Books & Literature Business Health & Medicine Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Technology

Canadian Nurse Launches Life Management Logbooks and App to Help People Organize and Protect Important Documents

British Columbia (April 23, 2023) – Organize your life and documents simply, safely and securely with the My Life Manager and My Health Manager logbooks and a mobile app developed by Canadian Registered Nurse, Katrina Mulberry.

The truth is that many people do not have a problem storing important documents but creating an organized system for quick retrieval is often where the rubber meets the road. Searching for unorganized documents can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially in emergencies. But not anymore.

Touted as The Ultimate in Life and Healthcare Organization, Mulberry’s My Life Manager and My Health Manager guides are designed to help users store and organize important documents efficiently and securely for easy access. My Life Manager is a personal record keeper that allows users to record personal and legal documents and other information in one place. The logbook features a beautiful layout of tables and forms to help users effortlessly monitor and track finances, assets, insurance payments, debts, and life goals. My Health Manager is a 28-page healthcare guide that allows users to record and track health and lifestyle details, from medications, test results, family health patterns, and more. An essential tool for cargivers and those with health concerns.

My Life Manager app facilitates seamless and secure storage of documents and information for access on the go. Users can store important documents digitally, keep pictures of cards, and monitor important dates such as passport expiry! The app also serves as a backup for when My Life and Health Manager logbooks are not accessible and worse case when important documents are lost. No data is collected in this Locker App and biometrics are used for security.

My Life Manager and My Health Manager logbooks are an updated version of Mulberry’s original edition of a simple binder with tabs and plastic page holders for original documents and a “learn how to budget” section, which she designed with the advice from her financial planner and business associates. The logbooks received such positive reception especially from fellow parents wanting to teach money management to their teens. This motivated Mulberry to revise and improve the tools to reach a wider audience. The logbooks and app are part of the Manage Me ™ brand that also includes the Manage Me™ Life / Health USB portable data sticks.

According to Mulberry, the idea of creating a Life Management system was considered early in her nursing career after witnessing the inefficiency of sharing medical information. Explaining her motivation for creating the logbooks, she said: “Friends were always impressed at how I managed to juggle my own life and work with my homelife raising four daughters. I told them that the secret was life organization. I created the logbooks and app to share my knowledge with friends and those far and wide who needed who needed more organization in their lives.”

My Life Manager and My Health Manager are designed to be a personal record keeper and are ideal for anyone looking for life organization made simple – from students and entrepreneurs to homemakers and senior citizens. The logbooks are available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and other online bookstores. My Life Manager app is available for download for Apple and Android devices. For further information, visit:

Business Marketing & Sales Professional Services Services U.S

Marianne Schwab, Former TV Talk Show Producer, Reveals Two Reasons Local Talk Shows, Not Newscasts, Can Be a Better Way to Promote a Book or Business

Are local TV talk shows more effective at promoting a book or a business than a local TV newscast? Evaluating options for broadcast public relations opportunities may depend on the type of event, product, or business message a company is promoting.

Marianne Schwab is a former national TV Talk Show Producer and works with business clients to get their stories featured in local television programs across the country. She says, “In today’s broadcast media landscape, there are two primary television formats for book authors and high level entrepreneurs to capture publicity – local TV newscasts and local talk shows. My clients come to me because they want to get featured on television, but they often don’t understand the good, the bad, and the ugly of getting interviewed on a local midday news program versus a local talk show. I work with them to navigate this territory and help them transform what could be a mediocre interview into a memorable one.”

Local TV newscasts typically involve a team of reporters who gather information, conduct interviews, and produce an edited video segment for the anchor to present on air. The anchor may also occasionally interview a guest at the news desk or via satellite and/or zoom. The tone is serious and the program has a mix of hard news stories and some lighter human interest pieces.

In contrast to local newscasts, local TV talk shows take a more casual and conversational approach to interviews and include a mix of lifestyle information and segments that include cooking, health, fitness, and new products, plus feature work-at-home and small business topics, as well.

According to Marianne Schwab, there are two main reasons that talk shows are a better option to promote a book, product, or brand.

