Business Computers & Software Finance Financial Market Technology

Managing API Security Is Essential For the Banking Sector

I recently saw a headline that reported multiple branch closures by Lloyds, Halifax, and TSB. Personally, it didn’t affect me so I didn’t read the article. 

Why would it? I do my banking on my phone.

And, that’s mainly the reason why banks are closing their seldom used branches—people are banking online and not physically walking into banks.

As someone who prefers living online, I am not here to debate the benefits of high streets and banks. What I do want to talk about is the role of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in modern banking.

According to Express Computer, an Indian IT publication, APIs are spearheading the banking sector’s evolution.

These software programs allow banks to share their data and services with third parties. Third parties, as a result, can improve their services and customer experience.

APIs in Banking

According to the article, banks use APIs both as consumers and publishers.

As consumers, APIs help banks:

  • Automate the customer onboarding process, making it smoother
  • Get real-time information on customer credit-worthiness
  • Make better decisions for loan applications
  • Add value to their core business with investment and financial planning advice
  • Integrate with other services, such as e-commerce stores, and make online payments easier
  • Add other financial products into their range of offerings

As publishers, banks use APIs to reach more customers and diversify their services.

So, yes, the banking sector can thank APIs for a great deal.

However, that brings me to my next point. Since APIs are now an integral part of the banking sector, API security also becomes a larger issue.

I’ve discussed how re-evaluating your cybersecurity stack could help stop API breaches earlier. Then, I came across this post that discusses how identity distribution is essential for modern API security.

What Is Identity Distribution?

APIs enable a network of services that users can access. Once a user is inside that network, from any access point, they can get to any and all information within that network.

Identity distribution is the process of ensuring that the user is authorised to access information, at every point instead of just when they enter.

If you want to think of it in terms of your home security, once a person has entered your house—whether through the front door, back door, or window—they can go through the contents of all your rooms.

Identity distribution is the process of vetting their access and authorization in each room. If they are only allowed to enter the living room, they can’t be let into the master bedroom.

Identity Distribution For API Security in Banking

Identity distribution shouldn’t just take into account who is asking for access. It should also consider the origin of the request, the external application through which the request was sent, and an allow-list of callers.

Unfortunately, this brings up two other issues. 

One, sharing the credentials across the network means everyone who receives those credentials could use them to get the same level of access.

Two, It means distributing the user’s credentials across the network when some of the information might be sensitive. 

In effect, you’re sharing the user’s authorisation credentials (thereby making them available to other services on the network), which also means you’re sharing their information (which could be sensitive).

To mitigate this issue, you’d need proper identity distribution techniques. The technology you use will play a role in how secure the implementation is—that means having a detailed understanding of how your services interact with others and the pathways your users will have to take.

That, in turn, would help determine which services would need what identity data to complete the request.

Additionally, you’d also need to determine what piece of data these services would need to take the authorisation decisions.

Identity Distribution Techniques

Once you know the data that needs to be delivered to other services and who needs it, you can choose from a selection of identity distribution solutions. These can be:

  • Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) end-to-end, even with services within your network, instead of only at the perimeter
  • A locked-down infrastructure, where you control all communications within the network through encrypted connections, and using mutual TLS (mTLS) and frameworks (SPIFFE, Kubernetes) to manage service calls
  • Using established standards like OAuth and JSON web tokens (JWTs) instead of developing your own solutions
  • Using claim-based authorisation instead of using API keys or scopes (because, remember broken authorisation is listed as OWASP’s no.1 API vulnerability, and discussed in an article on API Security Solution by, the leading API management platform)
  • Using opaque tokens instead of JWTs (which can reveal information to the frontend application or threat actors)
  • Using token-sharing techniques, such as token embedding or token exchanging

As you can see, API security is important across the board, but the banking sector is a bit more high-stakes than others. Whilst a security breach can be devastating regardless, banks are responsible for people’s money and savings. 

Investing in better cybersecurity is not just for them but also for their customers. And, API security is going to be a huge part of it.

Business Marketing & Sales Services Technology Website & Blog

Announcing Storeplum’s New E-commerce Store Platform That Is Easy and Simple to Use

Outside The Limit [], a reputable online technology advice and research company, has recently released a report and review on Storeplum’s new e-commerce store platform. This innovative platform is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and aims to provide an easy and simple to use solution for the competitive online retail market.

