Science Technology U.K

Geothermal Monitoring: Silixa Introduces its Latest Cost-Effective Solution for Long-Term Reservoir Monitoring

Hertfordshire, UK, 20th Jan — Silixa, the leading provider of fibre optic sensing-based data solutions, has recently brought its high-end geothermal monitoring solution—The Carina® GeoTH—into action. 

The company hopes that its Carina® GeoTH will act as a step-change in the long-term monitoring of geothermal reservoirs. 

“Carina® GeoTH is a reliable and proven continuous monitoring solution that delivers reliable information on microseismic, induced seismicity, and well integrity assessment,” explains a spokesperson from Silixa. “It provides reliable long-term reservoir monitoring.”

By enabling sustainable and economic utilisation of the Earth’s natural heat, Carina® GeoTH efficiently speeds up the energy transition. With this permanently installed integrated fibre optic system, Silixa is committed to providing clean, affordable energy.

Silixa’s class-leading geothermal monitoring solution delivers high-fidelity data essential to ensuring reliable reservoir monitoring, improving reservoir efficiency and safely deploying EGS.

By operating optimally even in corrosive and high-temperature environments, the Carina® GeoTH offers a continuous and simultaneous understanding of mechanical, thermal and hydraulic properties in a field.

The system offers highly accurate and precise data on reservoir simulation, reservoir deformation caused by temperature and pressure variations, reservoir temperature evolution, fracture networks, and more. 

Silixa’s high-end geothermal monitoring solution uses a single fibre optic cable as the sensing element that can be cemented behind the reservoir casing or installed in shallow geothermal systems.

It’s a highly flexible system with large coverage—Carina® GeoTH can deliver on-demand and continuous data over a large distance. 

Plus, having Silixa’s Carina® Sensing System as the underlying technology, the Carina® GeoTH enables operators to monitor multiple geothermal wells effectively using a single interrogator.

Due to the system involving no moving or electronic parts, the maintenance and operation costs decrease significantly.

On top of that, by operating autonomously in remote locations, Carina® GeoTH limits human intervention while also ensuring optimised geothermal operations. 

Silixa’s Carina® GeoTH helps technicians efficiently constrain permeable fracture zones. By leveraging active or passive seismic methods with a spectrum of automated surface sources, they can efficiently keep track of fracture behaviour and evolution in a geothermal field. 

Equipped with a high-end optoelectronics interrogator and high-temperature sensing cables, Silixa’s geothermal monitoring system enables simultaneous measurement of DAS, DSS, and DTS. 

The data collected in this integrated approach to geothermal monitoring facilitates numerical modelling of site fracture permeability as well as the validation of hydro-geomechanical simulations. The result is optimised EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System) resources and efficient drilling of subsequent injection/production wells. 

In addition, the high-resolution distributed strain, temperature, and acoustic sensing data delivered by Silixa offer the finest high-spatial resolution measurements in each 0.12 to 1.0 metres along the optical fibre cable. As a result, operators can gain reliable and in-depth insight into the geothermal reservoir. 

Furthermore, the integrated Edge Processing System with Silixa’s geothermal monitoring solution enables real-time visualisation and processing of these distributed strain, acoustic, and temperature data that facilitates decision-making. 

Founded in 2007, Silixa is committed to helping the mining, oil and gas, alternative energy, and environmental and earth sciences industries address critical measurement challenges with its high-end fibre-optic solutions. 

Interested parties can learn more about Silixa’s Carina® GeoTH by visiting

Energy & Environment Technology Transportation & Logistics U.K

Conidia Bioscience Announces New Packaging and Options for FUELSTAT® Microbial Contamination Testing Kits

Egham, Surrey (UK), 20th Jan — Conidia Bioscience, the manufacturer of the FUELSTAT® testing solution for microbial detection in fuel, has recently announced new packaging and quantity options for the testing kits. 

Packaged in sealed foil pouches, FUELSTAT® is now delivered as a single-boxed test kit or in boxes of eight. 

The latest point-of-sale packaging of the testing kit includes essential details about the product and its accompanying apps, says Conidia Bioscience.

In a move to make microbial contamination detection with FUELSTAT® even more reliable and accurate, Conidia offers a free app available on both iOS and Android. 