1. TV Talk Shows are More Friendly Toward Promotion. Marianne says that local talk shows tend to conduct a more friendly interview in a way that can clearly position the guest as an authority in their field of expertise, “But it’s more than that,” she continues, “TV newscasts only allow one product mention in the interview and can be more into gotcha moments plus they’re often only interested in sound bites so when they edit the story together, they may actually quote your sound bite out of context so it fits the story they want to tell instead of the one you want or envision. Talk shows, on the other hand, will allow several mentions of a product as long as it’s not over the top and they’re generally open to working with the guest’s suggested questions since they want to produce an infotainment type segment. In news, this is not allowed.”

2. TV Talk Shows Have Longer Segments. The amount of airtime a guest will get on a newscast versus a talk show is an important consideration. “The difference between the time you get on a TV newscast can be several minutes less than a talk show segment, especially if you’re part of a taped interview in a broadcast. Typically you’re only allotted a 15-second sound bite as part of a 90-second story. I generally find that the news story will be too short to really provide the best value to the client. If they do an interview via satellite, our clients get a two-to-two-and-a-half minute interview.” She continues, “Local TV talk show segments, on the other hand, typically run three-to-five minutes and that’s more than enough time to give several problem solving tips that position you as the expert and end with a meaningful call to action that lets viewers know how to reach you or purchase your book or product.”

While local TV newscasts and talk shows serve different purposes, they both play an important role in informing and entertaining viewers. TV newscasts provide a quick and efficient way for viewers to stay informed on current events, while TV talk show interviews are geared more toward a news viewers can use format. “Over the past 25 years, I’ve booked clients on over one thousand local TV newscasts and local talk shows depending on the type of story they want to publicize. For example, if we have a client with a story that’s time sensitive and hitting other headlines like in 2018 with the volcano eruption in Hawaii, then it made sense to contact news programs because the event was already on their radar. We provided a Volcanologist for anchors to interview and correct any misinformation being reported so visitors could determine the islands were not threatened in the way some newscasts made it seem.”

By law, newscasts and talk shows are required to acknowledge when they use an interview that has been provided by a third party, like a broadcast public relations agency, business, or author who has been interviewed on the program, provided video, and when a product is mentioned during the interview. For that reason, programs are required by the FCC to inform the audience that the interview is sponsored content even if the person being interviewed is not paying a fee for the segment. 

Marianne Schwab has worked as a producer in New York and Los Angeles and is currently the Executive Producer of CMP Media Cafe. She is dedicated to helping experts, book authors, and high level entrepreneurs land TV Talk Show interviews in today’s complicated media environment so they can promote their business, product, or brand in a way that makes anyone who sees their interview fall in love with them, their message, and their mission. She shares public relations tips on Instagram and has created an online training that shares her insider secrets to promoting a business on TV talk shows with details for the types of experts producers love to book as guests.

Computers & Software Technology Telecom U.K U.S

Mobile Technology Is Changing the Face of Marketing in the UK

There are an estimated 7.33 billion mobile users in the world, according to Statista. A lot of these are smartphones, especially in the UK. 

Since people always have their phones or tablets with them, they can read, browse, watch videos, and listen to music on the move.

The way content is consumed has changed. As a result, the way businesses communicate with their customers has also changed.

Telemedia Online discusses how changing mobile technology is affecting the future of marketing.

Harnessing the Power of Mobile Marketing

Because mobile phones are so ubiquitous and mobile search is growing, marketing for mobile has become an integral part of any marketing strategy, states the article. 

Since mobile marketing has the potential to reach directly into the pockets/hands/eyes of the consumer, it makes sense to make the most of it.

Here are some strategies that are commonly used in mobile marketing.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are a great way of personalising the customer’s experience when interacting with a business. This platform can be used to provide them with tailored content, rewards and offers specific to app users, and a smoother user journey.

Regardless of the size of the business, an app can be a powerful tool in its marketing arsenal, simply because it’s a larger product type, not a specific category.

For example, a large lifestyle store could offer an e-commerce app whilst a small restaurant could offer an app on which customers could order food or make reservations. Both are apps, even if they fulfil different functions.