The new e-commerce store platform offers a comprehensive range of features that can help businesses streamline their online operations. With Storeplum, businesses can easily manage their online stores, keep track of their inventory, process orders, and accept payments in a safe and efficient manner.

One of the standout features of Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed with simplicity in mind and allows business owners to set up their online stores quickly and efficiently. The platform’s dashboard provides easy access to all the necessary features, allowing business owners to focus on growing their businesses.

The platform is highly customizable, enabling businesses to create unique online stores that reflect their brand and style. Storeplum offers a range of customization options, including customizable themes, fonts, colors, and layouts, ensuring that businesses can create an online store that is tailored to their needs.

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to shop online. Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is mobile-friendly, ensuring that businesses’ online stores are accessible and easy to use on any device, including smartphones and tablets.

Moreover, the platform is affordable, providing businesses with a comprehensive range of features at a competitive price, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. Storeplum is also offering a coupon code to save 15% if users us the code: JOEL15.

“We are excited for the release of Storeplum’s new e-commerce store platform,” says “The platform is designed to be easy to use, reliable, customizable, and affordable, providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive online retail market.” is dedicated to providing businesses with the latest insights, advice, and reviews on new technologies, including e-commerce platforms, online video platforms, and digital marketing tools. Their mission is to help businesses succeed in the digital world by providing them with the tools and resources they need to stay ahead of the competition.

Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is a game-changer for businesses looking to succeed in the competitive online retail market. With its user-friendly interface, robust security features, customization options, and affordability, it provides businesses with the necessary tools to streamline their online operations and stand out in the digital world. For more information, visit today and use the Storeplum coupon code: JOEL15 to save 15%.

Business Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Gantt Charts: Exploring the Applications and the Benefits

Managing a project, irrespective of its size, comes down to juggling a myriad of tasks, people, and whatnot—a single deadline is missed, and the entire project can go awry, incurring hefty losses and serious repercussions.

For project managers looking to boost their productivity by effectively managing their teams and projects, taking a visual approach to project management is a no-brainer. 

Even though tons of project management methods are available, Gantt charts have long been considered the most effective.

Instead of bogging you down with details, these charts give you a comprehensive visual representation of the tasks, milestones, and deadlines plotted against time.

IntelliPaat has offered a complete breakdown of a Gantt chart to help you get a head start.

But first, let’s elaborate on what a Gantt chart is.

What Is a Gantt Chart

Invented by Henry Gantt, a Gantt chart is, at its core, a pictorial view of a project: the resources involved, the start and end date of the project, how it’s planned to be executed—all laid out in horizontal bars. 

Based on your specific project requirements, you have a wide range of Gantt charts to choose from—such as basic Gantt charts, milestone Gantt charts, resource-loaded Gantt charts, dependency Gantt charts, and more. 

Applications of a Gantt Chart

Since a Gantt chart offers instant insight into a project, users can effortlessly see how it will progress over time. 

A Gantt chart facilitates:

  • Project Planning: Project planners can visualise the building blocks of their projects, thus organising and categorising them into fragmented and more manageable tasks. Plus, tasks can be prioritised for scheduling efficiency.
  • Resource Allocation: Stretching the available resources over too many tasks causes setbacks. With the project timeline in the Gantt chart, project planners can get an instant snapshot of how and where the resources are being used. Besides, a Gantt chart facilitates resource management by enabling project managers to delegate effectively while also aligning resources. As a result, project milestones are more likely to be achieved within the allocated budget and timeframe, ensuring no employee is overworking.
  • Defining Logistics and Task Dependencies: Gantt charts help project managers keep an expert eye on project logistics. In addition, by illustrating dependencies as lines linking two tasks or linking a task to a milestone, they can show when a particular task should start or end in relation to other tasks. For a company running projects in a multi-team environment, this feature can be highly effective. 

