Business Marketing & Sales Services U.S World

“Online Business During Pandemic” Search Query Hints at How COVID Impacted Underlying Needs, Reports

New York, NY –, a marketplace for premium domains and starter sites is always looking for trends across all sectors to understand the market demands and needs of small to medium-sized businesses. In one such study of Google Trends, seems to have found a correlation between search terms related to Online Business, eCommerce, and Covid. 

Since March 2020, there has been an uptick in the search activity for each of these keywords across all US States.

What’s more, Google’s search bar auto-suggest keywords that are determined by real searches that happen on Google and show up if they are common enough and show a trend.

One such Google auto-suggest that it appears is “online business during pandemic”. This indicates that many businesses seem to be pivoting and positioning their digital experience to ensure they are well prepared for and during this pandemic that continues to affect how business is done in all sectors and industries.

The data suggest real-time examples of this across the U.S. In Metro Detroit, small retailers have adapted and kept business afloat by focusing on the online aspect of their business, some even choosing to close their storefront in place of online shopping. Others have decided to keep their store open but allow for ordering online and seamless contactless pick-up.

Internationally, local businesses are impacted as well. Stores in Singapore are also turning to online business as they were forced to rethink their strategies. A lot of small to midsize businesses were forced to focus on their eCommerce model to stay afloat and have been able to stay in business due to the quick pivot.

This trend, believes will continue to increase as more and more companies will focus on the digital experience and focus solely on a digital footprint or deeply integrate it with their retail store for a frictionless shopping experience. Either way, it is more important than ever that a company has its digital marketing strategy in place and that starts with acquiring and using the best domain name for their website.

To learn more about, visit their website or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Media & Communications Services U.S World

How the Digital Experience is Reshaping Industries, Reports

New York, NY – Since the start of the Pandemic in March of 2020, businesses have been forced to deal with the ‘new normal’. These businesses have been deeply affected with some still not fully recovered. For these companies, they must pivot quickly and ensure they stay in front of their customer base who are now using digital channels more than ever. takes a look at how companies and organizations are learning to pivot quickly from this pandemic and adapt to the new way of reaching their customers, digitally and by way of the internet. 

Since its inception, has always emphasized the importance of a digital footprint through the use of domain names but recently have taken a closer look at how the new landscape is putting stronger importance on the digital experience.

“The pandemic was the catalyst that has accelerated the digital pivot and transformation of businesses and organizations around the world. With the initial social distancing measures in place, many businesses who rely on foot traffic found themselves at a huge disadvantage,” said Anthony Santiago, Marketing Director at OnlineBusiness. “However, today’s companies are emerging more resilient and reinvented from the pandemic. Customer confidence is rebounding as well as social activities.”

Across all industries, companies and organizations are putting larger efforts into the digital experience, internationally and domestically.

Take the Qatar Museum for example, as soon as the pandemic started to affect world transactions, in March 2020, they began a plan that would enhance their website to further engagement reach around the world as well as provide an immersive digital experience for the locals. In doing so, they have a blueprint to continue to expand their digital footprint in the coming years and are in a better position to continue engagement with their organization.

Domestically, the City of Boulder, Colorado, has updated its website, all based on user feedback. This is a very smart approach as they understand how important it is to have not just a website but one that is user-friendly and what better way to create the navigation of the site than it is based on user feedback. 

These are two such examples of two geolocations strengthening their local presence by improving their digital presence.

Industries as a whole too are understanding this importance. The food industry as we all know is still continuing to make a comeback from being hit hard by the pandemic. Nobody could have expected or been prepared for what COVID was going to do to the industry. As the dust continues to settle, the landscape has changed and delivery and curbside pick-up have become a main point of revenue for many restaurants. Having a digital footprint to be able to order their food online is now essential and along with that, having a mobile presence when everyone is deciding what to eat is now the new battleground for patrons. 

Online grocery shopping and food delivery is fueling the future growth in food retail and customer engagement, digital engagement, frictionless store experience will be the drivers.