While the FUELSTAT® Report enables global traceability of fuel testing, the FUELSTAT® Result helps record and verify test results instantly, thus limiting the need for human interpretation.

To attain Net Zero targets faster for a more sustainable future, the move to transition to biofuels is now getting a push. 

Even though biofuels are more eco-friendly, the reduction in sulphur and the introduction of fatty acid methyl ester (or FAME) spurs microbial growth in fuel which leads to serious repercussions. Frequent fuel filter clogging, operational disruption in generators or aircraft, inaccurate fuel quantity readings, Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of the fuel tanks, and engine failure are a few of the growing list of problems caused by diesel bugs. 

For commercial businesses running on these fuels, the consequences of microbial contamination can be even more catastrophic. 

Processes such as fuel polishing or tank cleaning are expensive and put the asset out of operation for a long time.

With the increasing bio-content exacerbating microbial contamination in middle distillate fuels (jet and diesel fuel), limiting its impacts has become a major concern. 

Conidia Bioscience stresses the importance of using a high-end fuel testing kit specially designed for microbial contamination to detect microbial growth at the earliest possible phase. 

“Treating contamination and the issues in the early stages is faster, cheaper, and less risky than it would be in later stages,” explains a spokesperson from Conidia Bioscience. “Depending on the type of test, it may identify the type and quantity of microbes. There is always some presence of microbes in fuel, but tests will indicate if it is a negligible, moderate, or heavy amount.”

Built on state-of-the-art immunoassay antibody technology, FUELSTAT® by Conidia Bioscience only identifies microorganisms damaging to fuel. 

The result is a reduced possibility of misleading outputs, which yields a higher degree of accuracy. 

Unlike traditional growth-based tests that require at least 72 hours, FUELSTAT® takes only 15 minutes to detect harmful microbial growth in the fuel. 

Conidia marks FUELSTAT® as the only microbial detection test kit that can be used on-site—requiring no additional equipment or stringent sterility controls. 

Interested parties can find out more about Conidia Bioscience by visiting

Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Agile Solutions Releases New Guide on Cloud Data Lakehouse

Leading Data Management expert, Agile Solutions, recently released a guide on what Cloud Data Lakehouse is and the benefit it offers.

The business explains the difference between a Data Warehouse, a Data Lake, and a Data Lakehouse. 

A Data Warehouse is a repository for structured data, used to support business intelligence. However, since it only stores structured data, a Data Warehouse comes with certain limitations, such as more storage space required to organize information. For that reason, it also costs more.

In contrast, Data Lakes are databases that store semi-structured or unstructured data. Since the information is not organized, it requires less storage space and can be accessed quickly. Also, this type of storage costs less.

However, because it is not structured and organized, it is difficult to extract meaningful information from it.

A Data Lakehouse, explains the company, lies between these two extremes. While it has the capability to store unstructured and semi-structured data, it also has the power to glean data from it for analytics.

Unlike a Data Warehouse, where the data is organized, a Data Lakehouse assigns a metadata layer over the stored information. As a result, storing the information is cost effective, yet allows business intelligence reporting and visualization.

Consequently, Agile Solutions states that it’s possible to extract and analyze this information without having to use two different systems. More importantly, this raw and unstructured Data Storage system can be ideal for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence integration.

The business goes on to explain how a Cloud Data Lakehouse is built and that the architecture can vary based on a business’s needs. Similar to the Data Warehouse and Data Lakes, it will be composed of ingestion, storage, processing, and consumption layers.

However, it will also have an additional metadata (Data Catalogue) layer. This layer is responsible for storing information about each object in the Cloud Data Lakehouse architecture.

Since a Cloud Data Lakehouse is effectively Cloud Data Lake storage running under a Cloud Data Warehouse processing capability, it provides a central space for storing all business data. 

Whether the information is structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, it can all be housed and analyzed together. The raw information does not need to be modified in order to make it compatible with a storage system.

As a result, a business can extract detailed information from this raw information for better Data Analytics, the company claims.

Since a business no longer needs two different Data Storage systems, Data Lakehouse enables the creation of a better, more robust, governance framework.

