst case scenario. Oxford Economics and Capital Economics forecast this drop to be around 12%. On the other hand, Halifax predicts a decline of 8% in house prices in 2023. 

Impact of drop in house price in the UK

The recent decline in house prices will affect people planning to relocate. The reason: sellers may not put their properties on to the market for sale, finding it less profitable.

In addition, if the current hike in interest rate shows no signs of dropping, a huge percentage of people will have to shift from fixed-rate mortgages to new higher rates. More and more property owners will end up selling their houses if they fail to afford the inflated mortgage rates.

That said, the current housing market downturn has benefits and drawbacks as well. While first-time buyers will find and purchase property at a more reasonable price, homeowners will face substantial losses or even negative equity while selling their properties.

The role of high interest rate in the house price drop

In an effort to check the current inflation, the Bank of England increased the UK base rate by 0.5 percentage points to 3.5% in December 2022—the highest in the past 14 years.

However, an increase in the interest rate doesn’t necessarily result in decreased house prices. But if the rate stays high for a long time, it can make property prices fall sharply. 

The reason: persistently high interest rate makes people less interested in borrowing which negatively impacts the property market. 

London’s luxury houses are defying UK’s home sales slowdown

Even though the UK’s property market is witnessing abrupt changes this year, it’s still not playing out in London’s luxury property market.

“In 2022, sales of £5 million plus homes, which account for just 8 percent of the prime London housing market, were 63 percent higher than their pre-pandemic average,” said Anthony Payne, managing director at LonRes. “It’s not surprising, therefore, that it tempted would-be sellers to put their homes onto the market.”

With London’s expensive and luxury homes defying the current slowdown in the UK’s property market, real estate agents are expecting a ‘burst of activity’ this year in London.

In addition, the weakness in the pound against the dollar is luring more international customers to London’s luxury properties.

For example, being superbly connected to Central London, Blackfriars and Marylebone have become two of the most sought-after places to settle down. 

In such a case, a high-end luxury real estate company can help buyers, sellers, tenants, and landlords make the most profitable deal. 

A top-tier real estate agent has extensive market knowledge, professional networks, and excellent negotiating skills. They can efficiently find the property worth selling, purchasing, or even renting for their potential clients. For example, while a real estate agent ensures efficient property valuation on behalf of a seller, they help buyers figure out the best-asking price. 

Regardless of the transaction taking place, a high-end real estate service always considers their clients’ interest and offers the best services, locations and connections when it comes to selling luxury properties in the neighbourhood areas of London.

Wrapping up

The hike in mortgage and interest rates had a knock-on effect on home sales and demand. Even worse, the UK base rate is projected to increase further and peak at 4.25% as the BoE looks to bring back down inflation. It will be the tenth time in a row for the bank to hike the interest rate since December 2022. However, as part of an effort to repair the damage, lenders have started lowering the mortgage rate even though the base rate is going up.

Home & Garden Professional Services Real Estate U.K World

Accouter Announces Residential Interior Design Services in Dubai

Leading luxury interior design studio, Accouter, has brought its bespoke residential interior design services to clients in Dubai.

“Accouter strives to achieve the impossible, to exceed the expectations of luxury design for all those who appreciate it,” explains a spokesperson from Accouter. “We sit aside those who have created a benchmark for luxury living, including trendsetters, tastemakers, and industry leaders.”

Renowned in the luxury interior design industry for offering second-to-none design services, Accouter is committed to helping its clients bring their dream homes to life.

Accouter is a team of hand-picked interior designers, architects, and artisans who take pride in ensuring each project they take on is personable and seamless.

As part of its effort to set a higher standard in the world of interior design, the experts at Accouter are always on hand to turn exclusive spaces into exquisite residences.

Accouter’s residential interior design service in Dubai is a five-stage process that includes a) concept creation, b) interior architecture, c) interior design, d) art acquisition, and e) project management.

The experts at the studio start each project with a conversation with the client to ensure the final outcome closely meets their expectations. 

When it comes to interior architecture, the expert architects at Accouter ensure no constraints can hold their customers back. Through creative exploration, the designers can artistically manipulate an existing residence and turn it into a bespoke and timeless environment. 

Accouter’s team of global designers is always on-hand to find the right pieces for a client’s space that can uphold the uniqueness of their luxury lifestyles. 

Collaborating with its network of global artisans, the experts at Accouter curate a client’s residential space carefully to ensure their functional and stylistic needs are best met.

In addition, by working closely with international galleries, the studio’s team of art connoisseurs procures the most suitable art pieces for a client’s Dubai residence. On top of that, they offer expert recommendations on major art commissions and investments. 

Taking a fully customisable and holistic approach to project management, this multi-award-winning interior design studio allows customers to focus on the things that matter the most.

As a member of Walpole and part of the Accouter Group of Companies (ACG) designs collective, Accouter is committed to creating bespoke interiors and FF&E with sustained excellence. 

The company aims to help the British luxury industry lower its carbon footprint for a more sustainable future.

Founded in 2012, Accouter is a British Institute of Interior Design (BIID) registered interior design company and closely follows the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) stages of practice.