Mobile Videos

When Facebook was at its height of popularity, it became obvious that video content did much better than text-only. Now, with mobile browsing, videos are even more popular. Consider the meteoric rise of TikTok, which is nothing but user-generated videos.

Even B2B marketing videos, which might be significantly different from TikTok videos are handy for delivering powerful messages. In fact, businesses like Bold Content specifically offer video production services for B2B marketing.

Videos can make products come to life, customer testimonials can pack more of a punch, and even if purely for entertainment, video content for mobiles can deliver better marketing results.

Plus, video technology is changing rapidly with artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud-based filmmaking. Creating videos for a business’s marketing is now easier—and more cost-effective—than ever.

It is also a way of keeping a company’s marketing recession-ready.

Using Mobile in the Digital Marketing Strategy

If a company wants to use mobile marketing in its strategy, there are a few steps it could take.

Start With a Mobile-First Strategy

It is quite difficult to take an existing (non-mobile) strategy and tweak it into an effective mobile strategy. 

For example, a website built for a desktop screen technically can be converted into a responsive, mobile-friendly one, but it might never be as user-friendly as one that was specifically designed for a smaller screen.

That is why, for a business’s mobile marketing strategy to be successful, it needs to be built from the ground up.

Personalising the Customer Experience

The biggest benefit that a mobile strategy offers is the fact that it can be customised for each customer. Unlike a desktop computer, people don’t tend to share phones, which means the information associated with each device will correspond to one individual.

This can be a powerful tool for presenting highly relevant marketing messages to customers.

In order to make the most of one’s mobile marketing strategy, one must consider content personalisation as part of the overall plan.

Invest in Mobile Apps

As discussed above, mobile apps are a great way of delivering customised offers and content. 

This customer-centric solution can be very useful for increasing customer loyalty and engagement.

That, in turn, helps drive sales.

Use Videos

A high-quality marketing video—whether describing a product, a customer’s review, or simply an entertaining social media short—can help a business get more customer engagement. These can then be used to convert.

Incorporate Mobile Payment

Whether a business has customers visiting a brick-and-mortar store, an app on their mobile, or the company website, making transactions easier can help conversion. Easy mobile payment is one such way of simplifying the buying process.

It can be in the form of an online store or a physical store that accepts mobile payment forms, like Apple Pay or Google Pay.

No matter how one uses plans their marketing strategy, it is obvious that making it mobile-friendly is essential. It’s no longer a “good to have”—people expect it. 

Not having a mobile marketing strategy means a business loses out on a huge opportunity.

Automotive Living Public Affairs Technology U.K

Cornwall Council Extends Contract with Unity5

Cornwall Council, the unitary authority for Cornwall in the United Kingdom, has reportedly announced the extension of its collaboration with Unity5. 

The extension of the contract is part of the council’s effort to drive the digitisation of its permits leveraging Unity5’s ZatPark solution, reported TransportXtra.

“Bringing Unity5 and its ZatPark solution onboard has been a hugely positive step forward for us, explained Zoe Hall, Strategic Parking Manager at Cornwall Council. “We’ve benefited from the flexibility of the technology, and the digitisation of our permits through ZatPermit was a valuable and much-needed update. We are delighted to have extended our contract and are looking forward to continuing our work together.”

Cornwall Council Detailing Positive Parking Framework

The contract between Cornwall Council and Unity5 was first inked in 2020. 

The Council signed up to the national Positive Parking Agenda and detailed its Positive Parking Framework for Cornwall which was approved by the Cabinet in June 2018. 

The Positive Parking Framework for Cornwall (the Plan) was devised to enforce smart parking while also helping support local economies and facilitate traffic management.

With the framework, the authority is committed to efficiently managing the 205 off-street car parks managed by Parking Services. 

In addition, the framework is expected to help manage the research, development, and review work of the 123 tariffs across Cornwall’s parking lots and several non-charging car parks.

Cornwall Council Bringing ZatPark Onboard

Recognising the role of Information Technology (IT) in helping deliver improved parking service, the Council aligned Unity5 to its strategic parking plans. 

The Council signed a contract with Unity5 for deploying its Zatpark solution that includes Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN), Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), and Parking Permits processing systems.