Another benefit Data Lakehouse offers is that, since all of the business’ data is in one place, data scientists can construct and carry out their own learning initiatives.

Data Lakehouse also helps in enabling ACID—or Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability—transactions. This is a data transaction model where each transaction is complete and always consistent.

In short, the list of benefits cited is not exhaustive. However, Cloud Data Lakehouse can be a key aspect in maintaining DataIntegrity and reliability during a business’ Digital Transformation.

As the provider of data advice, support, and delivery services, Agile Solutions helps businesses ensure that their data reaches its full potential. To learn more about its solutions and the services it offers, please visit

Health & Medicine Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Science Technology U.S

Decentralization Plays a Key Role in Enhancing Oncological Care, Says ObvioHealth

New York, NY, Jan 20 — Leading Virtual research organization (VRO), ObvioHealth sheds light on the role of decentralized clinical trials(DCTs) in improving the quality of care for oncology patients.

“Extending the survivability of an illness is a key goal in the development of new medications, medical devices, and treatment protocols,” explains a spokesperson from ObvioHealth. “Increasing overall quality of care is an equally worthwhile objective. Incorporating DCT elements facilitates both goals.”

According to the VRO, conducting clinical trials is an effective way of improving the quality of life for cancer patients during and after treatment. However, clinical research in oncology isn’t reaching the patients who could benefit the most. 

Even though the barriers to clinical trial participation have been a topic of frequent research, no subsequent policy changes have shifted the paradigm enough to vastly change trial participation rates over time.  

Case in point: Clinical barriers (e.g., not meeting eligibility criteria) and structural barriers (e.g., the absence of an available clinical trial, travel cost, etc.) make trial participation unachievable for more than three-quarters of oncology patients, according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 

For cancer patients with rare, irremediable, or life-threatening physical conditions, DCT designs can bring new care options by increasing their access to innovative therapeutics. 

However, due to having logistic constraints, full decentralization is not feasible for some types of clinical trials in the oncology space. 

Delivering drugs to a patient’s home, maintaining drug stability, and hiring certified nurses to administer drugs to patients at home are some of the constraints to oncology trial decentralization. 

Despite these hurdles, adopting DCT elements through hybrid trial models is rapidly gaining momentum. 

As a more patient-centric approach to oncology trials, DCTs can streamline trial processes while also significantly enhancing trial logistics. 

A DCT’s potential to facilitate access by eliminating geographic barriers to entry is a game-changer for cancer research and treatment. With DCTs in place, local oncologists can refer patients to trial screenings without overwhelming a small community hospital that can’t support centralized research.

The VRO highlights DCT and hybrid clinical studies as the way forward to reduce patient burden in oncology trials. 

Even though much of oncology research still requires on-site participation, specific appointments are more administrative than interventional and don’t need the one-on-one involvement of a physician.

Allowing participants to volunteer for trials from the comfort of their homes, DCTs minimize the need for in-person visits, thus decreasing patient burden substantially.

In addition, participants’ reluctance to report symptoms or hesitation to contact their trial support staff if they develop side effects can impact data quality and ultimately, the accuracy of trial endpoints. 

DCT solutions include convenient in-app messaging tools that help patients communicate with physicians and flag symptoms that they might otherwise consider insignificant.

On top of this, by enabling real-time reporting and communication, DCT solutions drive data quality and allow study teams to make evidence-based, data-driven decisions around the effect of a treatment on a participant’s quality of life.

Instead of capturing a brief snapshot of a patient’s health during a clinical visit, DCT solutions enable study teams to gain a longitudinal view of how their patients’ health may be trending. Continuous monitoring of risk factors, health outcomes, or both, based on the symptoms logged by patients with ePRO, helps sponsors make data-driven decisions about patient care.

To navigate challenges to success and extend access to life-improving treatments for cancer patients, adopting the modular approach (e.g., leveraging digital questionnaires or online recruitment) to oncology trials is critical, explains ObvioHelath.

Headquartered in New York, NY, ObvioHealth is a global digital health company committed to driving innovation in healthcare. With its tech-enabled nextGen DCT platforms, ObvioHelath helps sponsors effortlessly produce robust therapeutic evidence. 

