Business Marketing & Sales Professional Services U.S

Three Biggest Networking Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Cost Them Referrals

In recent years, the impact and importance of networking became even more evident and, for most business owners, this awareness did not always translate into additional business for the time that was invested. Networking for referrals can be the most cost effective way to build a business, yet most people miss 80% of the referral business they could get due to several mistakes made when meeting a potential referral network. 

“Networking is easy, but not necessarily simple,” advises Debbra Sweet, a leadership performance coach. “In fact, effective networking, whether online or in person, requires skills to produce the results you want that lead to getting referrals and new clients and ultimately increase revenue.”

Sweet is a Certified Trainer of Strategic Word of Mouth Referral Networking and she’s been teaching business owners her unique skill set for over 25 years and led businesses to produce over $54 Million in closed revenue in the San Diego area in one year.

“Since online networking often edges out in person meetings, it’s very evident that we are actually more disconnected than ever on how to be effective with our networking time,” she says. “Many professionals are wonderful at what they do, but that does not make them great networkers. Effective networking needs new skills, insights and clarity of intention for results.”

A global survey that Sweet took part in found that 91% of people agree that networking is the largest factor to business growth, yet the soft skills required to network effectively are rarely taught, leaving a gap of knowledge on how to network to get referrals and ultimately build a bigger business.

Debbra Sweet says there are three common mistakes that most people make when networking online and offline that can cost them referrals.

Mistake #1 – Showing up unprepared. “One mistake I see business networkers consistently make is they show up unprepared without determining an intention before they arrive. They ‘wing’ their networking time and talk. Winging it is not a strategy. When you network, people can tell quickly when you lead your conversation this way. Most people think that simply because you meet a person and you can have a conversation with them that that is networking,” she says. “They assume a casual conversation will convert to referrals but are very disheartened that it doesn’t. You have to have a networking plan.”

Mistake #2 – Not understanding how to navigate different types of networking events. There are many different types of networking events including casual, professional, social, and service oriented to name a few. Sweet advises, “The framework for effectiveness with your time is understanding the network, and how to network in, up in each situation- while reflecting your leadership and building your brand reputation along the way. You can be authentic and network anytime, anyplace, anywhere – with professionalism. But to do that and build trust along the way starts with knowledge of how to show up regardless of the environment.  How you network is a direct reflection of how you show up and serve in your business.”

Mistake #3 – Attempting to close a sale prematurely. A lifelong entrepreneur is no stranger to successes and shortcomings that impact both personal and professional networking outcomes. “It’s important and vital to understand the distinctions between transactional networking and relationship networking needed to create trust that will allow you to close a sale. Pouncing at the first ‘hello’ is not the way to earn trust that leads to ongoing referrals. This may seem obvious to some, but like a good cup of coffee – it’s better brewed versus instant.”

As a networking leader with decades of firsthand experience, Sweet is deeply passionate about helping others learn the skills needed to create relationships through networking that dramatically increase revenue for businesses. She shares, “You don’t have to be perfect in your skills, just be open to learning how to improve them to become a networking leader. Learning how to extend your support to help someone you meet and then organically weave an invitation to support you is a natural way to implement the law of reciprocity that leads to building the backbone of networkingtrust.

Debbra Sweet is a New York Times bestselling author, keynote speaker, business strategist, and leadership coach based in San Diego, California. She’s the innovator of the Circle of 10™ Effective Networker Training Program and has created a complimentary guide, Top Ten Networking Mistakes That Prevent Referrals, that reveals how to network confidently and receive an abundance of referrals to successfully build a business.

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services Services

What Every Business Needs to Know About the Difference Between Marketing and Public Relations

Small business owners often have a difficult time on how to understand the difference between marketing and public relations because it can be complicated and the lines between the two can be blurred. In fact, with the explosion of digital marketing in the past several years, many entrepreneurs understand the value of a sales funnel over a website since it gives them a way to not only introduce a new product or service to them, but also capture information and sales to see a direct return on investment (or ROI).