The contract also meant that ZatPark was to be deployed to help manage the county’s parking permit systems, producing digital and physical parking permits.

Even though the roll-out of the ZatPark system was initially stymied by the COVID-19 pandemic, an integrated and coordinated approach taken by both parties ensured the safe and successful implementation of the system, with roughly 200,000 PCNs (including all PCN data, images, and correspondence) migrated into it.

The contract was initially signed for a two year period with a possible two one-year renewal. 

The recent extension of the contract is driven by the high-end service and customer experience ZatPark enabled the Council to deliver to the customers, residents, stakeholders, businesses, and visitors visiting the county. 

Both parties mark the extension as a demonstration of successful collaboration between Unity5 and the local authority. 

Cornwall Council expects to further extend the partnership and deploy the ZatPark solution to Moving Traffic Contraventions.

ZatPark confirmed to fine-tune and configure the fully integrated modules with its high-performance hosted parking solution during the onboarding process to support the Council’s technology transformation.

“The support we received from the team at Unity5 is second to none. They would be highly proactive for any new projects and very reactive when any day-to-day issues arose,” stated Josh Macdonald, Business, Products & Communications Manager (Parking) at Cornwall Council.

Lifestyle Living News & Current Affairs Real Estate U.K

Belgravia Townhouse with Ties to Exiled Greek Princess Goes Up for Sale

The former royal residence, located in Eaton Square, Belgravia, has reportedly gone up for sale for the first time in the last three decades for roughly £39.5M.

This notoriously stylish and magnificent residential garden square was home to some of the members of the Greek royal family through the mid to late 1940s, reported the Evening Standard

Inside the Belgravia Trophy House

The grandiose trophy home is one of just 12 freehold houses facing the garden on Eaton Square – one of the most exquisite and exclusive postcodes in London.

Once exiled Princess Katherine and her husband lived in this palatial house for years before they left Eaton Square and eventually moved to Marlow, Buckinghamshire.

This sumptuous property is spread over six floors, standing on 10,600 sq ft of land, and comprises six majestic bedrooms, opulent reception rooms, and a gymnasium among others. 

Even though it’s not a true royal palace, the ornateness of the building, the lush gardens, and the grandeur it upholds are worthy of royal designation.

The residence got a wistful refurbishment around two decades ago by the prolific interior designer Nicky Haslam who is renowned for transforming the interior of a property into a unique, timeless environment. 

Originally built by Thomas Cubit between 1825 and 1826, this place of Greek royals amazes visitors with its elegance. 

Boasting a hacienda-like courtyard, spacious corridors, and high ceilings, this stupendous property is now recognised for blurring the line between regency and modernity. 

The resplendent property features a formal stucco and brick façade with a portico supported on Doric columns.

The ground floor includes a stately reception hall embellished with an inlaid marble floor and Corinthian columns, a formal dining space, and an arboretum with direct access to a garden terrace. 

In addition, the cluster of magnificent reception spaces on the first floor presents a dizzying range of hosting options.

The majestic master bedroom suite encompasses the entire second floor while the upper floor is occupied by three additional bedrooms and a study.

The well-furnished gym, wine cellar, utility room, guest bedroom suite, and laundry room on the lower-ground floor ensure the property upholds its unique resplendence while also offering all modern conveniences. 

The mews house, which connects to the main home on the lower ground level and occupies a storeroom, a garage, multiple reception spaces, and three ensuite shower rooms, can be extended into more five bedrooms if required. 

Adorned with chandeliers, gilded ceiling coving, decorous marble fireplaces, wall panelling, and parquet flooring, this upscale trophy house is synonymous with ultra-luxury.

The Belgravia Trophy Home on Sale

Unsurprisingly, this unravelled luxury property has been put on sale at an eye-watering asking price: £39.5 million.

The luxury royal residence is expected to draw interest from domestic and international uber-rich buyers who look to invest in luxury properties as part of their effort to maximise their property portfolio.

With wealthy foreign investors snapping up properties in London’s most exclusive enclaves such as Belgravia, the demand for vacant luxury property management services like Quintessentially Estate is booming.

