Business Marketing & Sales Retail Society & Culture World Reports on Post-Pandemic Rebranding and Its Global Impact

New York, NY –  The internet has always connected companies with a global audience and customer base, however, in a post-pandemic world, the ‘digital marketplace’ for the attention of that global audience has only increased in competitiveness. Instead of going out to their local stores, many consumers are spending their time on the internet as opposed to going out to a physical store to shop for things such as apparel, groceries, food or home supplies. This has opened the door for opportunities to many companies both domestic and international to reach those consumers.

Many businesses that were otherwise flourishing were hit hard by the unexpected pandemic. As we have crossed the year mark since the pandemic hit in the US, businesses are still understanding and learning to adapt to today’s digital landscape. And for some companies, they have been able to rebrand themselves successfully during the pandemic by understanding the needs of the new ‘stay at home shopper’.

One such company that has risen during the pandemic is A Chinese company that strictly has its roots in a digital marketplace, they learned to understand and connect with today’s online consumer. Beginning as and also owning an international domain, SHEIN acquired for a high five figure deal to solidfy their rebrand and maintain a stronger connection with their audience. 

Understanding that one not only needs a strong digital presence by way of advertising to their target audience, there is also a need to ensure a strong first impression. And it’s the owning and using of a premium domain name that enhances a company’s first impression when a customer browses their website. By acquiring a shorter, memorable .com, SHEIN was able to secure a brandable name that has stuck in the minds of thousands of shoppers, enabling it to become one of the most downloaded apps this year, even more downloaded than the Amazon app at one point.

This acquisition represents a trend in international companies willing to pay top dollar upgrading to a better domain when rebranding. It has been noted that 70% of companies in Fortune China 100 use .com for their corporate domains. 

One such company,, has made the transition to .com by paying a whopping $17M to acquire and upgrade to

“Strong sales rely on a business’s ability to strengthen its brand within the marketplace and consumer mindshare. By securing the .com extension, businesses are able to alter its perception to its customer base from an international entity to a US-based operation despite having roots in another country. Companies who invest in shorter .com domains will continue to reap rewards in the future,” says Anthony Santiago, marketing director of

It is not just the .com element of a domain but those that are short in name also seem to be the domain of choice for Chinese companies looking to upgrade to a premium domain name

These examples show the importance of a .com and the far-reaching effects it has both domestically and internationally. 

To learn more about, visit their website or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Computers & Software Marketing & Sales Retail Technology Reports Top Public Domain Sales for August 2021

New York, NY – To conclude Q3 of 2020, looks at the top domain sales for the month of August. Domain sales continue to stay hot for the year with many names selling for top dollar without any slow down for this trend. As a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites, always looks at the latest domain sales and looks to keep their audience in the know for the latest trends and notable sales. 

For the month of August 2021, according to, the top three highest report domains are:

  • for $2,500,000
  • for $400,000
  • for $281,000

Following last month’s press release highlighting the demand of domains with all-time high sales continuing, is the latest domain to sell in the 7-figure range. and both sold in the 6-figure range to round out the top 3 reported domains sold in August 2021.

As reported last month, more businesses are continuing to reexamine their digital strategy to ensure a strong digital footprint as consumer habits have continued to shift to online stores.

“Blockbuster domain sales in the six and seven-figure range continue to take place with no signs of slowing down. Across the board in every industry we see more companies realizing the importance of acquiring their best name – and that usually means paying top dollar for a .com” said Michael Santiago, founder of

Demand for domains, especially consumer-facing premium domains, has increased and is projected to continue trending upwards throughout 2021. continues to add to its domain portfolio in emerging industries such as CBD, Cannabis and Cryptocurrency.

To learn more about, visit their website or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Retail Technology

Why .com Domains Rule in Customers’ Mind Says

New York, NY – Since the invention of the internet back in the early to mid 1990’s, the dot com domain extension has always been synonymous with the world wide web. Categorized as a gTLD, Generic Top-Level Domain, which is the last end of a domain name after the dot, ‘.com’s’ make up the core group of gTLD including .net, .org, and .info. And while new gTLD extensions continue to pop up as the internet expands and innovation comes to fruition, dot com is still considered the ideal gTLD for businesses and investors. explores some examples that highlight dot com’s continued dominance and also discusses the future of gTLD extensions. 