One such company in the food industry, Potbelly, is positioning themselves to elevate their brand position and the digital Potbelly experience with a new website and app. They saw a customer behavior shift to online ordering and decided to invest and shift resources in their digital platforms. This shows they understand the importance of their digital channels. assists those who are looking to properly secure and improve their digital footprint and reach their customer base by educating them on the importance of acquiring and using their best possible domain name. This will only lead to more customer recognition and recall, allowing them to prosper during these challenging times.

To learn more about, visit their website or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.S

AO Elite Provides Industry-Leading Digital Marketing Services for Online Retail

With the online retail industry growing quickly, there are countless online businesses that are looking for ways to expand their market shares, which is where AO Elite is changing the field. AO Elite is a turnkey digital marketing agency that specializes in online retail and Amazon Web Services. Services from AO Elite are designed to be very scalable with low overhead expenses and high margins. This translates to increased revenue for the companies, as they take advantage of a rapidly growing industry. Now, clients have access to professionals at AO Elite who can guide businesses into this new frontier.

A Service That Is 100 Percent Hands-Off

There are many business owners who feel like they can do all of this on their own; however, it would take an inordinate amount of time. Individuals without experience in this field would have to research how to do this, apply it to their companies, and then find a way to interpret the results. Without a doubt, their time is better spent elsewhere making deals, acquiring customers, and generating connections with other industry professionals.

That is where AO Elite is helpful, as their services are 100 percent hands-off for clients. With access to a dedicated team that grows, builds, manages, and scales all digital assets, business owners and managers are free to focus on other tasks that are more important. Because time is the most valuable resource of every company owner, AO Elite has been designed to save time.

Grow and Scale Using Proven Data and Metrics

AO Elite has access to a portfolio that is worth tens of millions of dollars. This portfolio contains a tremendous amount of testing and conversion data, which business owners and managers can use to grow and scale their businesses. This data provides information that clients can use to increase their conversions, connect with their clients, and return greater profits.

The entire objective of the portfolio is to help companies take their equity and compound it right back into the asset. This allows clients to flip for a multiple to an investor in only 12 months. This data has already proven helpful for countless clients.

Access to the Right Banking System for a Guaranteed Return

All AO Elite clients have access to P&L Ledgers Assets Advisors. This pairs the client with the right banking system, allowing them to build an asset that is guaranteed to return 150 percent or more in only 12 months. Already, there have been more than 300 successful projects and satisfied customers. Data and infrastructure represent a rapidly growing area, allowing clients to leverage a variety of areas in the online world. This includes converting products, converting landing pages, converting audiences, relationships with suppliers, warehouse and inventory management, client support systems, and a winning team of experts.

The goal is to provide clients with exposure to this area, allowing them to grow their capital as the industry continues to grow. This can do wonders for eCommerce businesses that are looking to making headway in a competitive environment. This is a field that is only going to continue to grow in the future.

AO Elite Is Dedicated to the Process of Constant Improvement

Right now, AO Elite is proving to be a successful company in the industry; however, there is still plenty of room to get better. The professionals at AO Elite are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the process, looking for ways to make the process better for customers. It will be exciting to see what happens next in this arena, and AO Elite will lead the way.

About AO Elite

AO Elite is a portfolio agency that has more than 70 brands and industries. The goal is to provide clients with a completely hands-off experience that still allows them to maximize their returns. The goal is to provide resources, fulfillment, infrastructure, and financial literacy to online consumers, allowing them to leverage their data and infrastructure to grow, build, and scale their own lucrative online digital assets. AO Elite guarantees clients a return of 150 percent or more in as little as 12 months. To learn more about AO Elite, visit the website today or follow AO Elite on Facebook.

Education Employment Personal Finance Services U.S

New Online Program Designed to Increase VA Rating

A father-son duo create a program to help veterans increase VA disability rating

Military veterans seeking benefits now have a program designed to assist with increasing their VA disability rating. Veteran army Ranger Terry Johnson, and son Gino Johnson created Champions for Veterans, an organization formed to guide veterans and their families through the VA disability rating process.