Interested parties can find more information about ObvioHealth by visiting

Computers & Software Technology U.S

What’s an IT Carve-Out? Ask Fission Consulting

Chicago, IL, Jan 19th — Companies that are about to undergo a merger or separation will need to understand what an IT carve-out is and how the procedure starts. 

When a business unit is highly integrated, it can be challenging for the company to keep it solvent while selling it off completely. That’s when a business needs an IT carve-out. 

The most frequently asked questions when starting an IT carve-out project have been compiled by Fission Consulting, experts in complex IT transformations.

According to the company, “an IT carve-out refers to the activities needed to identify and separate NewCo’s IT assets from Parent’s IT environment. To operate as an independent company, NewCo will need to establish its own IT environment to support the business after separation.” 

If a company still owns equity in the subsidiary, a carve-out enables it to profit from a business sector that may not be a part of its core operations. A carve-out is comparable to a spin-off, but in a spin-off, existing shareholders receive shares from the parent company rather than acquiring new ones. 

In Fission’s latest FAQ guide, it helps clients succeed with their most significant IT transitions and transformations, and provides its clients with the necessary knowledge about IT carve-outs to ensure they do not lose. 

Fission defines IT carve-outs as identifying and separating NewCo’s IT assets from its Parent’s.

NewCo will need its own IT environment to function independently after separation. To operate NewCo’s business effectively, Parent’s critical systems are transferred into the company’s IT infrastructure.

To avoid disrupting business operations, IT carve-outs differ from typical system implementations.

For an IT carve-out, Fission suggests creating a project team with Parent, NewCo, and outside resources (where applicable).

Fission believes that the success of the IT carve-out signals success for the parent company. As a result of the TSA, NewCo will no longer rely on Parent’s IT infrastructure or its employees for support. All Parent data will be removed from NewCo’s environment on the first day of separation, and each company will behave differently.

With this advice, its clients can understand the importance of IT carve-outs, as well as the process and key points that will be of value to their business. 

The company urges companies who are separating a business unit from their current organization to understand the importance of the IT carve-out and know it. 

Interested parties can learn more about the IT carve-out in Fission’s latest FAQ guide at

Marketing & Sales Media & Communications News & Current Affairs Professional Services Technology

Achieving Maximum Visibility Has Never Been Easier with Instantly Press

(Vancouver, Canada) Instantly Press, the new press release distribution agency, is excited to announce its launch. The agency aims to provide businesses with a quick and efficient way to reach a wide range of news and media outlets, including Bloomberg, Nasdaq, Dow Jones, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, Apple News, Google News, NBC Network, CBS Network, ABC Network, FOX Network, MarketWatch, Digital Journal, Benzinga, Streets Insider, and over 400 additional outlets.

But Instantly Press doesn’t just stop at press release distribution. The agency also offers a variety of additional services to help businesses get the most out of their PR efforts.

One of the key services that Instantly Press offers is a writing service. The agency’s team of experienced writers can create high-quality press releases that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether you’re launching a new product, announcing a new partnership, or simply sharing some exciting news about your business, Instantly Press can help you craft a compelling press release that will get noticed.

Instantly Press also offers translation services, allowing businesses to reach a global audience with their press releases. The agency’s team of professional translators can translate press releases into multiple languages, ensuring that your news reaches a wider audience.

In addition to press release distribution, Instantly Press also provides clients with a variety of formats for their press release, such as PDF, Social Media and Social Blog, PR Podcast, PR Slideshow, PR Infographic, PR Video, Google Stacking. this allows clients to reach their target audience in multiple ways and increase their visibility.

The team at Instantly Press understands the importance of getting the word out about a business or product, and they have worked hard to develop a platform that makes it easy for clients to share their news with the world. Their goal is to help clients gain maximum visibility and reach their target audience with minimal effort.

Instantly Press offers a variety of packages to suit different needs and budgets, and their team is always on hand to offer guidance and support. The agency is committed to delivering results and helping clients achieve their goals.

“We are thrilled to launch Instantly Press and look forward to helping businesses of all sizes get their message out to the world,” said the CEO of Instantly Press. “We believe that our platform will make it easier for businesses to reach their target audience and achieve the visibility they need to grow.”