“Having the ability to control and manage a unique domain name or brand across multiple extensions is very powerful,” said Anthony Santiago, Marketing Director at OnlineBusiness. “First, your brand is protected from others for such a small investment if you are hand registering. The .com extension will always command a higher price in the market due to user behavior online. The .com is synonymous with a website. Other extensions like .co are a suitable replacement if the .com is not available.”

One example highlights that clearly shows the importance of a dot com domain in today’s digital landscape is Mural. Mural is a company that has tripled its annual recurring revenue in the last year and has switched its domain to assumingly paying a high price tag to acquire it from Grupo Reforma, which is one of the largest print media companies in Mexico. They originally were known as and then switched to before ultimately switching to 

Mural may have started with the domain to align with the trend with the increase in popularity of these ‘new’ gTLD such as .co’s, .io’s and .ly’s in recent years. However, as one can see there came a point in which Mural felt it was in their best interest to acquire and rebrand to as they continue to grow in brand and revenue. Since acquiring the domain, they have raised another $50 million in Series C funding this year.

This isn’t to say with dot com still averaging 3 out of 4 every gTLD domains, other gTLD haven’t tried to innovate the market. Since 2011, ICANN, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, assigned to unify the internet, has allowed companies to register their own gTLD such as .oldnavy and .google. And although some companies are looking to be at the forefront of this, there are other companies that have scaled back their efforts in this arena. 

Three dot brand TLD experiments have called it quits this year which included a university, an insurance company and a consumer goods company and have cancelled their TLD brands:

  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University) (TLD: .rmit)
  • Swiftcover Insurance Services Limited (TLD: .swiftcover)
  • Dabur India Limited (TLD: .dabur)

Due to saturation of the core gTLDs and new TLD trends, as mentioned in a 2018 Wired feature, it may very well be that the landscape may start to shift to give more market share to other gTLD extensions within 5 years but as it stands .com’s still hold the most value for companies and organizations looking for a premium domain today.

To learn more about, visit their website or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Marketing & Sales Professional Services Retail Technology

OnlineBusiness Shares Key Points in Selecting the Best Domain Name for a Winning Brand

As mentioned in an earlier report,, a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites, has seen a surge in the sales of premium domain names across all industries. Based on the team’s research, there is a direct correlation between the pandemic that struck in the middle of 2020 and a seemingly increased importance on having a digital presence and a proper digital marketing program. That digital presence arguably starts with a proper domain name. 

“We have seen rebrands and purchases of premium domain names on a scale we haven’t seen in recent years. This only continues to reemphasize the importance of having the best domain for your company or organization, especially in today’s business environment,” said Anthony Santiago, VP of Marketing at

There are many factors to consider when choosing a domain for one’s business and brand. OnlineBusiness breaks it down into four factors:

Brevity – Try for a domain that is shorter than 7 letters and no more than 3 syllables to keep the domain as memorable as possible.

Generic Value – If a domain is one that can have a broad usage, a company allows themselves the flexibility to expand their brand or products without a potential pigeon hole with a too specific domain. This allows one to stay future-proofed for unexpected pivots or expansions.

Keywords/High DA – If the domain is a competitive keyword or search term, it already has a competitive advantage. The domain may already have an audience and can bring immediate traffic at the offset. 

Another plus would be the domain having a High Domain Authority score which typically means there are a substantial number of authoritative sites linking to the domain.

Brandability – If the domain is catchy, it has a higher chance of being memorable and also brandable which when combined with a well-thought-out marketing strategy, gives a domain the best chance at success.

It’s important to mention that these are only general guidelines and there have been many successful domains and companies that have not followed these practices. Along with choosing a proper domain, the marketing strategy is just as important once the domain is acquired and put to use. Properly marketing one’s company online with the domain is the next step towards having the formula to capture the mindshare of the right target audience.

To find a domain that best fits a company or brand and to learn more visit the website of or learn more by contacting the team directly at

About is a digital marketplace for premium domains and starter sites. They specialize in helping their clients to acquire the best domain name to increase credibility and brand power. Currently, they list over 3,500 domain names with a combined valuation of over $5M. To learn more visit

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Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.S

Ross B. Williams to host Modern Profits Networking Party before major sales funnel marketing conference in Orlando.