Marianne Schwab is a former national network TV talk show producer who now works with entrepreneurs and small businesses to get them broadcast interviews to help them promote their business and says, “Understanding the difference between marketing and public relations will help you learn how they best work together to make a massive impact with your campaigns. In a nutshell, marketing creates demand for a product or a service through advertising, while public relations builds trust with the general public through media interviews and features in TV and radio broadcasts, podcasts, and online and print publications. In other words, advertising is saying that your business or product is good, but public relations is getting someone else to say it for you. That is how to build credibility for a product and authority for a company spokesperson or executive. In fact, no amount of advertising can give you the credibility that being featured as an expert in your industry on a newscast or lifestyle program can.”

One of the primary traffic sources for businesses online and offline these days is social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more. This marketing method can be very effective for brand awareness and generating sales for small businesses. However, at the end of the day although it’s a great way to get a product or company on the radar of potential clients and customers, it doesn’t necessarily build credibility.

According to Marianne Schwab, “One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen my clients make over the years, especially my Fortune 500 clients, is they do not synergize their public relations and marketing campaigns. They invest a boatload of their budget into the P.R. Department and Marketing Department and they don’t talk to each other and actually act like they work on completely different planets. That is losing the opportunity for a ton of potential and additional revenue.”

Marketing is all about the return on investment (ROI). For example, depending on the ad sales team experience, a company can strategically invest $3,500 in social advertising and expect to double that amount with incoming revenue. Public relations contributes to the ROI by building credibility in a way advertising cannot.

“The best campaigns I’ve seen are the ones where P.R. and Marketing work together,” Schwab continues. “For example, a publicist books an interview for a local or national talk show and the marketing team then buys ad spots for the same show so that the brand, product and message is optimized from the featured interview. The audience doesn’t just hear about the product in the interview for credibility, but then the ads during commercial breaks make the essential imprint in their minds that lead to sales.”

There is no magic number that guarantees a sales since the primary factor is does the product solve a problem the client wants or needs. In general, it takes a minimum of seven impressions before a prospect will buy. Now, thanks to the internet, the number of touch points needed before a sale in 2020 was eleven and have since increased exponentially according to Forrester Research.

Marianne Schwab has worked as a producer for over 25 years in New York and Los Angeles. She is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe where she works with clients to develop compelling media hooks and story angles that get them TV and radio interviews in today’s complicated media environment. She has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows and details the types of guests producers love to book as guests.

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services Services

Three Key Reasons Experts Need Media Coaching For TV Talk Show Interviews

Being a guest on a TV talk show or radio program is a great way to build credibility as an expert in an industry. However, it’s not as easy as many experts make it look, especially those who are well seasoned in how to interview with the television media.

Generally, this is how it works: An expert like an online entrepreneur, influencer, or possibly a non-fiction book author hires a publicist and then that publicist may succeed in booking a coveted TV interview for their client to promote their brand, product, or service. 

What most of the clients don’t understand is getting booked on a TV interview is the first step and what happens next determines if a client gains the credibility they’re looking to achieve with an engaging on-camera interview or dismantles it all together if they are not prepared.

Unfortunately, many publicists will only help a client prepare with very basic media training and according to Marianne Schwab, a former national network TV talk show producer, “Some publicists do an amazing job of prepping their clients for an interview but so many do not and drop the ball. When I was working on Live daily talk shows, I’d work directly with expert guests to develop the interview segment into our show’s version of infotainment. Guests only have about four-to-five minutes to nail their topic or demo and my job was on the line if each segment wasn’t the best it could be or if a guest was a flop.”

Media coaching, also known as media training, is a valuable service that is available and essential for experts who are just starting out to get booked as guests on talk shows. Depending on the coach, they not only help clients maximize the time they have for the interview by dialing in a targeted yet engaging message, but they also prepare them to look confident on-camera. Here are three key things to know about media coaching before a scheduled TV talk show interview:

1. Experts Make Interviewing Look Easy. The biggest secret TV viewers may not know is that even the most experienced on-camera experts prepare and rehearse for every single TV interview. Schwab says, “Think of it this way, professional baseball players don’t show up for the World Series like they’re there for batting practice.  They spend thousands of hours preparing for the big game under the guidance of their coach. TV interviews work the same way – you don’t just show up and wait for the questions to be thrown at you when you can prepare responses in advance.”

