Family & Parenting Lifestyle Living Society & Culture U.S

Matrescence Optimization Expert, Loni Brown, Reveals the Five Biggest Mistakes Busy Moms Make

Every day, over 24 million mothers in the U.S. struggle to balance careers and family life, according to The myth of “having it all” often leaves working moms feeling like they’re doing something wrong. Unfortunately, there are few experts who can provide the practical and tactical solutions needed to help them learn the skills they need to manage professional demands while maintaining a healthy and organized home life.

As a successful entrepreneur and mother of three, Loni Brown is a Matrescence Optimization Expert and she understands this struggle first hand. Matrescence, or the process of becoming a mother, is a term first coined by Dana Raphael, Ph.D., in the mid-1970’s. Loni was a full-time executive running a business and felt the pressure of balancing her career, motherhood, and a home life that usually resulted in putting herself last and she knew there had to be a better way. “You’re this firecracker at work but think you have to wear the supermom cape and feel like you’re failing at home,” she says. “The guilt keeps you trapped in a cycle of feeling swamped and stressed, but it doesn’t have to be this way.” 

Determined to break the cycle, she started developing systems to create a healthy, organized home without sacrificing her professional goals and removing the extreme mom-guilt and stress. She founded Wholesome Nest, a company devoted to helping busy moms learn how to live happier, more fulfilled lives without the overwhelm. Loni has identified five of the biggest mistakes busy moms make and has practical solutions to help them not only create a healthier home life, but also thrive in motherhood.

Mistake #1: A Lack of Systems Leads to Mental Clutter. One of the most significant mistakes is moms don’t have systems in place at home and Loni emphasizes the importance of treating home management with the same efficiency they do at work. “Not having systems at home are a recipe for mental clutter. Implementing a home management system can transform your life,” she explains. “I created a Hub, an online command center, that consolidates everything from shopping lists to doctor information. All of the key people in my life like my husband, babysitter, and housekeeper, have access to this hub so we have one place where all the schedules, checklists, and contacts are stored.” This type of tool allows moms to communicate and delegate tasks effectively plus reduces the mental load of carrying everything in their heads.

Mistake #2: Tidying Up is a Band Aid, not a Cure, for Physical Clutter in the Home. While tidying up can provide a quick fix when guests are coming over, it doesn’t address the root cause of physical clutter and can lead to overwhelming messes over time. To truly tackle physical clutter, it’s crucial to establish a system for organizing the home. Loni suggests creating designated spots for everyday items and setting up routines to maintain order. This approach not only keeps the house organized, but also saves time and is sustainable in the long term.

Mistake #3: Not Having an Integration of Online and Offline Systems. To maintain a well-organized home, it’s essential to bridge the gap between online tools and physical spaces. Take the online hub offline by integrating systems in the home. For example, posting routines and checklists on paper in the laundry room or kitchen can ensure that everyone in the household knows their responsibilities and can contribute to maintaining order.

Mistake #4: Thinking They Have to Do It Alone. Many moms feel they have to do everything themselves, but Loni challenges this notion.  Since matrescence is not an easy transition for many women, she urges moms to enlist support and leverage some of their professional skills at home. “Whether a mom has a dynamic career or a demanding job, they often leave their professional skill set at the office,” she says. “You should set up systems at home just like you would at work and don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to the kids, your husband, and other members of your household. You don’t need to be Wonder Woman.”

Mistake #5: Overlooking the Role of Family Members in Home Management. Involving children in home management tasks not only lightens the load but also teaches them valuable life skills. “Integrating age-appropriate family help can free up time for family activities and create bonding opportunities when you make cooking dinner a family affair that also teaches them their way around the kitchen,” Brown explains. Assigning simple chores to children and teens can make them feel involved and responsible, giving moms more time for themselves. 

Matrescence Optimization Expert, Loni Brown, is Matrescence Certified and the Founder of Wholesome Nest. She is on a mission to help modern, career-oriented moms reduce the overwhelm and burnout in motherhood with practical, but often overlooked solutions. Through her content, resources, programs, and services, Loni has helped thousands of moms detox, declutter, and design their homes and lives. Her secret sauce includes sharing her simple systems for managing a home with the same efficiency and ease she’s learned from running a business and teaching busy moms how to turn the chaos in their lives into calm.