The result: Efficient project building and management that keeps measurable (and quick) revenue rolling in the business

Benefits of a Gantt Chart

  • Boost Team Productivity: One of the notable advantages of a Gantt chart is that it facilitates cross-departmental collaboration and brings all involved stakeholders on a single page. On top of that, it helps stakeholders track how a project is progressing in real-time, thus enabling the team to plan their steps ahead of time. Staying aligned on project tasks allows them to bolster business productivity.
  • Set Realistic Deadlines and Expectations: As we have already stated, the Gantt chart visually represents all the tasks and interdependencies comprising a project. Such a cohesive visual representation helps teams set realistic deadlines for each task and ultimately, the entire project.
  • Adjust the Plan in Real-Time: Having insights into the pace at which each task is progressing helps you depict the upcoming delays and roadblocks. This allows you to dodge potential risks or adjust your plans accordingly.

Turbocharge Your Presentation with Gantt Charts

Project managers dealing with massive troves of information frequently create calendar-based Gantt charts in Microsoft Visio or Project and import them into PowerPoint slides. However, the process is time-consuming and gets arduous due to lacking essential features. 

For those who want to create Gantt charts directly in PowerPoint with fewer clicks and less time, leveraging an add-in, such as think-cell, is a sensible decision. Automated Gantt charts, built with high-end software, help create better results—both for your presentation and timeline planning.

Wrapping Up

In short, when it comes to organising a project efficiently, a Gantt chart is second to none. Get the hang of Gantt charts and manage even the most complex project in a breeze. 

Business Employment Media & Communications Technology U.K

How Tech Startups Can Make Themselves Recession-Ready

The start of 2023 has seen big tech companies laying off employees in the thousands. To make matters worse, there’s talk of a potential recession happening this year. 

If tech giants are having a rough time, how will smaller tech startups fare in this market?

As a smaller tech company, you’d be justified in getting a wee bit concerned. Fortunately, even when the near future looks bleak, there are ways your business can avoid the doom and gloom that comes with economic downturns.

Here’s how:

Focus on Your Team

A business is made up of not just the brand but also its people. And, as a startup, you want each member of your team to be a valuable asset. The more you invest in them, the more they will be invested in you.

That’s why continuous improvement and on-the-job training are invaluable. Technology changes and grows rapidly, and you want your employees to keep up. Not only are you building a stronger foundation for your business, but you’re also giving your employees a reason to care about the company’s growth. The more you grow, the more they grow.

This is one of the best ways of showing them you believe in their potential. And, also of creating a lean team that will keep your business afloat when times are rough.

Understand the Recession Market

Let’s face it. Recessions are nothing new. And, whilst technology might not have been the same, business principles tend to work in the same way, generation after generation.

So, take a look at what other successful tech companies did in the past. See how you could apply those principles to your business.

That should give you a good baseline for a set of revised business goals for your company during a potential recession.

It helps to have a multilayered strategy with different sets of business goals for various situations. Things might not be as bad as you think. Alternatively, things might be worse.

If you have a plan for every situation, including the worst-case scenario, you won’t be left floundering when (or, if) things do go south.

Be Prepared to Offer New Products

When COVID-19 started spreading in 2020, many countries enforced a strict lockdown. The UK was one of them. Businesses that were deemed non-essential had to close operations. That included manufacturers as well.

However, seeing that there was a shortage of ventilators in the country (at a time when the NHS would require more ventilators than normal), the Government issued the Ventilator Challenge.

Manufacturers who agreed to take part in it got together to make 20 years’ worth of ventilators in 12 weeks.

If you look at other businesses during the lockdown, you’ll see a number of them did have to change their product offerings in order to stay relevant.

In a recession, you may find that the products you normally make are not required. So, you need to be prepared to change your offerings.

(And, if you paid attention to my first point, you’d have a team that would be able to handle that change!)

Focus on Retention, Not Acquisition

You know that saying—a bird in hand is worth two in the bush?

It applies—very strongly, I might add—to customers. 

It is always easier to retain existing customers by keeping them happy than it is to acquire new ones. 

And, if you’re in the middle of a recession, new customers are even more difficult to find.

So, spend time on building those existing relationships instead of focusing on new ones. Reach out to your customers and find out if their needs have changed. If times are difficult, it might be possible for you to help each other out.

Plus, marketing to existing customers doesn’t have to be tedious or boring. As Bold Content pointed out, B2B videos don’t have to be boring. Build a connection with emotional, funny, relatable content.

(Plus, Bold Content is already helping produce content that could help your workforce grow—check out the story about the animation they created for Tech She Can, which encourages young girls to take up STEM studies.)