2. Avoid Looking Like Bambi in Headlights. Media coaching is essential to learn the skills of mastering your message and time constraints of a TV interview, handling nerves, and according to Schwab, “You only have one chance to get it right when it comes to a talk show appearance and that’s where media coaching comes in. Knowing what to say when you get a curveball question so that you have a response and not a reaction is key to an on-camera delivery with poise and polish.” 

3. Skipping Media Coaching is a Recipe for an On-Camera Disaster. As a producer, Marianne Schwab’s number one goal is to make sure that when her clients get in front of the camera that they look and do their best. “Every expert that I’ve ever worked with for TV appearances invests time in preparing for each and every interview so that when the red light on the studio camera goes on, they look like they’re making it up on the spot, but what most people don’t know is that they spent hours making it look effortless. If you skip media coaching, you’re gambling with your reputation since you could derail your credibility and all you’ve worked so hard for when landing a TV interview,” she concludes.

Marianne Schwab has worked as a producer for over 25 years in New York and Los Angeles. She is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe where she works with clients to develop compelling media hooks and story angles that get them TV and radio interviews in today’s complicated media environment. She has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows and details the types of guests producers love to book as guests.

Business Human Resources Marketing & Sales Professional Services U.S

Consultant Kyle Livingston Wins Prestigious 2 Comma Club Award for Hitting the 1- Million Dollar Mark

TENNESSEE, November 7th, 2022 — 7 Figure Industry, Inc., a full-turn key consultancy that partners with Visionary Entrepreneurs to get them the traction they have been looking for, announced today that its President Kyle Livingston was named the winner of the 2 Comma Club Award at the recent Funnel Hacking Live 2022 event in Orlando, Florida.

The Two Comma Club is one of the most exclusive awards digital marketers and entrepreneurs can receive. ClickFunnels created this award for entrepreneurs who reach the 7-figure financial milestone inside one of their ClickFunnels funnels.

“Winning that award was a huge accomplishment for me because this has been a goal of mine for a few years now and we accomplished it in just 4 months,” said Kyle Livingston, President, and Founder of 7 Figure Industry, Inc. “Knowing the impact that I have had on this business in order to achieve that award is where the real joy comes from.”

7 Figure Industry, Inc. partnered with Youtube on a channel that reports on current events. They have turned this traffic source into a multi-million dollar-per-year enterprise that runs on autopilot. To win the award Kyle and his team generated over a million dollars in revenue in 2022.

On being asked about the journey he had leading up to this award, Kyle said: “The biggest challenge for me was simply not giving up. I knew we would reach this milestone FAST if I just stayed the course and implemented the play I designed for this client.”

Kyle has built three 7 figure brick-and-mortar companies and has transformed nine companies into thriving businesses. His mission as a business consultant and coach is to turn chaos into profit.

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.K

Polly Powell – founder of 5 Step Funnels – is chopping advertising costs in half for webinar registrations with TikTok ads

Carmarthenshire, Wales, UK- November 7th, 2022 – Serial entrepreneur Polly Powell is the founder of the boutique marketing agency, 5 Step Funnels, which specializes in creating Online Funnel Eco Systems to turn strangers into buyers using Funnels and Social Advertising for Online Entrepreneurs.

With the exponential rise of TikTok, Polly has dedicated a part of her agency solely to their TikTok Ad services – and it’s been producing incredible results for her clients. 

As Polly explains, “back in 2012 business owners used to say ~ “my audience isn’t on Facebook” now this is history repeating itself as they are now saying the same thing about TikTok in 2022 but this is so far from the truth, it’s unreal”. 