Orlando FL- August 26th: Ross B. Williams Founder of Modern Profits announces Networking Event to prequel sales and marketing funnel conference in Orlando FL.

Ross is well known in the digital marketing industry for hosting top-notch events, from networking parties, masterminds, conference cruises, and even block parties. After having to cancel his monthly networking events last year, he is excited to bring back this event as a pre-networking party to his favorite conference FHL. Where in February 2020 he earned the Two-Comma club award for his party business. This award is given to marketers who do over one million dollars in sales through one funnel using Clickfunnels software.

Modern Profits Networking Party For Marketers is great for conference attendees to connect on a more intimate scale before entering a massive conference. When you arrive at a big conference and already have dozens of connections, new friends, and possibly even business deals it will make for a better overall experience.

In previous years Ross Williams and Stephanie Saenz hosted networking events before Grant Cardon’s 10x conference in Miami Florida and two more hosted in Nashville Tennesee before Clickfunnel’s, Funnel Hacking Live.

“These events create very strong long-lasting friendships. The kind of friendships that change your world. When people become friends first and do business second the power that can be accomplished is astronomical. It’s like rocket fuel and your business is a rocketship.” Ross told us.

Ross is excited to host this event in his hometown of Orlando Florida and is looking forward to having his local network as well as his national network come together and build new relationships.

The networking party will be held at The Dream Room about one mile from the Gaylord Palms resort in Kissimmee from 7:00 pm-12:00 am on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

Modern Profits will be offering a complimentary Party bus shuttle service from LimoVenture Orlando for attendees.

There will be a networking experience from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm and then transition into live entertainment from 9:00 pm – 12:00 am.

Live music will be performed by SWITCH an 80s and 90s Rock Tribute band. They will first perform Back To The Eighties: 80’s covering all the hits that made the 80’s great. Then they will SWITCH Into the 90s with all the music that made the 90s amazing.

Making connections before entering a massive conference can greatly change your conference experience.

Having the opportunity to network with attendees on a smaller scale will dramatically increase your chances of making true long-lasting relationships for both personal friendships and business ventures. 

The Modern Profits Party is great for entrepreneurs, digital marketers, coaches, and consultants.

You can learn more about this event at

Automotive Computers & Software Finance Personal Finance World

Founder of Plensy™, Sam Errama, has been nominated for an Auto Finance Innovator Award

Plensy™ is proud to announce that its Founder and CEO Sam Errama has been nominated for the AUTO FINANCE INNOVATORS award. This award honors the industry’s movers and shakers and recognizes innovative new developments in the auto finance industry. The honorees will be announced on November 15th, 2021. “It’s an honor to be nominated,” says Sam Errama, Founder of Plensy™. “I’m excited to see what comes of it.”

Sam Errama created Plensy™ to transform the antiquated traditional financial ecosystem, known as the credit score rating, from the current loan processing methodology by offering lending services through the Plensy™ platform. Plensy™ is a completely new and a unique tokenized blockchain technique of disrupting the entire financing concept by removing the old approach of evaluating a borrower’s potential based on their credit score.

In addition, the 2021 Auto Finance Innovators Awards recognizes industry professionals that have made significant technological contributions to their company and the field. It comes on the heels of a year of major innovation in the auto finance industry.

Other notable nominees include, but not limited to, Tanya Sanders, Head of Auto at WellsFargo, Chris Nicotra, Head of Consumer Auto Lending Technology at Capital One, Kevin Singerman, CEO & Co-Founder of AutoFi, and Chris Depperman, VP of Finance & Insurance Operations of Berkshire Hathaway Automotive.

Plensy™ not only brings innovation to risk assessment but also revolutionizes the broader credit and finance market by tokenizing with NFTs as ” Auto Smart Loans”. The Plensy™ token is a digital asset that can be programmed to produce a yield, making it an attractive new class of digital securities.

Plensy™ has reached agreements with over one hundred twenty (120) dealerships in the United States and is pushing forward with an expansion in the $98B DeFi ecosystem. Some of the largest automotive groups in the United States, which collectively operate over a thousand (1,000) dealerships, are ready to offer Alternative Financing to their consumers.