After 20 years of service, Ranger Johnson found himself fighting to get the benefits he deserved. It took him 17 years to get his full benefits and Ranger Johnson set out to help others to achieve results. Ranger Johnson began to assist people in his church and community which later inspired his son Gino to create an online program. Johnson calls his method the RANGER METHOD and dozens have successfully improved their rating using the RANGER METHOD. Some have gone from a zero percent rating to 100% in less than 90 days.


“Service men and women risk their lives and their families for many years. I want to make sure they get the benefits they have rightfully earned,” says Terry Johnson.


 The RANGER METHOD is an interactive coaching program with video modules, statement templates, examples, weekly coaching calls and peer support in a private online group setting. Individuals interested in this program can learn more at to schedule a free consultation. 




Champions For Veterans is an organization devoted to coaching and training veterans as they pursue the VA disability rating they deserve from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our mission is to help 100,000 veterans get the rating they deserve by 2025.



Business Marketing & Sales Professional Services Services U.S

Howling Amplify Drives Brand Omnipresence To Position Clients as Authorities in the Field

Today, the world of marketing has become more competitive than it ever has in the past. Therefore, everyone has to think carefully about how they can get their names out there. It isn’t just about getting more likes, clicks, and emails. It is about developing strong, personal relationships with potential clients, which is where Howling Amplify is setting new goals by driving brand omnipresence. By developing strong strategies that help clients develop personal relationships with the target market, Howling Amplify’s unique campaign drives brand omnipresence, increasing conversion rates through real, raw, and transparent interactions.

Howling Amplify Is Changing the Definition of Brand Omnipresence 

The world of marketing has changed significantly. Even though there might still be a place for traditional advertising methods, the digital world has become more important than ever. Posting an endless number of blogs, sharing on social media constantly, and running a myriad of email drip campaigns is not going to lead to solid marketing results. That is not the definition of brand omnipresence. 

Instead, brand omnipresence isn’t simply about creating more. Is it is about taking the time and effort to demonstrate to potential clients that a business is committed to an honest and meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships. Companies have to demonstrate that they respect that their potential clients are busy. That is why it is important to come across with a thoughtful, consistent message throughout all marketing channels. If the benefits are consistent, people will listen. That is brand omnipresence, which is where Howling Amplify is taking a different approach.

Howling Amplify Targets Authority Sites To Cast a Wide Net

Building a strong digital marketing campaign that centers around its brand omnipresence is almost impossible to do manually. Business professionals have too much to do during the course of the day. They do not have time to spend endless hours sitting in front of a computer. That is where Howling Amplify is helpful.

Howling Amplify takes a sample piece of content provided by a client. Then, an automated tool analyzes the content to find the perfect target market and potential media outlets. Then, an Amplify campaign unleashes brand omnipresence throughout the digital world. Each campaign creates more than 400 digital assets. These digital assets could include news articles, slideshows, audio posts, videos, and more. The idea is to find the best channels for each individual campaign to Target the right individuals. Then, these channels drive traffic back to the client website from authority sources such as Google, YouTube, mainstream news sites, podcast websites, and more.

The idea isn’t to simply get someone’s name out there as much as possible. The idea is to maximize the return on the digital marketing investment. This means focusing on higher quality traffic. That way, businesses can generate more sales and conversions. The goal is to attract people who are actively looking for something that is being promoted by the client business. By capitalizing on buyer intent, it is possible to maximize conversion rates. 

All Campaigns Are Re-Evaluated Regularly

Even though Howling Amplify strives to save time, all campaigns are re-evaluated regularly. This isn’t something that professionals simply set and forget. Instead, the goal is to play to the strength of the campaign while also improving weak areas. For example, all metrics are tracked closely, meaning that professionals can take a look at what outlets are performing well. Then, if something has to be adjusted to improve the ROI, this is a straightforward process. In this manner, each Amplify campaign produces transparent results. That way, it is easy for clients to measure their individual success. This is how Howling Amplify uses its unique position to drive brand omnipresence for clients. 