Every type of consumer is on TikTok, which means, every brand’s target audience is as well. 

The algorithm doesn’t work on followers, it’s all about the content so anyone can post and engage with their audiences in different ways, big brands like Chipotle and Gymshark have found success through TikTok but so can smaller solopreneurs and small businesses working from home, TikTok doesn’t care the size of people’s followings it’s all about the Content, on TikTok Content is King. 

And Polly is right. The Financial Times reported in Oct 2022 that while TikTok’s largest user base is currently the USA, its European base has grown 6-fold over the past year. 

And, according to Hootsuite’s Digital Report 2022, TikTok is the online consumers’ No 1 social media platform of choice – spending on TikTok increased by 77% over the past year, to 2.3 Billion.

TikTok skyrocketed to the top of social media by leveraging the power of user behavior – as the famous hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt trend proved. 

That single hashtag has over 26.2 Billion views.

With the holidays and Black Friday approaching, a brand’s TikTok ad strategy could be the key difference for this year’s bottom line. 

5 Step Funnels‘ innovative approach to riding the wave in the TikTok universe and leveraging its emotion to create a platform-wide disruption for brands flows from Polly’s 3-step formula to WIN with TikTok ads:

1. Find your audience with Video Views Campaigns

2. Use Video Views Campaigns to leverage your audience’s interests and hashtags

3. Don’t make ads… Make TikToks

In the rush to get into the TikTok niche, tons of social advertising agencies are trying to use outdated Facebook tactics for TikTok campaigns – but that approach just won’t cut it on TikTok.

TikTok ads that WIN don’t look like ads at all – Polly’s rule of thumb for achieving incredible results on TikTok is to Keep it Real and resonate with your audience!

About 5 Step Funnels: Polly Powell founded 5 StepFunnels, a company that helps online business owners with a full-funnel system that creates high-converting funnels, automation, and social advertising campaigns, to attract leads on demand and convert into customers. 

Polly is also the host of the Below the Iceberg podcast, where she interviews Million Dollar Entrepreneurs who have achieved 1 million dollars in sales through one funnel. 

Polly is highly sought after for her expertise with an online funnel and advertising strategies and has helped countless entrepreneurs achieve their business goals, she has also built Funnels for some of the Biggest Names in Life and Business coaching in the World, including Tony Robbins. 

Education Family & Parenting Living Professional Services U.S

Three Reasons Colleges Turn Down Top Students That Admissions Officers Won’t Reveal and How to Fix It

College may not be for everyone, but if a career in science, engineering, or medicine is the plan, a college degree is a must. The challenge is gaining admission to the elite university of choice. Now more than ever, with competition and selectivity increasing, students need to recognize the intricacies of getting their applications accepted. 

Unfortunately, most parents and students cannot fully comprehend the preparation required to get into the top colleges and universities. Sean Ma is a graduate of Columbia University and Cambridge University and also the CEO of Ma Academy. In a recent interview with KATU-TV (in Portland) he shared, “Parents and students need to know what they’re up against and how competitive admissions are. Schools like Columbia University receive over 60,000 applications each year and only accept 2,000 students. That means there’s a 97% chance you’re not getting in — even with the highest GPA and perfect SAT scores. It’s a much bigger equation.”

So how can students get a competitive edge when applying to top colleges? Ma Academy, a leader in the education consulting industry since 2008, has developed a successful track record designed to help its clients navigate these specific complexities. They have a team of Ivy League graduates and former admissions officers with the inside knowledge to give parents and students a valuable advantage. “We have helped thousands of students get into their dream schools in the United States and around the world, including Ivy League and other top colleges,” Ma shares.

#1 – In a sea of exceptional students, college applicants need more than top GPA & SAT scores — they need to differentiate themselves from the competition. When students have a strong GPA and high standardized test scores, they are usually overly confident with their college placement prospects. So, how can top applicants differentiate from other students?