So, there you have it. Keeping your tech startup going during a recession is all about having a plan and building human connections. Stay creative, and maybe I’ll be writing a case study on your business in a couple of years.

Business Energy & Environment Lifestyle Living U.K

First British Interior Design Collective Achieves B Corp Certification

Accouter Group of Companies, home to Accouter, has recently been announced as Britain’s first B Corp certified interior design collective, reported Elliman Insider

AGC believes that the team’s commitment to meeting the “highest standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency” on a spectrum of social and environmental issues has brought the company this prestigious recognition.

“We are proud to be the first British Interior Design Collective to join this community of change-makers, alongside a global movement of people using their business as a force for good,” said Stella Gittins, cofounder of Accouter Group of Companies. “B Corp is a holistic approach for us. It shapes our culture and encourages us to acknowledge our business impact and act. Most importantly, it gives us a framework for continuous improvement, so that every day, we become a little bit prouder of what we do.”

What Is B Corp Certification?

B Corp is a private certification awarded to for-profit companies that can demonstrate their deep commitment to using business as a ‘force for good’—whether via community outreach, taking sustainability initiatives, or implementing equitable economic practices.

Since 2007, this highly prestigious certification has been awarded by B Lab to enterprises that meet the ‘social and environmental performance’ standards. 

B Lab is a non-profit organisation helping to build a sustainable global economy that will benefit people, the environment, and the world. 

AGC Hails B Corp Status

AGC achieved the highly coveted B Corp status in early 2023.

The company has been evaluated rigorously based on the B Impact assessment criteria. The company scored 83.3, whereas the median score for a business to pass the assessment process is 50.9. 

When more than 22 million pieces of furniture are disposed of in the UK each year, AGC is unwaveringly committed to balancing purpose with profit by championing environment-friendly materials and long-lasting manufacturing processes.

“We know there is cynicism around the topic of sustainability for businesses, which is why it was important for us to achieve our B Corp. B Corp separates the green-washers from the good-doers. It shows people that those that really want to make a change, are making a change and that they are willing to operate in a way that puts people and the planet first, and profit second. For companies like us, the priority is to meet the highest social and environmental standards, and do so with authenticity, transparency, and full accountability,” said Alec Watt, CEO of Accouter Group of Companies.

As part of its effort to better demonstrate its adherence to B Corp standards, the company has formed an internal team headed by a dedicated B-keeper. The team is responsible for ensuring that the improvement goals of the company closely align with its working culture. 

“Our enthusiastic B Corp team worked together to identify all our processes to ensure we are practising what we preach when it comes to responsible business practices. We now have a village of internal people rooting for change, which makes us a powerful force towards achieving better things as a business. We wanted to come together and step up, and we’re proud to have done exactly that,” stated Gittins.

Partnering with Walpole, AGC helps the British luxury industry lower its carbon footprint and environmental impact for a more sustainable future.

What’s Next?

Joining the B Corp force is only the beginning, according to AGC. AGC is committed to ensuring their improvements are ever-evolving by helping build a more inclusive, sustainable economy. 

With B Corp certification, the company is aiming to build a global movement for ensuring sustainable development, curbing inequality, and concocting job opportunities with purpose and dignity.

Business Finance Financial Market Technology U.S

Kroger and Albertsons Zero in on Store Divestitures Amid Deal Review

The Kroger Co. and Albertsons Companies Inc are still on track to divest 250 to 300 stores as part of their effort to dispel antitrust issues regarding their proposed merger plan.

The stores slated for sale are valued at USD 1B or above, and are located all across different regions of the US—such as Chicago, Phoenix, Southern California, and the Pacific Northwest—reported Reuters, citing unnamed sources.

Kroger-Albertsons Cos. Merger Deal

In a move to reshape the U.S. supermarket landscape, Kroger and Albertsons Cos.—The US’s two biggest grocery store chains—announced plans to join forces in mid-October.

The retailers hope that this merger, if approved by regulators, would help create a corporate behemoth generating around $200 billion in sales per year.

Combined, Kroger and Albertsons Cos. would operate around 5,000 stores across the country.

Reasons Behind the Divestiture

The retailers have decided to prepare for the store divestiture as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reassessing Kroger’s proposed USD $24.6B investment in Albertsons Cos. 