A bespoke and tailored service ensures a client’s property is well managed and ready for their home-coming.

Wrapping Up

The trophy property with ties to the Greek royal family is expected to create a bidding war among rich buyers. Featuring ornate rooms and striking marble floors, this rare property boasts an “abundance of luxurious and beautiful accommodation”. 

Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Understanding the Relationship Between Space Systems, Climate Change, and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been a concern for businesses and entities since the dawn of the internet. And, as communications technology evolves, so do the attack vectors. 

A quick response enabled by immediate detection is often key with a cyber attack. If businesses can’t have their own detection and response teams, they may employ the Security Operations Centre (SOC) services of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) like DigitalXRAID.

However, technology has been evolving rather rapidly, which means newer threats are emerging. And, as businesses adopt digital transformation, they need to be aware of potential dangers they might face.

Two such cyber security issues recently discussed have been cybersecurity in space and cyber risk due to climate change.

Cybersecurity in Space Deemed “Urgent”, Needing “High-Level Attention”, Says US National Cyber Director

The US National Cyber Director, Kemba Walden, spoke to reporters at the RSA conference on the 26th of April 2023. 

She said cybersecurity in outer space was a pressing issue that was to be discussed in the first space industry cybersecurity workshop hosted by the White House.

We are all aware that the first ‘shot’ in the current Ukraine conflict was a cyberattack against a US space company,” Walden said.

She was, of course, referring to Russia’s attempt to jam SpaceX’s Spacelink, which was being used to provide Ukraine with internet connectivity.

Walden called space systems cybersecurity “an incredibly complex and unique space ecosystem”, which required “a very close public-private partnership”.

She went on to explain that nation-state threat actors like China and Russia are being considered cyber threats to space systems, and calling such attacks—that on Starlink and the one on Viasat—“acts of war”.

Secure-by-design space technology is something that the White House has been talking about a lot recently. 

Released last month, the White House’s Cybersecurity Strategy mentioned how space-based systems—including navigation, positioning, and environmental monitoring—needed to be secure.

Walden also mentioned that the US Space Policy Directive 5, which outlines cybersecurity design principles for space systems, is something they want to focus on.

The principles are being decided and the next steps would be to collaborate with the industry to put these into action.

How Climate Change Is Increasing Cyber-Risks

One would assume that climate change and cybersecurity are topics that are poles apart. However, there are several connections between these two issues.

These connections were highlighted by Chloe Messdaghi, CEO and Founder of Global Secure Partners.

According to Ms Messdaghi, issues caused by climate change provided more opportunities for threat actors to attack.

Attacks on Green Energy Sources

In order to reduce greenhouse emissions, the world is shifting towards green energy sources. These energy sources rely on new technologies. Since they are new, they may not have a well-rounded defence against cyber attacks.

For instance, electric vehicles are reliant on a network of charge points. These would be connected to the grid and managed through a central system. This could be targeted by threat actors.

Whilst this was a hypothetical example, Ms Messdaghi also brought up the cyber-incident at Vestas Wind Systems. That attack forced the world’s largest manufacturer of wind turbines to stop IT operations across a number of locations.

Extreme Weather Conditions Damaging Critical Digital Systems

Another risk that accompanies climate change that would affect cybersecurity is extreme weather events.

Climate change can result in more frequent and devastating hurricanes and tsunamis. These could affect critical digital systems—damaging underwater communications cables or off-site servers.

Any disruptions such damage would cause could be used as an opportunity by threat actors to attack.

Such weather events might also lead to an increase in remote working. If workers are not careful, they can be targeted for phishing attacks. These, in turn, could be used to get into the employers’ systems and data.

Deteriorating Relationships Between Countries

Climate change can lead to rising temperatures, which then affect geopolitical stability. As people are displaced due to famines caused by rising temperatures, the resulting migration could lead to tensions between countries.

These tensions could then be used as an excuse to conduct cyber attacks on the rival nation’s infrastructure.

It might sound incredible right now, but the pace at which technology is evolving means that we constantly need to look at cybersecurity from all angles. Because, even if we don’t, threat actors would definitely be trying to find any chinks in the cybersecurity armour.