It starts with being a club founder rather than a club member. Namely, students’ activities must demonstrate leadership skills, including holding positions like Class President or Valedictorian, or other significant accomplishments like getting a research paper published in a prestigious journal, launching a successful business, or achievements that garner national media attention.

#2 – Parents and students should not obsess with top ranked universities or colleges that might not be the best overall fit for them. The competition to get accepted into the top-ranking schools is indeed fierce. “It’s a delicate balance to manage expectations without killing a client’s dreams,” Ma says, “but it’s more than that, since not every student is Ivy League material when they come to us. We work with them to help them step up to their highest potential and then advise them on how to determine the school that is the best fit for them. We’ve found that even when a student gets accepted into an Ivy League university, it’s not always the best match — and the student would be much happier and more successful at another comparably prestigious college or university.”

#3 – Students need a multi-faceted approach to gain college acceptance. Filling out college applications can be stressful, but it is essential that the application is not the first step. In fact, it should be a final step since the high school career lays the foundation for a successful college application submission.

Using a fitness analogy, Sean Ma says he finds the Six-Pack Abs Approach used as a model at Ma Academy to be very effective. “Colleges are looking for students that are more than their grades, but ‘fit’ with life balance as well. They will evaluate the student’s six pack abs to determine if the applicant is the right type of student for their college brand. This approach includes an Admissions Strategy, Application Theme, Extracurricular Activities, Course Selection, Recommendation Letters, and College Essays. Do not underestimate the weight of each of these, especially when it comes to activities and the essay. Through application essays, students can show their personalities, express their passions, and demonstrate their writing skills.”

Finally, Ma wants parents to understand that social media and social gatherings can be detrimental to parents when others brag about their child’s accomplishments. “It often evolves into a comparison competition where parents start to feel as if their own child is a failure when their child is really doing well. Parents should really think about dialing back on time spent on social media and events, so they’re not tempted to unrealistically compare their child to other students.”

During the stressful college application process, working with a company that understands the system is critical. The goal of companies like Ma Academy is to guide students and their families successfully into a college that is the right fit for each student’s personal development and academic success.

Business Computers & Software Finance Professional Services Technology

The Four Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes That Can Kill a Small Business

Small businesses and work at home entrepreneurs are being targeted by ransomware at an alarming rate and over 80% of businesses that pay a ransom will get attacked a second time. In fact, hackers, scammers and viruses are getting smarter every day and cybersecurity measures, to keep company information safe and secure, is one of the most overlooked investments small businesses skip and it can be a very expensive oversight.

Christopher Bartosz is a cybersecurity expert and the President and CEO of FVC Technologies that focuses on servicing small to mid-sized businesses across the nation as their outsourced IT department. His company provides not only IT management, but cybersecurity solutions that keep the company secure and he has identified four of the biggest mistakes small businesses make when it comes to cybersecurity.

#1 – Thinking a business is too small for an attack. No business is too small to be the target of a hacker including work at home entrepreneurs. According to Bartosz, “If you have a bank account, you’re at risk of a cyber attack. Fifty percent of small and mid-sized businesses have experienced at least one cyber attack in the past year.”

#2 – Not understanding most consumer anti-virus programs won’t protect them against all hackers. The typical anti-virus software, also known as anti-malware, is originally designed to prevent, detect, and eliminate malware and viruses. These programs usually run in the background to provide protection but with the explosion of other malware, antivirus software cannot always protect against the latest computer threats. Small business owners and work at home entrepreneurs think they’ve done everything they can to protect and make their laptop and computer systems secure when they are installed. However, according to a recent survey by Fortinet, 81% of small businesses report that new types of attacks have evaded their traditional security solutions including anti-virus software.

#3 – Thinking that IT and cybersecurity are the same thing or relying on a friend for IT Support. It’s great to have a friend who can be consulted for basic IT, or Information Technology, support, but one big mistake people make is thinking that IT and cybersecurity are the same thing. Bartosz says, “Basic IT support and cybersecurity are a completely different skill set. IT support can fix basic computer problems, but not necessarily close the holes hackers are trying to get in. Relying on a friend who knows ‘something about IT’ is just enough to be dangerous.”