More About Plensy™: 

Plensy™ is poised to disrupt several trillion-dollar markets with a simplified, fair, and intuitive points-based lending-system that expands marketplaces, diversifies risk, and streamlines the process for everyone involved. This would have enormous economic and social impacts!  

For more information on Plensy’s business model or Seed Fund Round, contact Chief Growth Officer, Brandi Kolosky,  

Automotive Business Finance Financial Market Stock Market News

Plensy™, A Points-Based Lending-System Opens Seed Funding Round to Offer NFT Auto Smart Loans to Dealership Customers

August 24, 2021 – Los Angeles, CA – The Los Angeles-based FinTech startup Plensy™ announces the opening of its $25M seed funding round. Plensy’s patent-pending Points-Based Lending System will compete with digital lending platforms and banks by elevating the vehicle buying experience for both customers and automotive dealerships. For 3 years the team has been self-funding the developement of the technology and systems solving problems holding back the adoption of DeFi into the antiquated automotive sector by applying NFTs to Auto Smart Loans. Plensy™. 

Plensy’s mission is to replace outdated, discriminatory, and draconian credit scoring and lending systems with a smarter, honest, more ethical, and equitable approach to risk assessment and financing, based on real-time data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technology using asset-backed Non-fungible Tokens

The AI algorithm authenticates protocols and information between the dealership and consumer that are inputted into the Plensy™ DMS (dealer management system) with both transparency and secured methods of verification stored on private and public nodes. Instead of a monolithic credit score often based on outdated or inaccurate information and prone to misuse, Plensy™ evaluates prospective borrowers based on their current buying power and true ability to repay a loan.  

Plensy™ not only brings innovation and a fresh perspective to risk assessment but also revolutionizes the broader credit and finance market by tokenizing with NFTs (converting to a digital format), coined as Smart Loans into programmable, yield baring, new and attractive digital asset class which can be purchased and sold on a state-of-the-art platform cryptographically secured with blockchain technology. The low interest rate that Plensy™ will compete with is desirable among investors looking for a good return on their investments and higher monthly income for dealerships. 

Plensy’s Unicorn pedigree includes addressable market, scalability, unfair advantage, timing coincidence, and its founding team:  

  • Sam Errama, Founder & CEO with 20 years of experience in the Automotive Dealerships and Data Marketing industries,  
  • Murali Margapuri, Co-Founder & CTO with 20 years of experience as CTO & VP of Citibank / Banamex global, and  
  • Brandi Kolosky, Chief Growth Officer with 14 years’ experience in Brand Marketing, Capital Raising, Blockchain & Mining Solutions, Global B2B & B2C Business Development and certified in Innovations in FinTech


Approximately one hundred twenty (120) dealerships have signed agreements with Plensy™, because of their attention in cross-pollinating and growing the $98B DeFi ecosystem together. Some of the largest automotive groups in the United States, which collectively operate over a thousand (1,000) dealerships, are ready to offer Alternative Financing to their consumers, beating the quota goal before the funding round began. Plensy’s current financial model only predicts 1% of the $1.4 trillion auto loan market (300 dealerships) — proving the Plensy™ model is the future of car buying. There isn’t competition. There is only coopetition. 

This new approach creates a net positive social and economic impact as millions of previously ostracized consumers are welcomed into the marketplace and new financial opportunities are created for both lenders and borrowers.    

In 2015, the US Congress declared credit scoring to be a monopoly controlled by just one organization, FICO. This monopoly provides credit scoring for more than 90% of the top US lenders. FICO’s credit scoring system leaves over 26 million Americans “credit invisible” and an additional 19 million un-scorable.  

Sam Errama, Chief Executive Officer of Plensy™, expresses: ”We intend to disrupt the antiquated automotive financing ecosystem by delivering asset-backed tokenized loans.”” 

More About Plensy™: 

Plensy™ is poised to disrupt several trillion-dollar markets with a simplified, fair, and intuitive points-based lending-system that expands marketplaces, diversifies risk, and streamlines the process for everyone involved. This would have enormous economic and social impacts!  