About Howling Amplify

Howling Amplify is a professional content amplification service that strives to get client content in front of as many people as possible while also targeting the right people with the perfect buyer intent. The goal is to deliver fast results while maximizing the ROI on each digital marketing investment. Howling Amplify uses targeted campaigns to select the right media outlets for each client, driving more organic traffic that creates brand omnipresence for each campaign. To learn more about Howling Amplify, visit their Facebook or Instagram page and check out the website for more information

Building & Construction Energy & Environment Professional Services Services U.S

Einstein’s Home Services Explains That A Well-Maintained Air Conditioning Unit Saves Money on Summer Utility Bills

Home air conditioning solutions from Einstein’s professional technicians allow homeowners to restore their HVAC system to proper working order, for greater efficiency and a lower total cost of ownership.

Phoenix, AZ, July 11, 2021 – Einstein’s Home Services is standing by to offer a whole range of home air conditioning solutions. Now that it’s summer, homeowners need a working system to reliably cool down their dwellings. 

It’s not just a matter of being comfortable. Excessively high temperatures can be harmful to pets, children and the elderly, as well as anyone with an underlying health condition or who isn’t accustomed to the blazing Arizona sun. Unfortunately, lack of air conditioning during the summer in Arizona can be a life-or-death matter.

That’s why it’s so important that homeowners work with a knowledgeable air conditioning services company when it’s time for AC inspections, maintenance and repairs (or replacement).

Common Problems With Air Conditioning in Phoenix, AZ

Homeowners may not immediately notice that there’s an issue with their air conditioning system. But as time passes, the problem becomes more obvious, prompting a call to AC professionals.

For some, an increase in utility bills as compared to the previous summer may be the first clue that something is wrong with the HVAC setup. That’s because as a system grows dusty and dirty, it has to work much harder to cool a home to the same level. 

Not only does this result in an unnecessarily higher power bill, it puts stress on the AC components, potentially causing it to fail earlier than the usual product lifecycle would indicate.

Sometimes, one of the rooms will be warm when the rest of the house is more comfortable. The thermostat may not seem to affect the temperature according to the owner’s preferences. Or, the homeowner may hear unusual sounds coming from the unit. Hot air flowing from all the vents when the AC is switched on signals a major issue that calls for a professional inspection.

There may be issues with the system’s coolant leaking, with a technician needing to find the leak and fix it as well as top off the coolant to the right level.

In some cases, the system is suffering from a dirty or clogged filter, causing it to underperform.

Often the problem has to do with an electrical component, such as a fan motor breaking. Only an inspection by a well trained technician will get to the heart of the problem.

Einstein’s Home Services Provides A Range of Home Air Conditioning Solutions

Homeowners can depend on Einstein’s Home Services to thoroughly inspect and maintain their AC equipment, and this service is available (and recommended) on a yearly basis to catch problems when they are still small and easier to address.

Keep in mind that technicians from Einstein’s Home Services focus on central air conditioning systems. They do not work on wall AC units.

Benefits of Installing a Brand New AC System

If a technician from Einstein’s Home Services determines that a person’s air conditioning equipment is too damaged to be worth repairing, or if it is an older, less efficient unit, it usually makes sense to purchase a replacement system.

One benefit is the peace of mind that comes from having professionals install new equipment that is under warranty. Another benefit is that the homeowner can expect utility bills to decrease immediately since the new system will be much more energy-efficient.

A new home air conditioning setup may be even more affordable than homeowners imagine, if there happens to be any governmental or industry rebates for buying and installing qualified, environmentally-friendly systems. 

If equipment uses less electricity, the government wants to encourage people to use it over a less-efficient model that causes more pollution. The team at Einstein’s Home Services will be happy to recommend different options if a replacement AC setup is called for. They keep up on industry developments as well as news of any subsidies, discounts or other financial inducements to install a new system.

