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A Closer Look at the Top Model of AAA Abraham Ackermann Agency

This competition has been held for many years and this year Serbia is sending its representative for the second time. This year, in anticipation of spring, the largest and most glamorous competition in medaling is coming to us again. In the period from February 20 to March 4 this year, the contest for “Top Model of the World” will be held. The finals of the prestigious competition Top Model of the World are held in luxurious and modern complexes and cities around the world. Previous finals were held in Egypt, Shanghai, Berlin and Miami.

The AAA Abraham Ackermann Agency, which is the owner of the license for Serbia and Brazil, has decided to once again send top model Tara Računica, who took second place for Miss Europe last year.

The preceding year the same agency was also awarded for the best model agency in the Balkans, and its director and owner AAA Abraham Ackermann for gentleman of the year. Tara is 19 years old and comes from Belgrade. The world got to know her well last year during the preparations for this event. The audience and the jury could not resist her charm and charisma. The whole team was proud of their ranking. However, as this top model reveals to us, this year she is ready to conquer the world.

“I am proud of my team and all of Serbia. We did a great thing last year, but this year we will be even better. I am glad that my country is part of this world event for the second time. It is certainly a great honor to be a part of all this for the second time! My team and I promise you that we will win” – said young Tara.

Business Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Olive AI to Divest its Second Business Line; Plans to Focus on Health System RCM

Healthcare automation service Olive AI is reportedly planning for the sell-off of its utilisation management service line. 

Utilisation Management is the company’s prior customer-facing authorisation system with solutions that accelerate the manual operations in GreenLight laser treatment.

The divestiture is part of this Columbus-based tech unicorn’s effort to centre its focus on administrative automation for healthcare, according to THE BUSINESS JOURNALS.

“Earlier this month, [CEO Sean Lane] announced that Olive would no longer be offering UM solutions to allow the company to strengthen its core area of focus, building automation and intelligence technology for health systems that make their revenue cycle operate more effectively and efficiently,” according to a spokesperson from Olive AI.

Why Divest Now??

Sean Lane, co-founder and CEO of Olive AI, blamed tough economic headwinds for the divestiture. The CEO also mentioned that the Columbus health IT business made mistakes when it was in high-growth mode.

In an all-staff memo published on February 09, 2023, the CEO shed light on the substantial and unexpected shortfall in the capital plan now facing the company, two years after it brought in around USD 400M to turbocharge the growth of ‘humanised’ AI for healthcare.

“In our current position, we cannot make the necessary investments to be successful in transforming both Autonomous Revenue Cycle and Utilisation Management journeys for our customers,” Lane said in the memo. “We must prioritise and direct our critical resources toward Olive’s established strengths.”

“This means a return to our core area of focus: building automation and intelligence technology for health systems that make their revenue cycle operate more effectively and efficiently.”

Consequences of the Carve-out Transaction on Employees

According to the memo, Olive AI Inc. is set to lay off 215 employees as it seeks to eke out growth by cutting costs and shifting the focus to its core product lines. The recent reduction in staff comprises around 35% of its workforce, leaving approximately 630 staffers.

This declaration of workforce reduction came on Thursday, February 2, 2022. In July 2022, the company cut around 450 staff who accounted for 31% of the total workforce. 

However, the Columbus company refused to provide any further details on the specifics of the equity carve-out—such as the approximate time and size of the division, prospective buyers, etc.

According to the notice filed with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, in order to notify receivers of the upcoming cut in workforce, the layoff would involve a total of 209 positions, including an EVP (executive vice president) and some senior staff.

“I know this is not easy news to hear,” Lane stated. “I regret that we are in this position, and I apologise for the impact it will have on the lives of our team members. I’d like to express my gratitude for everything you’ve done to make an impact in healthcare.”

The company is committed to keeping the customers and the remaining staffer updated on the details of the transaction as it takes shape. 

In October 2022, Olive divested its population health and $340B product lines to sister company Rotera, as two of its customers had ceased doing business with Olive. 