#4 – Looking at IT security as an expense and not an investment. Small businesses and entrepreneurs think they’re protected with a consumer anti-virus program that costs around $70, but that is not always enough. In fact, according to Fundera, small and mid-sized businesses spend an average of $955,429 to restore normal business in the wake of successful attacks. Alarmingly, as many as 60% of companies go out of business six months after an attack.

Most small businesses are, unfortunately, vulnerable to cyber attacks, but there are preventative solutions to mitigate the risks. FVC Technologies takes a security first, not an ‘IT support’ first approach. According to Bartosz, “We provide a risk assessment that often reveals hidden doors for hackers to walk right on in and then show our clients this information so we can put together a plan to close and lock those doors.”

Bartosz also recommends investing in a professional and next generation endpoint protection program that scans in real time and catches vulnerabilities, “When we work with clients, we offer them an A.I. driven level of protection that is only available to IT professionals. Larger companies should expect to dedicate 7-10% of their IT budget for cybersecurity and smaller companies who do not have an IT budget should plan on spending 3% of their total budget on cybersecurity. It’s a form of insurance especially compared to the expense of a data breach or ransomware attack.”

Christopher Bartosz is the author of two books on cybersecurity including Why Your Business Must have Cybersecurity Risk Assessments and Cybersecurity Now and he provides education and security training to the companies he serves. He has extensive knowledge of multiple government regulations that he uses to ensure his clients who hold government contracts remain compliant and secure. Businesses can connect with Bartosz on LinkedIn and at

Business Health & Medicine Human Resources Professional Services U.S

Medical And Mental Health Virtual Assistants From Virtual Nurse Rx Are Now Staffed By Registered Professionals

Virtual Nurse Rx, a leading provider of medical and mental health virtual assistants, has announced that their staff is now exclusively made up of mental health professionals and registered nurses with hands-on experience in their respective fields. This change comes as part of the company’s commitment to providing the best possible care for their mental health and medical clients respectively.

“We believe that our clients deserve the best possible care, and that means having therapist assistants who are also mental health professionals. The same goes for our medical assistants,” said Lexcibel Colon, founder of Virtual Nurse Rx. “Our new medical and mental health teams are all specifically trained in medical and mental health terminology, so they can provide our clients with the resources and support they need.”

The assistants at Virtual Nurse Rx provide a range of services to their clients, including General administrative tasks, Medical coding/billing, Insurance verification, Medical Receptionist, Medical live chat, Patient coordination, Medical transcription, Telemedicine support, Telephone triage, and more!

These assistants are an invaluable resource for mental health professionals and doctors alike and, of course, their patients too. They provide a confidential, convenient, and affordable way to get the help you need from real registered nurses and mental health therapists. On top of that, you also get a client success coach, a Start-Up guide, proprietary client onboarding, and training. Client Success Coaches provide clients with personalized support and guidance on how to succeed with their remote staff. They also assign U.S.-based Team Leads to your new virtual team dedicated to supervising and training all your Virtual Employees, so you don’t have to.

Virtual Nurse Rx is committed to providing the highest quality care possible to their clients. Their teams of mental health professionals and registered nurses are available 24/7 to provide support and resources to those in need. To learn more about Virtual Nurse Rx, or to schedule a free consultation, please visit their website at

What Are Client Success Coaches?  

Client Success Coaches are assigned to each new client of Virtual Nurse Rx. They provide personalized support and guidance on how to succeed with their remote staff. They also assign U.S.-based Team Leads to your new virtual team dedicated to supervising and training all your Virtual Employees, so you don’t have to.

What Are Team Leads For?  

Team Leads are responsible for supervising and training all your Virtual Employees. They are assigned to you by your Client Success Coach and are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about your team or their work.

Who Will Benefit From Mental And Medical Virtual Assistants?  