If you’re looking for a reliable and effective way to distribute your press releases, look no further than Instantly Press. Visit their website to learn more about the agency and how they can help you get your news in front of the right people.

Computers & Software Technology U.K

To Prevent Time-Based Cyberattacks, Businesses Should Be Using a 24/7 SOC

World-class cyber security expert, DigitalXRAID, has urged businesses to take a proactive approach to their cyber security with a 24/7 SOC (Security Operations Centre), to address the threat of time-based cyberattacks and increase in attacks over the last year. 

In light of the well reported attacks on Rackspace, Intersport and recently The Guardian, it is clear that cybercriminals are using holiday periods and out of hours timing to target businesses who may have their guard down.

Timing is a key factor when it comes to attacks and therefore it is essential for cyber defence. Cyberattacks that happen when IT and security staff are operating with skeleton staff or are away from the office altogether are more devastating, resulting in the exfiltration of much larger quantities of data and causing greater disruption. 

A cyberattack that isn’t detected immediately can take more than 300 days to contain. If several hours pass before an attack is identified, attackers have the possibility to move laterally across a company’s networks undetected, which can be dire for an organisation’s business operations and result in downtime. 

The most recent example of a devastating cyberattack comes as Royal Mail announced that they had suffered a crippling cyber incident which halted all international deliveries. The attack follows a similar pattern to the cyber incident at delivery service Yodel which reports suggest was the result of a ransomware attack launched at the weekend. With a delay in the identification of the attack, Yodel experienced widespread disruption and systems being unavailable for days following. 

A similar attack early in 2022 on another delivery company reported an overall cost of $60 million to the business. 

Hackers don’t exclusively operate during office hours, so neither should security measures. With such high profile incidents advertising the advantages of out of hours attacks, cyber criminals will be looking to profit from these opportunities. 

Cyberattacks cannot be taken lightly. Reported statistics say there is a cyberattack happening every 39 seconds, with over 4,000 ransomware attacks taking place daily. Moreover, large companies that aren’t the only ones being targeted—43% of these attacks represent small businesses.

Most organisations, especially small to mid-sized businesses don’t have the resources to build and support a 24/7 security operations centre (SOC) in house. Setting up a 24/7 SOC in-house, with all of the tooling and manpower needed for 24/7 coverage, can cost over £500,000. This just isn’t achievable for most businesses, especially in view of the global cyber skills shortage.

In view of this, and the potential cost of cyber incidents reportedly reaching upwards of £3.18m, organisations are looking to 24/7 SOC providers for support.

Outsourcing cyber security to a specialised 24/7 SOC provider gives access to the latest in tooling and highly skilled security professionals, without risking sensitive information and protection. 

Outsourcing a company’s 24/7 SOC opens the door to world-class threat detection and response without having to spend time and money in hiring, training, and retaining competent analysts.

At the same time, a 24/7 SOC provides advantages such as:

  • Skilled personnel overseeing their business 24/7
  • The ability to stop attacks in minutes
  • A lower cost of ownership to secure the business
  • More time to pursue other business opportunities

An outsourced 24/7SOC team acts like an extension of the business, leaving IT and security staff to focus their skills and energy on other aspects of the operations. At the same time, businesses do not have to compromise on detection and remediation time if they’re targeted by threat actors.

DigitalXRAID provides a CREST accredited Security Operations Centre, offering clients cyber protection 24/7/365. 

The company also provides comprehensive cybersecurity solutions and services such as penetration testing, cyber awareness training and phishing campaigns and ISO 27001 certification. To learn more about what they offer, please visit  

Technology U.S

Protera Now Offering Disaster Recovery Services to Businesses

In a move to help future-focused enterprises transition from traditional “check-box” disaster recovery plans to more dynamic, real-world testing processes, Protera now offers class-leading disaster recovery services. 

With these services, this leading managed service provider is committed to enabling businesses to consistently test, validate, and remain insurable against disaster. 

According to vice president of solution architecture, Adam Mommersteeg, “DR is certainly not new, but today’s security ecosystem has forever changed the way businesses manage it…It’s not enough to say you can back up your systems to a remote location. Cyber insurance companies are demanding proof that the right technologies are safeguarding your systems and, in the event of a breach, that operations can be restored within one business day or less. If you can’t do that, you run the risk of being uninsurable.”