Since the retailers declared the merger strategy, there has been a flurry of movements from American consumer advocates and lawmakers against it. 

They are pressuring the FTC to hit the brakes on the deal, or at least hold it for some time, over concerns that this merger, if executed, could cause significant hikes in grocery prices amid the current spiralling inflation rates.

While declaring their merger, the retailers stated that the plan was to sell around 100 to 375 stores to win regulatory approval faster. However, Kroger mentioned that up to 650 stores could be divested.

As per the agreement, if the deal falls apart over antitrust issues, Kroger would be required to pay Albertsons Cos. $600M as a breakup fee to walk away from the contract.

The retailers are trying to sound out long-sought buyers for their stores and address the antitrust issue of FTC over their merging. 

Both Kroger and Albertsons Cos. expect these stores to be spun off into a subsidiary dubbed SpinCo by Albertsons Cos. or directly acquired by competitor supermarkets trying to extend their footprint in the USA. 

FTC to Monitor the Financial Viability of the Stores Divested

FTC will closely monitor any sale of the stores coming from this divestment, reported Reuters, citing antitrust experts at FTC. 

The current FTC chair Lina Khan marked the failed AlbertsonsCos./Safeway settlement behind FTC’s scepticism about the Kroger-Albertsons deal. 

The result: The agency is strictly scrutinising the potential impact of the Kroger–Albertsons merger deal.

Navigating Divestiture Challenges to Success

Brian Concklin, an antitrust expert and partner at global law firm Clifford Chance has advised Kroger and Albertsons Cos. to ensure that the stores they have decided to divest can act as formidable players in the industry. Thus the retailers can keep the FTC from blocking their merger deal.

“The Albertsons-Safeway deal will loom large over how these assets are viewed and how the FTC evaluates whether these divestiture packages being offered are viable,” commented Brian Concklin.

As a complex process, divestiture requires a coordinated effort to be successful.

For any dynamic enterprise looking to maximise the transaction value while divesting its business, investing in a consulting service like Fission Consulting is a sensible decision.

Such a high-end service streamlines the process while significantly reducing business disruptions.

Wrapping up

Kroger and Albertsons Cos. hope their plan to spin off the stores as part of the merger deal will help overcome challenges while paving the way to get FTC approval. 

“We believe we have a clear path to achieve regulatory approval with divestitures,” said Gary Millerchip, Chief Financial Officer at Kroger in a Bloomberg news.

Business Education Health & Medicine Human Resources U.S

Dental Industry Leader Laura Nelson To Launch Groundbreaking Podcast Series “Dear Laura”


The “Ask Laura” Show Podcast from Front Office Rocks is a must-listen for dental professionals.

Coronado (Calif.)

“Ask Laura” is a new podcast from Front Office Rocks founder Laura Nelson. A well-known dental practice management expert and the nation’s foremost expert on virtual front office training for dental practices, Laura will offer insightful tips, advice, and tactics for dental professionals looking to enhance their practices and provide patients with the highest quality of patient care and service.

Eagerly anticipated by those in the dental industry, The “Ask Laura” podcast, which will be accessible on all major podcasting platforms, is scheduled to debut the first week of February. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions to Laura, who will answer directly on the show.​​

According to Laura, “I am thrilled to launch this new podcast and give dental practitioners a useful tool to help them improve their practices.”

Laura will explore several diverse subjects on her show, including brand awareness, customer service, and the expansion of practices. “My mission is to equip dental professionals with the tools they need to flourish and give patients the greatest experience possible.”

Additional topics which will be covered on the “Ask Laura” show include dental practice management, virtual dental training, dental customer service, dental team training, dental office efficiency, dental practice growth, dental practice marketing, dental practice scheduling, dental practice insurance, dental office culture, dental assistant development, dental hygienist training, dental practice software, dental practice hiring and employee management, dental practice re-care and retention, and dental practice communications to name a few.

The “Ask Laura” podcast will also feature interviews with industry thought leaders and professionals in addition to expert advice, giving listeners access to a variety of viewpoints and knowledge.

“I’m ecstatic to bring my decades of experience and expertise to the ‘Ask Laura’ show and offer dental professionals practical tips and tactics they can put into practice,” said Nelson. “I think I can help dental professionals achieve unbelievable results in their clinics and give patients the finest experience possible by sharing my expertise and experience.”