She actively connects on social media, offering solutions that help working women thrive in modern motherhood. Her community, Thriving Mamas, provides support to working moms navigating the complexities of working life and family life, equipping them with tools to reclaim their identity and purpose, and fostering a balanced, fulfilling life as both professionals and mothers.

Law & Legal Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Social Media Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Platform to Simplify Legal Jargon and Publish Informative Articles

For Immediate Release

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder is excited to announce the launch of our innovative platform designed to unravel legal jargon and simplify complex legal terms. Our mission is to make legal language accessible to a broader audience by providing writers and agencies with a valuable opportunity to publish articles that demystify legal concepts.

How It Works:

  1. Submit Your Draft: Writers can easily upload their draft articles through our user-friendly form. Please ensure your submission adheres to our content and style guidelines.
  2. Prepay: Secure your publication slot with a nominal fee of $20 per article. This fee helps us maintain the high quality of our content and services.
  3. Approval Process: Our team will review your submission to ensure it meets our standards. Approved articles will be published within 2 business days.
  4. Reach Your Audience: Once published, your article will be accessible to our audience, providing valuable insights and information on legal terminology.

Why Choose Legalese Decoder:

  • Expertise: Our team specializes in simplifying complex legal language.
  • Accessibility: We make legal information understandable for everyone, catering to writers, agencies, and individuals seeking clarity on legal terms.
  • Quick Turnaround: With our streamlined process, your articles will be published within 2 business days, ensuring timely delivery to your audience.
  • Affordable Pricing: Our transparent pricing model of $20 per article makes it cost-effective for writers and agencies to publish content on our platform. Limit 1 link to your own site please.

Join us at Legalese Decoder and contribute to making legal information more accessible and understandable for all. Submit your draft today and connect with a wider audience through your insights and expertise. Please note that we strictly prohibit adult or gambling content to maintain the integrity of our platform.

For more information, please visit Legalese Decoder or contact us

Agriculture & Farming Arts & Entertainment Leisure Activities Social Media Society & Culture

Celebrate Academic Excellence at the Grand Commencement Gala at Parkton Place

[For Immediate Release]

April 30, 2024

[Parkton, NC] – Get ready for an evening of elegance and celebration as Parkton Place hosts the Grand Commencement Gala, honoring the Class of 2024. Presented by The Mo You Know and Jerome Scott The Insurance Guy, this soirée promises to be an unforgettable event that brings together the community to recognize the achievements of graduating students.

Scheduled for Sunday, June 2, 2024, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM, the Grand Commencement Gala will take place at Parkton Place, located at 1860 Armory Rd, Parkton, NC 28371. The venue will be transformed into a haven of festivity, where guests can enjoy an evening of glamour and camaraderie.

“We are thrilled to host the Grand Commencement Gala at Parkton Place,” said ShaDonna “Mo” McPhaul, owner of “The Mo You Know”. “This event is a tribute to the hard work and dedication of the Class of 2024, and we are honored to be part of their journey as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.”

The evening will feature a range of activities and entertainment, including live music, delicious cuisine, and opportunities to connect with fellow attendees. Guests will have the chance to mingle, celebrate achievements, and create lasting memories in a beautiful setting.

“We invite the community to join us in honoring the remarkable achievements of the graduating class,” said Jerome Scott. “The Grand Commencement Gala is not only a celebration of academic success but also a reflection of the support and encouragement provided by the community.”

Tickets for the Grand Commencement Gala are available now. To reserve your spot and be part of this special occasion, please visit or contact ShaDonna “Mo” McPhaul at (844) 664-7697 (Mo-Grows) 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to celebrate academic excellence and community spirit at the Grand Commencement Gala at Parkton Place. Reserve your tickets today and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Family & Parenting Human Rights Services Society & Culture World

Dream Quest Foundation takes center stage.


Fayetteville, NC – April 9, 2024 

Dream Quest Foundation, a beacon of empowerment and transformation, is proud to unveil its multifaceted approach to community upliftment and innovation. With a mission to empower dreams and transform lives, Dream Quest is thrilled to introduce three new arms of its brand, each tailored to serve diverse segments of the community.