(Threat actors are already using AI for creating malware, whilst cybersecurity experts are considering it for penetration testing.)

And, whilst things seem unrelated, nothing exists in isolation. We need to look at how changes in one system could affect the way it interacts with other systems.

Food & Beverage Leisure Activities Lifestyle Living Pharmaceuticals & Biotech

Thornton Park Hosts Cinco De Mayo Block Party In Orlando Florida.

Orlando, FL – April 27th, 2023 – The Thornton Park Cinco De Mayo Block Party is back for local residents to enjoy and celebrate the day. The restaurants and bars of Washington Street in the Thornton Park District are teaming up to host this amazing event for the community.

A team effort from The 808 Orlando, Cavo’s Bar & Kitchen, and Burton’s Thornton Park will create this awesome event they are calling CINCO ON THE STREET.

Guests will enjoy street games including beer pong, flip cup, cornhole, and a 360-degree photo booth!

The event will offer exclusive drink specials, amazing local food, a mariachi band, and DJ Digital.

Guests will enjoy one complimentary drink with their event ticket between 4pm-8pm.

Admission to the event will be only $15 in advance and $20 the day of the event. Promo code WASHINGTON may be used to save $5 on each ticket.

The venues will give you a variety of dining and cocktailing experiences to enjoy throughout the day.

At The 808 guests are transported to an old-school, laid-back surf shack where the vibe is relaxed and everyone is welcome. Their Hawaiian “inspired” menu has offerings for every taste including fresh seafood, and plate lunches. Their full liquor bar features delectable tropical concoctions with fresh ingredients and exotic spirits.

Cavo’s Bar & Kitchen is a fun, casual sports bar in the heart of Thornton Park. They offer solid cocktails and Northeast (Philly & NYC) influenced cuisine. They have a cool comfortable vibe for hanging out or watching all the games.

Burton’s Thornton Park is a casual bar in the Thornton Park district popular amongst locals. They offer beer, booze, and wine to quench their patron’s thirst while they hang out and play pool, darts, golden tee, pinball, and watch sports on 16 TVs.

For anyone living or visiting the Orlando area The Thornton Park District’s CINCO ON THE STREET block party is the place to be for Cinco De Mayo fun. The party will start on Friday, May 5, 2023, at 4:00 PM at 808 East Washington Street in Orlando Florida 32801.

Get tickets and more info at:

Energy & Environment Lifestyle News & Current Affairs U.K

Around 150 Elderly People Living Alone in Bedford Have No Central Heating; Age UK Describes the Figure as “Tremendously Concerning”

Citing Age UK, the country’s leading charity for older people, Bedford Today reported that roughly 150 one-person households aged over 65 have no access to central heating in Bedford.

Age UK marks this figure as a “tremendous concern” and asks the government to call for immediate action.

“These figures are of tremendous concern, as older people lacking central heating often find it very difficult to stay warm during the winter months with potentially serious consequences for their health and well-being, stated Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK.

Fleshing Out the Reasons

In 2021, roughly 8993 over-65s in Bedford were likely to be living alone, constituting a staggering 30% of the age group, according to an analysis of census 2021 data by the PA news agency.

Of the aged people living alone, 146 (1.6%) were without central heating. 

According to Age UK, if proper measures can’t be implemented before the next winter sets in, the country is poised to face a “perfect storm” which will cause older people to suffer severely.

One of the key players causing this suffering among aged people is the current energy crisis stemming from geopolitical and economic uncertainty.

On top of that, the issues posed by the current energy crisis have amplified the Ukraine conflict. As the gas supply scenario in the UK seems to be exacerbated by the war, energy costs keep spiralling upward.  

It becomes challenging for elderly people living alone to pay the fixed costs of central heating. Stretching the income of a single person to cover multiple expenses can sometimes lead to serious repercussions among aged people – such as social isolation.

In such a situation, the spiking cost of living and rising inflation looming over the country has prompted an increase in the number of aged people struggling to afford heating their houses. 

Driving Energy Efficiency Can Help

Stressing the importance of making heating accessible to everyone in the UK, Ms. Abrahams said, “Expanding central heating access and providing suitable alternatives to keep older people warm will be absolutely key.”