For dentists striving to enhance their practices and offer the finest patient experience, the “Ask Laura” show is a must-listen. Watch the first episode the first week of February and subscribe to the program on all popular podcasting websites.

Visit the Front Office Rocks website or email Laura Nelson at for more information on the “Ask Laura” show.

About Front Office Rocks:

Dental professionals will learn the skills they need to advance their practices and give patients the best possible experience with Front Office Rocks, an online training resource. The business provides several online learning opportunities, including coaching, live seminars, and on-demand video sessions. Dedicated to empowering dental professionals to flourish in their roles and achieve unheard-of results in their practices, Front Office Rocks is led by Laura Nelson, a renowned dental practice management specialist.

About Laura Nelson:

Laura Nelson BS, MS, FAADOM, is the founder of Front Office Rocks and a renowned dental office management specialist. She has devoted time to researching how to lead and develop her team members, drawing on her years of expertise in the dental industry to achieve unprecedented growth. Along with coaching hundreds of dentists and dental team members, she has also given dentists and office managers the tools they need to flourish at performance-based hiring. Her objective is to impart her knowledge and skills to dental professionals so they may enhance their procedures and give patients the best experience possible.

The “Ask Laura” program is a terrific resource for dentists who want to enhance their practices and give patients the finest possible care. Anyone working in the dental field ought to listen to this program because it contains professional guidance, practical techniques, and a variety of viewpoints. Watch the first episode the first week of February and subscribe to the program on all popular podcasting websites. 

Business Education Health & Medicine Human Resources U.S

Dental industry Leader Dr. Scott Leune To Launch Groundbreaking Podcast Series “Dear Scott”


The “Dear Scott Show” Podcast Is Being Released by Breakaway Seminar in an Effort to Assist Dentists and Dental Practices in Conquering Obstacles and Expanding Their Businesses.

(City, State) – [Location] Breakaway Seminar, a leading provider of business training and consulting services for dentists, is pleased to announce the launch of their new podcast, “The Dear Scott Show.” In the first episode, scheduled to air in February, Dr. Scott Leune will answer questions about problems that dental practice owners are currently dealing with and have submitted to the show.

The purpose of the show is to educate and empower dental professionals by delivering them actionable information and ideas that they can use to expand their practices. According to Dr. Leune, “We could not be more excited to launch this new resource for dental professionals.”

The Dear Scott Show will consist of weekly episodes that are each twenty minutes long and will be taped weekly. These episodes will be released on the company’s social media platforms once per week, with clips shared on social media in the gaps between episodes. During the show, Dr. Leune will respond to questions or challenges posed by viewers, such as “I now run one practice but am considering starting a second; when is the optimal time to do it?”

The goal of Breakaway Seminar is to provide private dentists with cutting – edge business models, operational procedures, and growth strategies so they can enjoy more success in their practices. The Dear Scott Show is an extension of that mission, and it offers dentists helpful insights and guidance in a manner that is convenient and easy to access.

Dr. Leune added, “The Dear Scott Show is an ideal addition to our already established seminar offerings and consulting services. It enables us to communicate with a more extensive audience and deliver an even greater amount of value to dental professionals interested in elevating their practices to the next level.”

The Advanced Startup Seminar and the Business Masters Seminar are two of the core services offered by Breakaway Seminar. The Dear Scott Show is the most recent addition to this collection of offerings. These events have received a lot of positive feedback, which has helped the organization establish itself as a prominent business training company for dentists and members of their teams.

About Breakaway Seminar:

It is Breakaway Seminar’s objective to support private dentists and assist them in thriving by providing them with cutting-edge business models, processes, and strategies. Breakaway Seminar is a prominent provider of business training and consulting services for dentists. The organization gives its clients access to a wide range of services, such as the Advanced Startup Seminar, the Business Masters Seminar, and, most recently, the Dear Scott Show podcast.

About Dr. Scott Leune:

Dr. Scott Leune is a prominent business strategist and speaker in the field of dentistry. He has vast expertise in establishing and maintaining profitable dental businesses. He is the founder of Breakaway Seminar, which has been of assistance to a large number of practices all throughout the country in their pursuit of financial success. The education offered at Breakaway Seminar’s events and through its consulting services is built on the foundation of Dr. Leune’s experiences and the lessons he has learned the hard way.