Dream Quest Foundation takes center stage as it embarks on a journey to empower at-risk youth, non-traditional families, and community organizations through tailored programming and mentorship. With a focus on resilience and empowerment, the foundation aims to provide the necessary resources and support to help individuals realize their full potential and achieve their dreams.

In addition to the foundation, Dream Quest is excited to introduce Dream 360 Photo Events and Party Rentals. This cutting-edge service brings magic to events with its state-of-the-art 360 photo booth technology and customizable packages. Catering to event planners, individuals, families, and businesses, Dream 360 Photo Events and Party Rentals is poised to elevate any occasion with unforgettable memories.

Furthermore, Dream Quest is proud to announce Dream Launch Consulting, a community of dreamers dedicated to mental wellness and community support. Designed to cater to aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners, and start-up enthusiasts, Dream Launch Consulting offers consultation and networking events aimed at guiding individuals on their journey to success.

“At Dream Quest, our goal is to empower dreams and transform lives,” said Shayla Wright, Media Contact for Dream Quest Foundation. “With the launch of the Dream Quest Foundation, Dream 360 Photo Events and Party Rentals, and Dream Launch Consulting, we are excited to continue our mission of empowerment and community upliftment.”

Dream Quest Foundation aims to reach entrepreneurs, non-profits, and all those who have a dream and a desire to live the life they were meant to live. Through its diverse range of services and programs, Dream Quest is committed to creating a positive impact and fostering resilience within the community.

For more information or media inquiries, please contact:

Shayla Wright

Dream Quest Foundation


To learn more about Dream Quest Foundation and its services, please visit

Join Dream Quest on its journey to empower dreams, foster resilience, and transform lives.


Shayla Wright

Dream Quest Foundation


Culture, Society & Lifestyle Human Rights Law & Legal Non Profit Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Grant Program to Help Non-Profits Overcome Legal Jargon Barriers


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, the innovative AI-powered platform that translates complex legal language into plain English, today announced the launch of a new grant program aimed at providing non-profit organizations and charities with free access to its top-tier Business plan, valued at $1,800 per year.

The grant program underscores Legalese Decoder’s commitment to making legal communication more accessible and inclusive across all sectors. By offering complimentary access to its powerful suite of features, the company aims to empower non-profits and charities with the tools they need to navigate legal complexities without incurring significant costs.

“Legal jargon has long been a barrier for many organizations, particularly those operating in the non-profit space with limited resources,” said William Theos, founder and CEO of Legalese Decoder. “We believe that clear and understandable legal communication should be a right, not a privilege. This grant program is our way of supporting the invaluable work of non-profits and charities by removing language obstacles that can impede their progress.”

The Legalese Decoder Business plan offers a comprehensive range of features designed to simplify and clarify legal terminology. With a 1,000,000-word decoding limit, the ability to process up to 2,000 pages, and a maximum capacity of 8,000,000 characters, the plan provides ample resources for non-profits to navigate even the most complex legal documents with ease.

Additionally, the Business plan includes access to a legal “non-advisor” feature that can answer questions related to legal terminology, as well as an advanced contract analyzer that assesses risks, fairness, and potential anomalies within contracts.

To be eligible for the grant, non-profit organizations and charities must meet certain criteria, including being legally registered for at least one year, having an active community or social initiative, and committing to providing usage feedback to Legalese Decoder.

“We understand that legal complexities can be a significant barrier for non-profits, often hindering their ability to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively,” added Theos. “By removing this obstacle, we hope to empower these organizations to focus on their core missions and drive positive change within their communities.”

Non-profit organizations and charities interested in applying for the Legalese Decoder grant program can visit for more information and to submit their applications.

About Legalese Decoder:

Legalese Decoder is an AI-powered platform that simplifies complex legal language, making it accessible to individuals and organizations across various industries. With cutting-edge natural language processing technology, Legalese Decoder translates legal jargon into plain English, empowering users to understand legal documents, contracts, and policies without the need for expensive legal consultations.

For more information, please visit

Arts & Entertainment Food & Beverage Hospitality Human Resources Society & Culture

Cumberland County Unites: Everyone is Welcome to the Community Mixer!