Homeowners and other interested parties in need of professional home air conditioning solutions can learn more by checking out the Einstein’s Home Services website and by following the company on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Business Manufacturing & Industry Retail U.S

Exclusive Flooring Announces Opening of Exclusive Flooring High-End Showroom

By providing high-quality tile, wood, carpet, area rugs, and more for many years, Exclusive Flooring has quickly become the gold standard. Now, Exclusive Flooring has recently announced that they have opened a high-end showroom, allowing clients to view the best products in the industry and find the perfect flooring to meet their needs. The professionals at Exclusive Flooring have opened this showroom in an effort to go the extra mile for their clients, providing them with access to experts who can help each individual client make their visions become reality. 

Exclusive Flooring Provides a Wide Variety of Flooring Options

From the first day they opened their doors, Exclusive Flooring has set the industry standard providing a wide variety of flooring options to clients of all backgrounds. This includes tile, wood, carpet, area rugs, and more. By networking with some of the best brands in the industry, Exclusive Flooring has been able to provide its clients with access to flooring options that cannot be found anywhere else. This has made Exclusive Flooring the go-to option for residential and commercial clients for years.

Furthermore, those who have experience working with Exclusive Flooring understand just how easy it is to partner with their experts and professionals to find the perfect flooring options to meet their specific needs. Now, with the announcement that Exclusive Flooring is opening a high-end showroom, this process should get even easier. By streamlining the process from start to finish, Exclusive Flooring is demonstrating a dedication to its clients that is unrivaled in the industry.

Exclusive Flooring Announces Details Behind the Exclusive High-End Showroom

Exclusive Flooring listened to the feedback provided by its clients. This is one of the biggest reasons why the showroom is being opened. When the showroom opens its doors, clients will have the ability to schedule appointments either by going online or by calling one of the friendly professionals with the Exclusive Flooring team. Exclusive Flooring has tried to make the appointment process as easy as possible. 

In addition, clients will be able to work with experts who are working in the showroom at that time. They can provide measurements to the experts at Exclusive Flooring, allowing them to find the best flooring material to meet their specific needs. If there is a specific shade of floor carpet that a client is looking for, they should be able to find an option available in the showroom itself. The professionals can help clients locate the perfect color to match their own personal styles.

Exclusive Flooring Has More Plans for the Future

Ultimately, the showroom from Exclusive Flooring is only the latest example of the company’s dedication to the needs of its clients. The showroom is going to make it much easier for clients to figure out the right flooring material to meet their specific needs. Whether someone is building a new home or trying to renovate an existing one, experts from Exclusive Flooring will be available to walk clients through the process from start to finish. 

There are other developments that Exclusive Flooring has planned for the future. The goal is to make this process as easy as possible for clients while also providing them with access to a wide variety of flooring options. It will be interesting to see what Exclusive Flooring does next.

About Exclusive Flooring

Exclusive Flooring is the premier destination for quality designer flooring. The company has dedicated itself to the needs of its clients by networking with countless industry professionals throughout the field. That way, clients have access to a wide variety of flooring options including wood, tile, laminate, and carpet. Because the floor is the foundation of every room, it is important to get this right. That is why clients have the opportunity to work with some of the top experts in the field when they visit the new showroom from Exclusive Flooring. Anyone who is interested in learning more about Exclusive Flooring should take a look at the website, follow Exclusive Flooring on Instagram and Facebook, and feel free to make an appointment to visit the showroom. 

Education Employment Professional Services U.S

Highly Recognized New Jersey Insurance Brokerage Agency Launches Exclusive New Insurance Broker Training, Mentorship & Sponsorship Opportunity

The insurance industry is going through numerous changes, making it the perfect time for aspiring sales representatives to join the field. Now, The Sosa Insurance Group, a highly recognized and esteemed insurance brokerage agency in New Jersey, is providing self-motivated professionals with an opportunity to earn extra commission income through insurance coverage. This will be a comprehensive training, mentorship, and sponsorship opportunity that could serve as a launching platform for those looking to start a new career.

The Opportunity To Get Paid for Years

There are numerous benefits that aspiring sales representatives can enjoy with this position. Sales representatives will earn a commission on every policy they sell. In addition to earning a commission on the sale of the policy, they also earn a commission whenever the policy is renewed. Furthermore, sales reps can decide to work when they want and as much as they want. They can also earn a Lifetime residue income for life, as long as the client remains a policyholder. This can either be a part-time or full-time position.