Mental and medical virtual assistants from Virtual Nurse Rx will benefit a wide range of mental health professionals and doctors. They provide a confidential, convenient, and affordable way to get the help you need from real registered nurses and mental health therapists. On top of that, you also get a client success coach, a Start-Up guide, proprietary client onboarding, and training.

What Is Proprietary Client Onboarding?  

Proprietary client onboarding is a system that ensures all new clients of Virtual Nurse Rx are properly oriented to the company’s services and the work their team will be doing. It includes a Start-Up Guide, training materials, and a set schedule of check-ins with your Client Success Coach to ensure you’re on track to success.

How Does Virtual Nurse Rx Work?

Virtual Nurse Rx is a company that provides mental and medical virtual assistants to mental health professionals and doctors. Their teams of mental health professionals and registered nurses are available 24/7 to provide support and resources to those in need.

About Virtual Nurse Rx:  

Virtual Nurse Rx is a leading provider of medical and mental health virtual assistants. Their staff is made up of mental health professionals and registered nurses with hands-on experience in their respective fields. Their mission is to provide the highest quality care possible to their clients by providing a confidential, convenient, and affordable way to get the help you need from real registered nurses and mental health therapists. To learn more about Virtual Nurse Rx, check out their social media pages: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Health & Medicine Human Resources Lifestyle Professional Services U.S

Announcement: The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period Is Open | The Sosa Insurance Group

If you’re approaching retirement or looking at your proper health coverage after 65, the time has come to start thinking about enrolling in Medicare. If you’re not already on Medicare, now is the time to get your paperwork in order and sign up.

If you’re already on Medicare, this is a good time to review your coverage and make sure it still meets your needs. You may also want to consider switching to a different Medicare plan that suits your needs better.

Either way, the Sosa Insurance Group can help you navigate the Medicare enrollment process and find the best coverage for your needs.

Learn more here.

What Is Medicare?  

Medicare is a government health insurance program for people 65 and older, as well as for some younger people with disabilities.

There are four parts to Medicare:

– Part A covers hospital stays and other inpatient care requirements.

– Part B covers doctor visits, preventive screenings, and other outpatient care.

– Part C is also known as Medicare Advantage. It’s an alternative to Parts A and B that typically provides coverage for both hospital stays and doctor visits.

– Part D is prescription drug coverage.

If you have Medicare Health Plan coverage and would like to get properly informed on some upcoming changes in 2023 and review your current Medicare Health Plan to check if you have the “right” one for you, now is the time to do that. The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period starts on October 15 and ends on December 7 each year. You may also be able to sign up during a special enrollment period for those in need. This option is only available for those that have a life-changing event, such as losing your job-based health insurance.

The Sosa Insurance Group can help you understand your Medicare Health Plan options and find the best coverage for your needs.

What Paperwork Is Required To Apply For Medicare?  

To apply for Medicare, you’ll need to have your Social Security number and the date of your 65th birthday (or the date you became disabled) handy.

You can apply for Medicare online or, when you’re ready, contact Social Security to sign up by calling 1-800-772-1213. You can also visit your local Social Security office.

If you’re already receiving Social Security benefits when you turn 65, you’ll automatically be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B.

How Much Does Medicare Cost?  

Medicare Part A is free if you have worked 40 quarters or 10 years and have paid into Social Security. If you have to pay for Part A, it will cost you up to $506 per month in 2023.

Medicare Part B has a standard monthly premium of $164.90 in 2023, but your actual premium may be higher or lower depending on your income.

Medicare Part C and Part D plans typically have monthly premiums, as well as other costs like deductibles and co-payments.

The Sosa Insurance Group can help you understand the costs of different Medicare plans and find one that fits your budget.

When Should You Enroll In Medicare?  

During the AEP (Medicare Annual Enrollment Period), you can make some of the following Medicare coverage changes:

– Disenroll from Medicare Advantage plan and return to Original Medicare (Part A and Part B)

– Switch from Original Medicare and enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan

– Switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to another

The Sosa Insurance Group can help you to get ready for your enrollment. They will also be able to breakdown the plans for you and answer any Medicare-related questions.