Cumberland County, NC — March 29, 2024 — The Mo You Know and Distinctly Fayetteville are proud to announce the inaugural “Welcome to Cumberland County Mixer: Your key 🔑 to the community” a collaborative effort to extend a warm welcome to newcomers in the community, regardless of their background or reason for relocation.


Scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2024, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Crown Complex Ballroom, this event aims to foster connections and provide essential information about Cumberland County for both military and non-military residents.


ShaDonna “Mo” McPhaul, owner of “The Mo You Know” and a 20-year retired Air Force Veteran, expressed her motivation behind the event: “Recognizing newcomers is crucial for fostering a sense of belonging. Drawing inspiration from the Air Force’s ‘Intro and Sponsorship’ program, we aim to equip newcomers with the knowledge they need for a fulfilling life in Cumberland County.”This free event invites residents, businesses, educational institutions, service organizations, and neighbors to participate in extending a warm Cumberland County welcome. Attendees are encouraged to register in advance to ensure a seamless experience.

Sponsorship opportunities and vendor tables are available for those interested in supporting this initiative. For more information or to register, please visit or contact ShaDonna “Mo” McPhaul at 1-844-Mo-Grows (844) 664-7697. 


Don’t miss this opportunity to embrace newcomers and showcase the vibrant spirit of Cumberland County.


Event Details:Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pmLocation: Crown Complex Ballroom, Cumberland County, NC

Human Rights Law & Legal Non Profit Public Affairs Society & Culture

Legalese Decoder Launches Donorbox Campaign to Champion Legal Empowerment for All


Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, an initiative focused on simplifying legal terminology, is excited to announce the initiation of its Donorbox campaign, “Empower Justice: Gift the Power of Understanding with Legalese Decoder.” This fundraising effort aims to secure support for the expansion and continuity of making legal concepts easily accessible to a broad audience, regardless of their expertise or professional background.

In an era marked by the daunting complexity of legal matters, Legalese Decoder emerges as a vital tool for providing clarity and comprehension. The platform’s objective is to translate the dense and opaque language of the law into terms that are understandable and beneficial for the general public.

Despite considerable advancements, the goal of achieving widespread legal literacy remains a formidable challenge. Legalese Decoder has arrived at a critical juncture, necessitating an expansion of its operations and an increase in its outreach capabilities. The ambition to grow, however, surpasses the current resources available.

Support for Legalese Decoder signifies a commitment to bridging the gap for those on the periphery of legal understanding, where clarity can mean the difference between experiencing injustice and obtaining resolution. Contributions play a crucial role in sustaining and expanding this vital service, ensuring its availability and free access for those in greatest need.

Contributions will be instrumental in enhancing the platform’s reach and ensuring that legal complexities do not hinder justice and equity. Each donation, no matter its size, represents progress toward a society where legal literacy is a universally accessible right.

The campaign encourages collective action towards legal empowerment, aiming to dismantle barriers of confusion and misunderstanding. By equipping individuals with the necessary tools to confidently navigate the legal system, a future where the law is a pathway to fairness and equality is envisioned.

For further details and to contribute, interested parties are invited to visit the Legalese Decoder Donorbox campaign page.

About Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a pioneering platform committed to demystifying legal terminology for the layperson. With a focus on education and accessibility, it aims to make legal concepts clear and understandable for all, fostering an environment where the law acts as a conduit to fairness and equality rather than an impediment.

Donate Today – Empower Justice with Every Contribution

Celebrity Culture, Society & Lifestyle Services Shopping & Deal Society & Culture

Fashion Stylist Keyon Havner Launches Suited to Services, Redefining Men’s Fashion in Fayetteville, NC


FAYETTEVILLE, NC – March 7, 2024 

Fayetteville proudly welcomes a trailblazer in the world of men’s fashion – Keyon Havner, a fashion stylist with roots deeply embedded in the heart of North Carolina. With the launch of his company, Suited to Services, Keyon is set to revolutionize the way men approach and experience fashion.

Traditionally, men’s fashion has been perceived with limited options, but Keyon Havner is ready to challenge and transform the game. Suited to Services offers a comprehensive range of services, including personal shopping, styling sessions, and closet organization, providing men with a personalized and immersive fashion experience.

Hailing from Fayetteville, Keyon understands the local culture and aims to cater to the unique fashion needs of men in the community. His venture not only brings a fresh perspective to men’s styling but also serves as a trend-setting force, reshaping the landscape of men’s fashion in the region.