The Sosa Insurance Group Helps Sales Representatives Obtain Licensing in New Jersey

Sales reps need to get licensed before they can sell insurance policies in New Jersey. The Sosa Insurance Group will provide all applicants with access to the online training course with the required materials to prepare for the licensing exam in New Jersey. Furthermore, The Sosa Insurance Group will even pay for the licensing exam, removing a common barrier that sales reps typically need to overcome on their own!

In addition, The Sosa Insurance Group will provide plenty of online, classroom and most important field training to ensure sales reps have the tools they need to sell policies throughout the greater NJ area. Experienced professionals are always available to provide on the job and in the field training, guiding new sales reps through the process of generating leads, earning conversions, and generating income! Online and telephone support is always available for those who need assistance, ensuring that sales reps are never alone!

Plenty of Leads To Help Sales Reps Get Started

Throughout the years, The Sosa Insurance Group has worked to make this process as easy as possible, providing new reps with everything they need to get started. This includes access to the complete Turnkey Leads and Appointments Automated platform. Many people wonder how they can generate leads in the modern era, which is something that The Sosa Insurance Group has covered. By providing sales reps with access to this platform, they always have a way to get started! These leads are people who have already expressed interest in the products and services provided by The Sosa Insurance Group, which means that sales reps simply have to explain the benefits of the potential policies, tailoring them to meet the needs of the potential customer!

A Special Bonus Is Available from The Sosa Insurance Group

Many people still have questions about how the conversion process works. By doing it once, the rest will fall like dominoes! That is why The Sosa Insurance Group is offering a special bonus right now! For those who register for the webinar and pass the New Jersey Licensing Exam, the founder of The Sosa Insurance Group, George Sosa, will personally take all new graduates on their first appointment! Then, George Sosa will close the first deal for the new rep, giving them the lifetime commission on that initial sale! It doesn’t get much better than that!

Webinar Information

The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 15th, and Tuesday, July 20th. There are two webinar times on both days: 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, EST.

About The Sosa Insurance Group

The Sosa Insurance Group is a highly recognized and esteemed New Jersey insurance brokerage agency. Throughout the years, The Sosa Insurance Group has developed a strong reputation for placing the needs of its policyholders ahead of the needs of the company, driving the growth of the agency throughout the region. Learn more about The Sosa Insurance Group by visiting the website and checking out the social media pages on FacebookInstagram, and LinkedIn.

Business Education Finance Financial Market Personal Finance

Finesse Your Fear Academy Launched to Expand Economic Opportunities in Communities of Color

A wealth coach and successful entrepreneur has launched a new initiative to help minority female business owners to build profitable businesses. Latesha Isbell Howard’s ‘Finesse Your Fear Entrepreneurship Academy’ is now open for enrollment.

Find out more at

There is no denying the significant wealth and opportunity gaps between minorities and whites in the U.S.

In an effort to expand economic opportunity in communities of color, Latesha Isbell Howard is launching the “1K to $100K” campaign. The focus of this initiative is to help 1,000 minority female entrepreneurs to cross the $100,000 revenue mark. To accelerate achievement of this goal, her company, Savvy Diva Enterprises, is proud to announce the launch of the Finesse Your Fear Entrepreneurship Academy.

Finesse Your Fear Entrepreneurship Academy students will experience a robust 12-week online curriculum designed to equip them with the knowledge and resources to start and run a profitable business. Latesha has partnered with industry experts to deliver high-quality content on a variety of topics critical to business success.

·        Entrepreneurial Mindset guest presenters: LaTunja Caster PhD and Tommi Billingsley

LaTunja Caster, Ph. D. (affectionately known as “Dr. Everything”) is the owner of Next Level Consulting Group, and the founder of the W. E. One Project, a nonprofit. She provides support and resources in the development of people, families, and communities. Latunja is the co-creator of The Purpose Program and The Southern Network Girls, LLC. which is a safe zone for women entrepreneurs to develop purpose, power, and profit.