Outages, natural disasters, ransomware attacks, etc., are the leading availability threats that face modern organizations and make them vulnerable to unplanned downtimes. 

Over the past few years, an overwhelming 82% of businesses have encountered at least one unplanned downtime incident. 

The ramifications of unplanned downtimes can result in a loss of business-critical data and damage to company revenue, reputation, and compliance adherence in the long term. 

Case in point: Each minute of downtime can cost a business around $9,000 on average, which brings the downtime cost/hour to more than $500,000, according to the Ponemon Institute.

That said, with an effective disaster recovery plan and solution in action, enterprises can become more resilient. It helps them quickly restore operations with no data loss and minimal business disruption in the event that disaster strikes. 

As part of its application and cloud managed services portfolio, Protera offers regular and systematic testing of all areas of an organization. As a result, businesses can rest assured that their mission-critical physical and virtual IT workloads are always protected and running optimally—regardless of their specific security, compliance, or business requirements. 

Leveraging Protera’s class-leading disaster recovery services, businesses can ensure the plans they’ve opted for work perfectly.

Protera’s sprint-based disaster recovery methodology includes a) discovery and scoping, b)implementation, c) design and detailed planning, and d) testing and handoff. 

Its agile approach to automated DR failover in the cloud allows enterprises to simplify disaster recovery and testing for enterprise applications. The cloud-native low-touch DR solution by Protera executes a string of actions on each group of applications ensuring the applications start in the correct sequence and run perfectly. 

According to Protera, traditional approaches to testing business continuity and disaster recovery greatly rely on industry point solutions that only evaluate a specific business function. While individual processes may be automated, testing a multitude of operations can be a drain on resources. 

Protera’s Disaster Recovery Framework assures all point solutions are pinpointed and tested automatically and systematically. This outcome-focused framework makes sure processes are executable with minimal human intervention while also removing the drain on resources caused by legacy techniques. 

Founded in 1998, Protera Technologies, LLC., is a nextGen managed cloud and hosting services provider committed to helping organizations achieve their modernization goals with improved quality, increased value, and reduced business risks. Protera is a global SAP® partner certified in Cloud, Hosting, Global Outsourcing, Application Management, and SAP HANA Operations Services.

Interested parties can find more information about Protera by visiting

Health & Medicine Technology U.K U.S

Central Nervous System Research Benefits from Decentralized Clinical Trial Solutions, According to ObvioHealth

Leading Virtual Trail Organization (VRO), ObvioHealth marks the role of decentralized clinical solutions in addressing the key challenges in central nervous system (CNS) research.

“DCT solutions, by leveraging a modular approach, can address four key challenges in central nervous system research to reduce participant uncertainty and burden, increase participant compliance, and drive data quality,” explains a spokesperson from ObvioHealth. 

According to ObvioHealth, the possibility of suffering from physical immobility and cognitive impairment among patients with CNS conditions prohibit them from participating in trials with on-site visits. The result is extremely expensive and time-intensive patient enrollment and participation that can cause substantial lags in CNS clinical trials. 

The VRO highlights hybrid and decentralized studies as the way forward to minimize the patient burden. Providing participants with the flexibility and support required, DCTs also help improve data quality. 

On top of this, by enabling patients to contribute to CNS trials from the comfort of their homes, digital solutions that include ePRO and eConsent significantly shift the paradigm to a much higher enrollment rate. 

In addition, stigma related to CNS disorders is pervasive in clinical studies and acts as a deterrent for CNS trial participation. 

Concerns about being typified or judged, exposing personal health information, or being otherwise negatively labeled can significantly impact a patient’s willingness to volunteer for a CNS clinical trial.

By enabling participants to maintain a more comfortable distance from the trial team while also ensuring they get immediate support whenever needed, decentralized and hybrid studies offer privacy tailored to a patient’s preferences. The result is destigmatized clinical trials leading to improved patient recruitment and retention rates. 

Even though clinician- and patient-reported outcomes are the basis for gauging multiple endpoints in CNS clinical studies, they are often prone to skewed perceptions and recall bias. In addition to participant subjectivity, the possibility of variability across expert raters impacts data quality and ultimately, the accuracy of trial endpoints. 