For more information on Plensy’s business model or our seed fund, contact Chief Growth Officer, Brandi Kolosky,  

Arts & Entertainment Business Celebrity News & Current Affairs U.S

KCG is back with Summer Rain, another hip-hop hit

What stands out about the artist is that he draws inspiration from a range of different places. These days in the hip-hop genre, it feels like rappers are either influenced by new or old artists. However, this isn’t the case for KCG. In this brand new track, it sounds like he is inspired by old school acts such as Biggie Smalls, Tupac, and Jay-Z. Yet, there is also fresh and contemporary energy that recalls the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Drake, to mention but two modern legends.

In Summer Rain, KCG’s rap flow is authentic and genuine, which is rare to find in the scene today. It’s clear from the very start that this song comes from a deep place in the artist, and that means that the listener can easily connect with the lyrics and the meaning underneath.

There are moments in Summer Rain that feel like a cathartic stream of consciousness. For example, the lyric “I wrote this song just to reminisce” sounds down-to-earth, direct, and honest. This storytelling technique is an artistic approach that iconic beat poets and authors are famous for. These include the likes of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs. KCG recalls these innovative and pioneering writers as he has a similar authenticity and dedication to telling a story and connecting with his listeners.

The production aesthetic in Summer Rain is warm and smooth, yet there is also a contemporary vibe to it that keeps it fresh and in the moment. The mix also balances the vocals with the instrumental backing, allowing KCG to shine throughin the composition. This is the kind of detail that sets artists like KCG apart from the crowd and showcases the difference between professional seasoned artists to the amateurs on the scene.

On top of this, KCG’s performance breathes life into the engaging lyrics, and it’s easy to understand the nuanced and detailed lyrics in the track. His delivery has a fluid rhythm that is infectious and you’ll find yourself humming the vocal melody to yourself long after Summer Rain has finished.

Fans of old-school hip-hop and modern rap will both enjoy Summer Rain and KCG’s distinctive approach and style.

Don’t miss out on this exciting new release from KCG. Check out Summer Rain on your preferred online platform at the link below!

Business Marketing & Sales Professional Services Services U.S

Virtual Assistant Services from Howling Assistant Can Help with Podcast Editing and Show Notes

Today, there are numerous businesses that are looking for ways to expand their catchment area, drawing in customers from new markets. One of the ways to do exactly that is to take advantage of a podcast. This is something people can listen to in the car, while they shower, or as they work in the kitchen. Howling Assistant offers a myriad of virtual assistant services that can help you get the most out of your podcast. With professional show notes and podcast editing services, it is possible to produce quality podcasts that will make a solid impression on everyone who listens.

Comprehensive Editing Services Available from Howling Assistant 

Howling Assistant offers professional editing services that can make sure every podcast sounds as great as possible. For example, podcast editing services include audio and video editing. Audio and video editing are important for making sure the audio and video line up appropriately. That way, people will have an easier time following what is happening during the podcast.

Furthermore, Howling Assistant also offers detailed audio editing to make sure multiple layers of sound line up to create crystal clear outputs. Basic form editing is the foundation of a strong podcast, which Howling Assistant can handle. Then, if there are advanced multi-track compilations that require attention, Howling Assistant can take care of this as well. No matter how simple or complex the sound is, Howling Assistant has the professional services to handle it.

Show Notes and Transcription Services from Howling Assistant

In addition, Howling Assistant offers professional show notes and transcription services as well. Show notes are important for taking podcasts and turning them into a blog post or an essay. Taking a single piece of content and transforming it into multiple layers is an important part of expanding the potential audience. Basic and advanced show note services are available through Howling Assistant.

Transcription services are available as well. One of the advantages of working with the Howling Assistant team is that transcriptions are turned around with an accuracy rate of 99 percent. That way, anyone who is unable to listen to the podcast can read it instead. This is a great way to make sure that as many people absorb the information as possible. 

Take Advantage of the Professional Amplification Services Available from Howling Assistant

Finally, the goal is to make sure as many people hear the podcast as possible. That is where Howling Assistant’s amplification services are helpful. First, the team can create highlight videos and social media posts that go with the podcast. These graphics are important for spreading the message about each new podcast episode.