Tommi Billingsley is a mother and a community builder with a passion and drive to help women and communities of color feel empowered and capable of reaching their most ambitious dreams. She owns two successful brands, Flygirlshhh (a t-shirt line) and The Fearless Queens (a women’s empowerment company).

·        Legal Protection for Your Business guest presenter: Dana Blue Esq.

Attorney Dana Blue is on a mission to strengthen the minority business community by empowering entrepreneurs with tools and resources to legally protect their business through registered trademarks. Dana Blue Law focuses on clearing and protecting names, logos, and slogans you use (or intend to use) to advertise and sell your products and services.

·        Bookkeeping & Taxes guest presenter: Jean Toney

Jean Toney is an Accountant, small business owner and co-founder of two non-profits who is gifted at one thing – putting strategies in place that take your vision to the next level! Her company, JT Financial Services, offers bookkeeping, tax preparation, mortgage, and credit repair services.

·        Technology, Systems, & Automation guest presenter: Renee Simpson

Renee Simpson, systems and automation addict and self-proclaimed Savvy Gal, helps female entrepreneurs launch, manage, and scale their businesses by implementing systems and automation.

·        Human Resources guest presenter: Joy Pittman

Joy Pittman is a Human Resources Strategist and Thought Leader working to close the racial wealth gap for Black business owners and the people they employ. Affectionately known as the “Olivia Pope of HR,” Joy puts her years of human resources management experience to work supporting black women owned start-ups and small businesses as they hire, build and develop their teams .

·        Government Contracting & Grants guest presenter: LaShonda Bracey

LaShonda Bracey is a serial entrepreneur, author, sought-after training guru and creative visionary. She is the CEO & President of Health-Works and ASAP Training and Course Development. This inspiring entrepreneur is making strides in the world of government training and consulting.

·        e-Commerce guest presenter: Stacey Quinn

Stacey Quinn is the CEO of Bossy Glamworks, LLC, an online women’s clothing boutique, where she’s committed to offering a broad range of stylish and unique garments and accessories for fashionable entrepreneurial women. Stacey has scaled her company to generate nearly a quarter of a million dollars in sales thus far in 2021.

·        Non-profits guest presenter: Tykeysha Boone MPH, CNC

Tykeysha “Ty” Boone serves her community as a published author, speaker, volunteer SCORE Mentor, programs and development strategist and capacity cultivator. Ty has more than 20 years of experience in academic and clinical research, community program planning, and nonprofit management and development.

·        Marketing guest presenter: Tiffany Huddleston

Tiffany Huddleston is a marketing master; connecting companies to new prospects with digital ads and converting leads into buying clients through automated funnels. As Director of Marketing at Strike 3 Marketing firm, she deploys her fourteen years of experience in digital marketing and marketing automation technologies to help her clients generate more traffic and conversions.

·        Branding & Public Relations (session 1) and Networking & Sponsorships (session 2) guest presenter: Shadonna “Mo” McPhaul

CEO ShaDonna McPhaul, also known as ‘Mo’ is a combat veteran with 20 years of loyal service to the United States Air Force. She merged her compassion and entrepreneurial spirit and created Mo’s Heroes Inc. (a non-profit dedicated to serving veterans) and The Mo You Know Marketing and Media Consulting Services.

Latesha will facilitate the remaining sessions: Creating a Business Plan, Setting up Your Business, Funding Your Business, Additional Revenue Streams, and Personal Credit. The ultimate goal of the Finesse Your Fear Entrepreneurship Academy is to empower students to walk confidently into entrepreneurship armed with the knowledge and a blueprint to build a profitable business.

As CEO of Savvy Diva Enterprises, Latesha offers consulting services in which she assesses her client’s current business operations to help them develop an actionable plan to increase profitability and fundability.