Interested parties can learn more about Accouter’s luxury residential interior design in Dubai by visiting

Computers & Software Technology U.K

DigitalXRAID Highlights the Benefits of a Virtual SOC in Recent Article

Leading cyber security solutions provider, DigitalXRAID, recently released an article discussing the benefits of a Virtual Security Operations Centre (vSOC). In this article, the CREST-accredited cyber security expert discusses how a vSOC can help businesses protect themselves against cyber threats.

A Security Operations Centre (SOC) is used to “collect and collate data from across the organisation” and the information collected is used for detecting, analysing, and responding to cyberattacks and threats.

Since this is a highly technical department, building an in-house SOC is not viable for most businesses. It requires specialised tooling, technology, and security professionals, which can be expensive.

Also, in the case of specialised cybersecurity professionals, a lack of talent in this sector has led to a worldwide crisis.

These are the reasons why businesses are turning to managed SOC providers of vSOC.

However, the vSOC model can have two different meanings, which can cause confusion. The first meaning is a SOC that’s hosted in a cloud without a physical location. The second is when the service is outsourced, which has been referred to as SOC-as-a-service, but which is now also known as vSOC. 

As the name suggests, an outsourced vSOC is run entirely by a managed security service provider. However, the service acts like an extension of the client’s in-house IT team.

With an outsourced SOC, clients can take advantage of the sophisticated tooling and technology that they might not be able to afford themselves.

In short, this service provides businesses with the latest technology and talent for “24/7/365 monitoring of all network infrastructure, systems, and applications.”

DigitalXRAID then goes on to talk about the benefits offered by vSOCs. The first is that the responsibility for providing cyber security expertise falls to the experienced service provider—a significant advantage considering the lack of available cyber security talent.

The second benefit is continuous monitoring. According to the cyber security expert, cyber-attacks are a matter of “when” rather than “if” for businesses. 

For a business with no in-house SOC function, fighting back against ransomware and other attack vectors is challenging. 

The proactive protection provided by 24/7 monitoring can be especially helpful, considering more and more attacks are happening outside of working hours.

Since a SOC assures real-time breach detection, clients can expect a quicker response which enables better data protection.

At the same time, the in-house IT team can focus on tasks that help the business grow.

In addition to continuous monitoring and threat detection, a vSOC also provides the following services:

  • Proactive threat protection and incident response
  • Deep analysis of security log data
  • Identification and mitigation of the root cause of security breaches
  • Security policy and procedure implementation

DigitalXRAID provides comprehensive cyber security services, including penetration testing, cyber awareness training, and ISO 27001 certification. To learn more about its services, please visit 

Australia Business Food & Beverage Hospitality

NitrousWhip customers make the switch to larger cream charger tanks for maximum convenience

NitrousWhip, a leading provider of high-quality cream chargers, announces a remarkable shift in customer preference towards larger cream charger tanks. Customers are making the switch in search of greater convenience, performance and economy.

Cream charger tanks come in three basic sizes, 0.95 liters, 2.2 liters and 3.3 liters with the 0.95 liter tanks being the most popular amongst customers. The Nitrous oxide tanks can be connected to a whipped cream dispenser via a regulator that ensures the gas pressure is suitable for the whipped cream dispenser. Each cream charger tank comes with a plastic screw in nozzle that can be used to discharge any remaining gas in a controlled manner prior to disposal. The cream charger tanks are made of steel and once empty of gas can be put directly into recycling a bin.

The switch from small bulbs to a large cream charger tank has been driven by several factors. For starters, larger tanks hold more whipping cream gas (nitrous oxide), reducing the need to frequent change bubls. This leads to a more convenient and efficient whipping experience for customers, saving them time and effort in the kitchen. Additionally, larger tanks are more economical, reducing the number of cartridges needed, which ultimately reduces costs.

However, larger cream charger tanks can be bulkier than smaller bulbs, which could be a challenge for some customers. Additionally, the individual tanks are typically more expensive, due to their bulk nature, than the small bulbs, which could be a hindrance for some customers who are on a tight budget.

Despite these drawbacks, the benefits of larger cream charger tanks are clear. When using the power of nitrous oxide, the results are nothing short of amazing. Nitrous oxide is a non-toxic and food-safe gas that is commonly used to whip cream. It provides a consistent and stable supply of gas, resulting in fluffy and stable whipped cream that lasts longer than other methods.

“We are thrilled to see that our customers are making the switch to larger cream charger tanks, they are also becoming popular with various nangs delivery companies such as Nangsta Nangs Delivery” said NitrousWhip’s Marketing Manager James Peterson. “These tanks offer the perfect combination of quality, performance, and convenience, and we are proud to be leading the way in meeting customer demand. We are committed to providing the best products and services to our customers, and will continue to expand our range to meet their needs.”

About NitrousWhip:

NitrousWhip is a leading provider of high-quality whipped cream chargers and whipped cream dispensers, offering a comprehensive selection of products and services to meet the needs of its customers. The company is committed to quality, performance, and reliability, and is known for its commitment to customer satisfaction.

For more information about NitrousWhip and its range of larger cream charger tanks, please visit



Address: 88 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: 0468 463 059

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