Visit their website at to acquire additional information regarding the Dear Scott Show and the other services provided by Breakaway Seminar. 

Business Education Health & Medicine Human Resources U.S

Dental Whale Launches Cutting-Edge Learning Series to Help Dentists Save Money


Dental Whale Introduces a New Learning Series Podcast to assist Dental Professionals with saving money on purchases.

Sunrise, Florida – Dental Whale, a leading online source of dental supplies and equipment from some of the biggest names in the industry, is pleased to announce the release of its new Learning Series podcast. Beginning in the first week of February, dental professionals may check in to learn about the latest industry trends, best practices, and new products from industry experts.

The Dental Whale Learning Series podcast is ideal for keeping dentists and dental practices up-to-date on industry news and making informed purchasing decisions. The podcast will feature interviews with industry leaders, product reviews, and professional advice on several topics, including technology, materials, instruments, and practice management.

“We are thrilled to introduce this new resource for dental professionals,” said Joe Cavaretta, CEO of Dental Whale. “We recognize how important it is to stay current in the business, and we believe that the Dental Whale Learning Series podcast will be a great tool for dental professionals wishing to enhance their practice while saving money on top brand supplies and equipment.”

All major podcast sites, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, will carry the Dental Whale Learning Series podcast. Subscribe to the podcast on your chosen platform or visit (link to be updated) to stay up to speed on new episodes.

About Dental Whale

Dental Whale is a supplier of top-brand dental supplies and equipment, allowing dental professionals to save up to 40% on supplies, labs, or equipment. Dental Whale, with a staff of skilled specialists, is dedicated to assisting dental practices in improving their bottom line.


Business Education Finance Services U.S

Boris Musheyev Disrupts The Tax Industry By Changing The Way Business Owners Do Their Taxes

Queens, NY – February 8th, 2023 – Boris Musheyev founder of Boris M Tax Inc. new tax strategy e-book earns the Click Funnels 2-Comma Club award. The S-Corp Tax Book teaches entrepreneurs how to legally pay less in taxes using your S-Corporation. 

This ebook was created to educate entrepreneurs on how the United States tax code is designed and how they can use it to their advantage. Inside the book are tax strategies, deductions, and benefits that any profitable business owner can use to save money on taxes using S-Corporation.

The book also teaches business owners that accounting is more about being correct and putting the right numbers in the right boxes. It’s being strategic, and proactive and maximizing tax savings with tax planning.

Tax planning is not the same as tax preparation. Most people think that tax planning is just for the ultra-mega-rich, and it’s extremely underutilized by small business owners. 

Imagine you’re going on a road trip. Tax planning is like mapping out your route before you leave. You look at the big picture and decide the best way to get to your destination. You take into account things like traffic, construction, and road closures, so you can make adjustments and arrive at your destination on time.

Tax preparation, on the other hand, is like packing your bags and getting in the car. Once you’ve mapped out your route, you gather all the necessary items (documents, forms, etc.) and make sure they’re in order before you hit the road. You double-check that you have your driver’s license, registration, and insurance and that your gas tank is full. You’re ready to go.

Proactive tax planning is the only way to pay less in taxes. Tax planning is the process of looking at your life and business, and identifying strategic ways to minimize your tax liability with proactive tax planning strategies. It’s all about being proactive and taking advantage of opportunities to seriously save money on taxes.

Tax preparation, on the other hand, is the process of gathering all the necessary documents and information, and putting the right numbers in the right boxes. It’s all about being organized and making sure everything is in order before the deadline.

Just like a road trip, it’s important to start planning early and not wait until the last minute. If you wait until the last minute to map out your route, you’re going to miss out on tax-saving opportunities and overpay in taxes. Which is 100% avoidable.

In short, tax planning is all about using proactive tax strategies to pay less in taxes. Tax preparation is simply putting the right numbers in the right boxes. It’s important to start planning early and not wait until the last minute, just like a road trip.

As of today, over 20,000 copies of this book have been downloaded and more and more entrepreneurs learn about the power of tax planning and how S-Corporation can help them save money on taxes.

For more information on tax planning for your business visit