As part of the process, clients gain insight into how lenders and credit providers may view the business to allow them to develop their plan for funding success. The goal is to ensure that clients set up their business credibly; establish a positive business credit profile and score quickly; obtain vendor, store, fleet, and cash credit in their business name without a personal guaranty; and become more ‘lendable’ by building their business credit properly.

A spokesperson said: “Running a small business is both rewarding and challenging. Savvy Diva Enterprises is here to empower you to do what you do best. We provide you with customized business solutions and the resources you need to help you take your business to the next level.”

Latesha is also a stage 3 breast cancer survivor who also speaks about her journey to overcoming cancer with a message of faith and the power of positive thinking.

To find out more, interested parties are invited to visit the link provided.

Building & Construction Business Manufacturing & Industry U.S

Fall Protection Distributors Offers Vertical Lifeline Products for Fall Prevention

Fall Protection Distributors, one of the leaders in fall prevention, offers several Vertical Lifeline solutions.  Vertical Lifelines are an integral part of most rooftop safety plans involving life-sustaining and fall prevention equipment. Among roofing contractors, DIYers, and handymen everywhere, falls remain among the biggest risks of morbidity and mortality. A fall from a roof can leave someone with permanent injuries and medical complications that could lead to significant medical bills and quality of life issues. Some falls could even be fatal. That is why everyone has to place safety first with the help of Fall Protection Distributors and a quality lineup of Vertical Lifeline products.

What Are Vertical Lifeline Products?

Fall Protection Distributors offers the latest in safety gear to ensure everyone has the best quality products on the market. The Vertical Lifeline products are offered as individual units or as part of a larger bundle to suit the needs of any size project.  A few popular items include:

  1. The Malta Dynamics Warthog Vertical Lifeline Rope with Snap Hook, which is heat-resistant and provides protection against abrasion, reducing the chances of suffering an injury
  2. The Malta Dynamics Warthog Vertical Lifeline Assembly, which is resistant to rot, mildew, alkalis, and solvents, extending the life of this product significantly
  3. The FallTech Roofer’s Kit with Harness, which is exceptional at absorbing shocks and stresses
  4. The FallTech Polyester Vertical Lifeline Rope, which is a premium, durable rope that resists UV radiation

These are just a few of the many products available in the Vertical Lifeline category. This type of flexibility and versatility has set Fall Protection Distributors apart from the other players in the industry.

Vertical Lifeline Products Are Tested and Proven

A few general benefits of Vertical Lifeline products include:

  1. Vertical Lifeline products are resistant to alkalis, mold, and mildew
  2. Fall Protection Distributors Vertical Lifeline products are resistant to heat and cold
  3. Durable and flexible, providing security and strength while protecting against falls
  4. Alloy steel snap-hooks are reliable, strong, and trustworthy
  5. Fall Protection Distributors Vertical Lifeline products are made using a variety of webbing material including nylon and polyester


Vertical Lifeline products are simple to implement into your safety plan and easy to train for proper usage.  

Fall Protection Distributors Is Unwavering in its Dedication to its Customers

This unique mix of features is just another example of the dedication that Fall Protection Distributors has to its customers. Fall Protection Distributors regularly solicits feedback from clients to see what is working well and what needs to be improved. This feedback is reflected in the latest line of Vertical Lifeline products that are simple to use without sacrificing any of the important quality safety features.

As Fall Protection Distributors continues to stay up to date on the latest advancements in the field, it is likely that more products will be released down the road. Right now, anyone who is going to be working on a roof should take advantage of the restraint applications offered by Vertical Lifeline products from Fall Protection Distributors.

About Fall Protection Distributors

Fall Protection Distributors is one of the leaders in fall prevention technology. Fall Protection Distributors has developed a strong reputation for staying ahead of its competitors with constant technological improvements to its wide variety of fall prevention products, including Vertical Lifelines. Vertical Lifelines represents the latest in a line of reliable fall prevention products with a wide variety of features that are perfect for anyone who will be doing work on a roof for an extended amount of time. Fall Protection Distributors believes that safety should always be placed first. Learn more about Fall Protection Distributors and Vertical Lifeline products by visiting the website, Facebook and Instagram.