Keyon Havner’s celebrity status and keen eye for style position him as a leader in the fashion industry. Through Suited to Services, he aims to empower men with confidence and individuality, breaking free from conventional fashion norms.

As Keyon steps into the spotlight with Suited to Services, Fayetteville anticipates a new era of men’s fashion that transcends boundaries and embraces diversity.

For media inquiries, interviews, or additional information, please contact:

Keyon Havner 

(910) 978-6682 


Beauty & Hair Care Business Celebrity Professional Services Society & Culture

Celebrity Stylist Marcus Doss and Team Shine at Bronner Bros International Hair Show


Atlanta, Georgia – 24 February 2024

Renowned celebrity stylist extraordinaire Marcus Doss, along with his talented team – Terrill Allison, Ezra White, and Ernestine Forrest – from the Marcus Doss Salon, made a dazzling mark at the prestigious Bronner Bros International Hair Show held in Atlanta, Georgia.

Hailing from Fayetteville, NC, this dynamic team embarked on a journey to Atlanta, uniting with some of the world’s finest cosmetologists at this renowned hair and beauty event. Their presence was not only a celebration of creativity but also a testament to their commitment to excellence in the realm of hairstyling and makeup artistry.

Notably, the Marcus Doss Salon is not just limited to crafting exceptional hairstyles but is also recognized for curating and presenting top-tier hair and fashion shows, setting new standards in the industry.

The spotlight on Marcus Doss and Terrill Allison continues to shine bright, as both recently graced the stage on “Ms. Pat Settles it” aired on Black Entertainment Television (BET), showcasing their expertise and contributing to the world of beauty and fashion.

For those who appreciate the artistry and innovation in hairstyling, Marcus Doss and his team are undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. Stay tuned for more groundbreaking endeavors from the Marcus Doss Salon as they continue to redefine the boundaries of beauty and style.


ShaDonna “Mo” McPhaul

The Mo You Know 

Public Relations Director

(910) 574-3346

Celebrity Lifestyle Non Profit Public Affairs Society & Culture

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter Partners with The Mo You Know for the MLK Day of Celebration and Dreams

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter, is proud to announce its partnership with The Mo You Know for the MLK Day of Celebration and Dreams, honoring the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 2 pm at the Smith Recreation Center, located at 1520 Slater Avenue, Fayetteville, NC 28301.

As we approach the Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 15, 2024, the Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is dedicated to commemorating the life and contributions of one of its esteemed members, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The chapter is collaborating with The Mo You Know, an organization committed to promoting awareness and education on social justice issues.

The MLK Day of Celebration and Dreams aims to bring together members of the Greek Organizations – Divine 9, and the wider community, to reflect on the enduring impact of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s teachings and legacy. The event will feature a series of engaging activities, discussions, and performances that celebrate the values of equality, justice, and unity that Dr. King passionately advocated throughout his life.

Key details of the event:

  • Date and Time: Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 2 pm
  • Location: Smith Recreation Center, 1520 Slater Avenue, Fayetteville, NC 28301

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American men, proudly acknowledges its historic connection with Dr. King. His commitment to justice, equality, and civil rights aligns seamlessly with the fraternity’s mission to promote brotherhood, leadership, and service within the community.

The Mo You Know, founded with a mission to educate, inspire, and motivate individuals to make a positive impact on society, is excited to join forces with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter, for this significant event. Together, they aim to create a memorable and impactful MLK Day celebration that resonates with the spirit of Dr. King’s dream.

The MLK Day of Celebration and Dreams is open to the public, and attendees are encouraged to participate in the various activities and discussions planned for the event. By fostering a sense of community and shared purpose, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and The Mo You Know hope to inspire positive change and continue the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

For more information and to stay updated on the event, please visit the official website:

About Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is the first intercollegiate Greek-letter fraternity established for African American men. Epsilon Rho Lambda Chapter, based in Fayetteville, NC, is dedicated to promoting brotherhood, leadership, and service within the community.

About The Mo You Know: The Mo You Know is an organization committed to promoting awareness and education on social justice issues. Through various initiatives, they strive to inspire individuals to make a positive impact on society.