Describing the number of people living without heating in Bedford as “deeply concerning,” Ed Miliband, Labour’s shadow climate change secretary, stated, “No person in Britain should have to live in a cold home.”

According to the secretary, as part of its effort to upgrade the heating system of homes, thus ensuring families have “the warmth they need” at a cheaper energy rate, Labour is set to roll out a national Warm Homes Plan. 

The plan is expected to upgrade the energy efficiency of up to 2M homes in a year, helping households cut up to £500 off their annual energy bills.

According to the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), driving the energy efficiency of homes is the most viable and long-term approach to fighting the current fuel poverty and energy crisis.

“We know this is a difficult time for families, including older people, which is why we’ve been covering around half of the typical household’s energy bill and committed over £6.6 billion in this parliament to improve energy efficiency,” said a spokesperson from Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ).

As part of its effort to support low-income and vulnerable households while also offering improvements to the UK’s least energy-efficient houses, the DESNZ has launched the expansion of the Great British Insulation Scheme. 

With this scheme, the government is committed to tackling fuel poverty and helping slash a significant amount off energy bills.

That said, UK residents are urged to follow governmental measures to transition to a more “energy efficient future” and affordable energy costs.

Besides adding insulation, and deploying energy-efficient appliances, keeping an updated service on boilers is a great way to minimise energy losses, thus driving energy efficiency.

For residents looking to save on their energy bills by making their boilers more energy efficient, leveraging a high-end boiler repair service like Mulgas is a sensible investment. Periodic servicing ensures boilers run efficiently, thus reducing energy waste. 

Wrapping Up

Living without central heating is one of the household aspects that indicate deprivation. 

Age UK urges people in suffering to contact its advice line for immediate support. 

Lifestyle Living Real Estate U.K

The Sea-Front Luxury Apartment Building in West Cliff Gardens Selling Fast

A Luxury apartment building located in one of Bournemouth’s most sought-after areas is reportedly selling fast.

Even though the construction of the building is yet to be completed, around 60% of the development is already sold, reported yahoo!news.

Inside the Luxury Apartment Building in West Cliff Gardens 

This sea-front Sonnet development located on the cliff tops of West Cliff Gardens, Bournemouth, is worth around £10m or more and is proposed to consist of 14 luxury three-bedroom apartments.

The unobstructed views of the English Channel which can be enjoyed from all of these 14 homes is buoying the demand for the building among uber-rich buyers.

Awash with ultra-luxury, the apartments of this contemporary-style building have direct access to West Cliff Gardens. 

Each apartment is equipped with Quartz worktops, herringbone-style LVT flooring, and Shaker-style matt kitchen units, with high-end appliances throughout.

Consisting of a highly secure spacious bike and car parking, expertly landscaped communal gardens, and private outdoor space, this building is claimed to offer all modern convenience while also preserving its grandeur. 

In order to gain a high EPC – B rating while allowing purchasers to minimise their carbon footprint, the building is fitted with an air source heat pump. 

As a result, buyers investing in this ‘green development’ can benefit from Green Mortgage rates.

“We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the first purchasers to this luxury development and are delighted that 60% have now sold. Sonnet’s prized location, accessibility to the seafront, and Bournemouth’s vibrant town centre make it a very special proposition. The large windows maximise the views, creating beautifully glamorous living space,” according to a spokesperson from the house building service developing the building. “We would urge all those who are interested in moving to a beautiful new home here to book an apartment tour at their earliest convenience.”

The average transaction value for the apartments that were sold was registered to be between £555,000 and £875,000. 

The remaining six apartments are expected to be ready for the buyers to move into by the end of 2023.

The construction of this development started in November 2021. 

Bournemouth Named Among UK’s Most Sought-After “Dream Home Destinations”

With incredible amenities, historic architecture, bustling nightlife, and excellent transportation facilities, Bournemouth has become a solid choice for wealthy buyers considering resettling.

On top of this, for investors looking to maximise the value of their property portfolio, this town with one of the finest beaches in England is the perfect choice.