You may also be able to sign up during a Special Election period if you have a life-changing event, such as losing your job-based health insurance.

More About The Sosa Insurance Group  

The Sosa Insurance Group is a family-owned business with over 13 years of experience in the Medicare insurance industry. They’re dedicated to helping their clients find the best possible coverage at the most affordable rates.

The Sosa Insurance Group is dedicated to educating and helping people with their Medicare Health Plan needs. They work with you one on one to make sure that you’re getting the best possible care. They understand that Medicare can be confusing, but they’re here to help make the process as smooth and easy as possible.

If you have any questions about enrolling in Medicare, or if you need help finding the right coverage for your needs, get in touch with The Sosa Insurance group. You can find them by navigating to their website, or their social pages: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn

Building & Construction Business Home & Garden Professional Services U.S

Introducing Snow Guard Rails From SnoBlox-SnoJax – The Number One Snowguard Solution

SnoBlox-SnoJax offers a complete line of snow retention solutions for nearly all roof types. These systems are designed to prevent the sliding of snow and ice and prevent damage. Snoblox-Snojax was the pioneer in the industry of polycarbonate snowguards, having developed the world’s first one in 1976.

Snow Guard – A Winter Climate Necessity

For homes and businesses located in cold winter climates, snow safety is a crucial aspect of construction. When snow accumulates on roofs it can pose a risk to vent pipes, gutters, deck railings, pedestrians, vehicles and HVAC equipment.

Shingled roofs are often capable of stopping the avalanching effect. However, metal roofs do not have the same rough texture. This causes snow to simply slide quickly from the roof to the ground below. This can sometimes happen unexpectedly, posing an even greater risk to those below.

Snow Guard Innovation

Snow guards are designed to hold snow in place on the roof. This allows the snow to melt gradually. When snow can be kept in place this way, it decreases the chance of the avalanching snow causing damage or injuries.

Snow guards are known by many names. Snow birds, snow stops, and even snow cleats are just a few of the terms used to describe this innovative device that can make homes a safer place during the winter.

Differences In Snow Guards

There are a few different types of snow guards. These are generally known as snow retention systems.

Pad Style- This type of snow retention is comprised of individually mounted guards typically made of metal or polycarbonate. There are various designs to fit different panel types. These components are about 2-3” tall. The size of the components used will be based on the expected ground snow load rating for the project location. There is also a Snowbreaker style made of polycarbonate that is used to break up the snow and ice while still allowing it to slide off the roof. These are commonly used over doorways or on solar panels.

Snow Rail/Bar System- Snow rails are often used in areas where very heavy loads of snow are expected. Rail and bar systems are designed to have a clean, low profile look once installed. They can also be color matched to help them blend into the roof system.

Snow rails are often used on commercial metal roofs. These larger structures need a snow retention system that will ensure a snow avalanche does not endanger people passing below.

Snow Guards Intended Use

Snow guards are recommended for anyone with a metal roof living in a climate that expects a good amount of snowfall each year. This product is an important addition to your metal roof. This product can decrease the chances of damage or injuries on a property during the winter months.

Other Ways To Prevent Winter Damage or Injuries

In addition to the use of snow guards, there are other ways to help prevent damage to property or injuries to people during the winter months.

Snow and ice removal- Snow and ice removal from areas where foot traffic is expected is a necessary chore during the winter months. This can greatly reduce the instances of injuries on the property.

Winterization- Winterizing a property for the upcoming winter is another important step that can be taken to prevent property damage. Extreme winter temperatures can cause pipes to burst, causing flooding. This type of property damage can be complicated and expensive to repair.

Dead limb removal- It is also important that dead limbs are removed before heavy frost and snow begin to accumulate. Dead limbs on trees can fall suddenly, causing damage to property and can cause injuries to people or animals passing below.

SnoBlox-SnoJax brings innovative snow retention systems to homeowners and business owners. These products can help prevent injuries, damage, and liability during the winter months.