While with ePRO and eClinRo, clinicians and patients can submit data on symptoms and behavior in real-time using their own devices, with eCOA, experts can streamline the review process.

The result is augmented reporting and clinical assessments that can minimize clinician variability and limit the risk of data distortion, thus driving data quality.

Due to CNS trials involving research on critical brain functions, keeping patients under constant follow-up is vital, explains ObvioHealth. 

That said, patients who drop out during the trial pose a major concern for clinical teams as well as significantly impact the trial success rate. 

The end-to-end support and patient-centric processes offered in decentralized and hybrid approaches help clinical teams keep participants engaged throughout the trial period and over time.

While the human-centric designs with DCT studies help address patient requirements faster, the virtual site team, real-time data collection, and remote monitoring of patients with these approaches notably decrease patient attrition rates in CNS trials. 

According to the VRO, substantial emphasis is placed on conducting CNS clinical trials today, with central nervous system disorder remaining the leading reason behind mortality and morbidity worldwide.

Case in point: Over 4,000 CNS clinical trials are predicted to be underway by 2026, according to Evaluate Pharma. 

To navigate challenges to success, and accelerate the process of marketing life-improving new treatments, adopting DCT models within CNS research is critical. 

ObvioHealth’s patient-centric DCT solutions help study teams address the issues of data inaccuracy and interoperability essential to deliver robust clinical outcomes and endpoints.

Founded in 2017, ObvioHealth is a global digital health organization led by an expert team. ObvioHelath develops and runs decentralized clinical trial solutions across the globe that help capture more robust and accurate data to speed up drug development. 

Interested parties can learn more about ObvioHealth by visiting

Media & Communications Professional Services Technology U.K U.S

Geeky Tech’s Marketing Podcast Provides Honest Discussions About SEO

Geeky Tech, a leading tech B2B marketing agency, believes that if you want something done right, do it yourself. 

The business applies this philosophy to the services it provides to clients. It has built a team of experts that work on clients’ SEO and marketing without having to rely on outsourced services. At the same time, it also demonstrates this in the educational resources it provides to potential clients.

As part of this effort, the agency offers a monthly podcast—SEO Unfiltered—that aims to demystify the world of search engine optimisation (SEO).

The business claims there are several myths about digital marketing. Some of these are harmless, or a result of outdated practices. Others, whilst not harmful, may lead companies to spend money on fixing issues that may not be actual problems.

However, certain practices could lead to websites being penalised by search engines, claims the agency. These might have been acceptable some years ago, but are not considered legitimate today, the agency explains.

The podcast, hosted by Genny Methot, the content lead, is designed to educate digital marketers on the best ways to drive results, explains the agency.

The topics range from broad discussions about how a business can take over its own digital marketing to detailed discourses on why paid ads are important.

Surprisingly, the main theme of what is discussed seems to be that SEO should focus on the audience and not so much on Google. 

Since the team is made up of “Geeks” who have spent years understanding the mysteries of SEO and Google algorithms, it is only logical that the podcast features team members who share their knowledge.

In the podcast’s first episode, the agency’s co-founder, Ben Hawkshaw-Burn, talks about why it is important for business owners to understand how SEO works—even if it’s being outsourced to an SEO company.

Similarly, in another episode, the agency’s on-page SEO expert, Alan Mansford, discusses the common mistakes that could affect a website’s ranking. The episode is ideal for those who have heard of technical SEO terms but do not understand what they mean.

Similarly, the podcast has episodes featuring Jo Priest, the agency’s off-page optimisation expert, and Amine Lakaab, the paid ads Geek.

Bita Jarrah, a senior UX designer for the Canadian Red Cross who was also invited onto the show, talks about what user experience (UX) is and why it’s important.

According to the agency, the podcast is designed to help clients understand SEO better. At the same time, it empowers businesses and marketers who wish to take ownership of their digital marketing.

As a result, the podcast answers questions about complicated marketing topics that’s easy to understand for everyone.

Geeky Tech is a marketing agency that focuses on B2B tech companies. Collectively, the team has decades of SEO experience, allowing clients to get great results. To learn more about the business and the services it offers, please visit