Bournemouth ranked as the sixth-highest town in the UK for house price increases amid a fast economic recovery, with a deluge of wealthy buyers flocking to the town. 

Bournemouth has witnessed an increase of 27.21% in terms of average house prices.

Case in point: In 2022, the average house price in Bournemouth was registered at around £371,718 – up from £270,588 in 2019.

That being said, with buyers favouring contemporary-style interior architecture for their Bournemouth residences, the demand for expert residential interior design services like Accouter is rocketing.

From reimagining the interior architecture of a home to helping with art acquisition, a class-leading interior design service ensures turning exclusive spaces into exquisite residences. 

Wrapping Up

The incredible architecture and the sea views of the Sonnet development are the key forces propelling its demand among people looking to enjoy the benefits of coastal living. 

Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Can ChatGPT Be Used to Improve SEO Content in Marketing?

Anyone who has used ChatGPT has been amazed by how it can “talk” to them. This AI-powered chatbot can give answers to any question it is asked. And, it does it in a conversational way.

On the face of it, the answers look and sound original. That means if one were to give it a topic, the answer could easily be used as an article.

In fact, one of the jobs it is supposed to “steal” is that of the content writer. The argument is, why should anyone pay for writers when ChatGPT can do the same thing faster and for a much lower cost?

Can ChatGPT Replace Content Writers?

And, everyone knows that SEO content can be difficult for businesses, especially IT businesses. In fact, IT marketing agencies, like Geeky Tech, are inundated with clients who don’t know what sort of content will work best for them.

Would ChatGPT make things easier for such companies?

Well, the honest answer is, the chatbot cannot replace a human writer. It can’t come up with original ideas. And, it can only regurgitate information that is already published on the web.

So, no, if a company relies solely on ChatGPT for writing content, it will soon realise the content quality is not quite adequate.

(In some cases, the information it generates might even be wrong.)

However, the tool can be used as a tool in an organisation’s marketing efforts. The Entrepreneur lists three ways in which ChatGPT can be used to support a business’s content production.

Three Ways in Which ChatGPT Could Support a Business’s Marketing Content

According to the article, whilst there are limitations to what ChatGPT can do, the one thing it can do really well is respond to questions (or prompts) in a natural, human-like, way. 

The other thing it can do well is analysing information provided to give the prompter a reasoned response.

With these traits in mind, here’s how one can use ChatGPT in content production for their marketing.

1. Be Realistic With Expectations

It is easy to assume the answer generated by the AI is usable as SEO content in its original form. 

However, as expressed earlier, regurgitated data, even if it sounds fresh, is neither original nor creative.

So, one needs to be realistic about the capabilities of the AI. It can’t offer creative thoughts but it can be used to kickstart the creative process.

2. Be Clear and Comprehensive With Your Input

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking the chatbot is a smart person. 

It is not.

It is a computer—a smart computer capable of some form of learning, but a machine nonetheless.

As such, the concept of “Garbage In, Garbage Out”, or GIGO, applies to it as it does to any computer.

If marketers need a viable solution from ChatGPT, they would need to give it all the information. The article compares the chatbot to a freelance content writer. 

The professional’s skill is writing, not expertise in the client’s business. If the company wants the writer to produce high-value content, they would need to provide them with the relevant information.

Detailed Prompts Are Important

To avoid incomplete or irrelevant output, one needs to ensure that the chatbot is provided with detailed prompts.

The tool requires not only the right data points but also the right questions.

That would mean the marketing team would need to do its due diligence when it comes to research. It would need to identify the questions the company’s audiences are asking and the points to cover before it can ask the chatbot to come up with the answer.

3. Use ChatGPT As a Starting Point

As would be obvious from the previous points, ChatGPT may not replace human writers, but it can help them get started on content.

Using the right prompts, the chatbot can help provide topic ideas and suggestions. It can also generate an outline for the kind of content marketers need to write.

At a stretch, the tool can be used to generate a first draft which is then heavily edited by a human writer.

In short, ChatGPT is not a hack that will help marketers get easy results. However, it is a powerful tool that, if used correctly, can help make content generation much easier.

Read more about how ChatGPT could be used for keyword research.