Then, amplification services are important for attracting people who are interested in what the podcast is actively promoting. This is a critical part of getting the most out of each individual podcast episode.

Finally, social sharing is important as well. The content is shared across multiple platforms to keep the messaging consistent. Howling Assistant can even produce artwork that can go along with the podcast. That way, everyone knows they make the best possible impression on their listeners and viewers. 

Howling Assistant’s Podcast Services Are Comprehensive

These are just a few of the many services that are available through Howling Assistant. Podcasts are becoming more popular, and it is important for everyone to make sure they get the most out of their efforts. This means relying on a professional service. Howling Assistant regularly reviews all podcast services to make sure they deliver for the client. That way, everyone can maximize the results of their podcast efforts through social sharing, amplification services, transcriptions, shows notes, and audio editing services.

About Howling Assistant

Howling Assistant is a full-service virtual assistant agency that can handle a variety of needs for business projects. All project managers with Howling Assistant have decades of experience working with clients in a variety of industries. All Howling Assistants receive extensive training to make sure they can deliver appropriate services for clients. This includes calendar management, customer support, appointment setting, social media management, and website management. To learn more about the services provided by Howling Assistant, check out the Facebook page, explore Instagram posts, and visit the website today. 

Business Marketing & Sales Media & Communications Professional Services U.S

AO Elite Launches New Program for Investors in Digital Marketing and eCommerce

Digital marketing and eCommerce have been two of the fastest-growing industries in the world during the past few years. Because this space is growing quickly, there are many investors who are looking for a new opportunity to get involved. AO Elite is launching a new program to help investors learn more about this space so they can make the best decisions possible with their money. With a new program that has been geared specifically toward profitable, new niches in the worlds of eCommerce and digital marketing, investors have the opportunity to generate significant returns on their investments as long as they know how to evaluate their investment opportunities accordingly. 

The Growth of Digital Marketing

Today, the vast majority of people use the internet when they are looking for products and services they require. Because most people use search engines to take a look at their search results, it is important for businesses to have a strong online presence. The only way they are going to do that is if they focus on digital marketing.

This is representative of the massive growth opportunities that are available in digital marketing. During the next few years, the number of people who use the internet to locate products and services is only going to continue to grow. That is why many companies have made the transition to the online world. They need to rely on digital marketing to help them reach their target markets. As the demand for these services continues to grow, the value of these companies is only going to go up. That is why there are so many investment opportunities available in the world of digital marketing. 

The Exponential Opportunities in eCommerce

The same thing is happening in the world of e-commerce as well. When people are talking about e-commerce, they are usually talking about businesses that take orders online. With many people working from home today, a lot of people do not want to leave the house to go to the store either. That is why there are numerous opportunities available in the world of eCommerce. Even though it is true that there are a lot of challenges in this area, there is also a lot of investment upside.

Even though this area is still relatively new, it is important for investors to carefully evaluate the opportunities placed in front of them. That way, they can make the best decisions for themselves, their risk tolerance, and their overall return. That is exactly the type of education that AO Elite provides to people who sign up for the program.

How Does the Program from AO Elite Help Investors? 

AO Elite is a business that focuses on the best practices in the industry, helping investors carefully evaluate all opportunities in front of them so that they can make the best decisions possible for themselves. AO Elite is a company that specializes in data, website copy, advertisement, funnels, and websites themselves. Then, they take a look at the analytics, use tactics that have been proven to work, and help companies place themselves in the best position possible to sell.

Using these tactics from AO Elite, it is possible for companies to figure out which of their products and services are going to sell the best. The end result is digital marketing and eCommerce that maximizes conversion rates and drives revenue. 

It is this same information that can be helpful to investors who are looking for ways to maximize their returns. This is just the latest way that AO Elite sets itself apart from the rest of the industry. There is a tremendous upside for investors who are willing to participate in the program. 

About AO Elite

AO Elite is a portfolio agency that has more than 70 brands spread out across numerous industries. The team has already generated more than $112 million in revenue for clients using services, sales data, and digital tools. AO Elite also provides financial literacy, infrastructure, and fulfillment to all clients to drive ROI. Learn more about AO Elite by visiting the website or checking out the latest posts on the Facebook page.