Overcoming Divestiture Challenges

Irrespective of the size of the division, carving out the equity of a company is a complex task that requires an effort in coordination to be successful. 

For companies looking to ensure a seamless divestiture with minimum business disruption, investing in a high-end carve-out service like Fission Consulting is a sensible decision. 

A class-leading service helps clients evade uncertainty while also accelerating the timeline.

Wrapping Up

The CEO of Olive AI hopes the divestiture would help the company defy the current economic downturn by enabling the employees to focus more on strengthening Olive’s core services and product lines. 

Government & Politics Law & Legal Public Affairs Society & Culture Technology

New AI “Legal Advisor” Tool Protects Civil Rights Against Overstep

Vancouver, Canada – Legalese Decoder, a revolutionary app that simplifies legal language and makes it accessible to everyone, has introduced a new AI-powered “legal advisor” tool designed to help users protect their civil rights against overstep.

The “legal advisor” tool takes context from user-supplied documents and provides answers to users’ questions regarding civil rights protection, including potential violations of their rights. By using advanced algorithms and natural language processing, the tool can identify potential legal issues and suggest courses of action to help users protect their rights.

“Many people are intimidated by legal jargon and are unsure of their rights when dealing with legal matters,” said William Tsui, the founder of Legalese Decoder. “Our new AI-powered ‘legal advisor’ tool is designed to empower individuals to better understand their legal rights and take action to protect them.”

The tool is particularly useful in situations where individuals may face overstep from authorities or other powerful entities, such as law enforcement, employers, or landlords. By providing users with a clearer understanding of their rights and options, the tool aims to help individuals protect themselves against overstep and hold those who violate their rights accountable.

Legalese Decoder’s “legal advisor” tool is part of the app’s Pro Plan. The app’s free tool helps users comprehend complex legal documents, while the Pro Plan offers additional features to help users make informed decisions about legal matters.

“Our goal is to make legal language accessible to everyone and help individuals protect their rights,” said William Tsui. “With our new AI-powered ‘legal advisor’ tool, we’re taking a big step towards achieving that goal.”

Legalese Decoder’s “legal advisor” tool is available now as part of the app’s Pro Plan. To learn more about Legalese Decoder and its features, visit their website at

** Disclaimer: The AI “Legal Advisor” feature offered by Legalese Decoder is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. The information provided by the “Legal Advisor” is based on the context supplied by the user and is subject to the limitations of the artificial intelligence algorithms used by the tool. No jurisdiction has approved the use of this tool as a substitute for professional legal advice, and Legalese Decoder makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the “Legal Advisor”. Users are advised to seek the advice of a licensed attorney for all legal matters.

Building & Construction Energy & Environment Finance Stock Market News World

Intrakat’s successful €100 million share capital increase

Intrakat’s vice-president and managing director talks to Vima about the next day for the group, following its successful €100 million share capital increase. He announces acquisitions, dynamic activities in renewable energy and does not neglect to mention large projects such as the concession of the Attica Road.

Mr. Exarchou also emphasizes the excellent relationship that exists among Intrakat’s main shareholders, noting that “it is the strongest card for the company’s course”.

Mr. Exarchou, you took the helm of Intrakat at a difficult time for the construction company. What was the (listed) company’s image when Winex went public?

  • “Intrakat has always been a company with significant growth potential and great know-how and experience in the construction industry. Our decision to invest was based on the company’s track record and the prospects we saw for it with the right strategy and support. Indeed, when we joined the company as a major shareholder, it was a period where Intrakat was falling short of its targets and its operating results had been compressed. Let’s not forget that the significant price increases in raw materials and energy, as well as, the cost of accelerating projects that had been delayed during the pandemic, affected the group’s results, as well as the industry in general. As a new shareholder and new management, we made a quick decision and swiftly implemented a comprehensive operational and management restructuring plan, which unlocked the value that the company had inside and gave it the breath, support and strategic direction it needed, in order to advance dynamically”.

The increase of 100 million euros in the share capital was successfully completed, since it was approved by the General Assembly of Shareholders. Where will the raised funds be allocated?

  • “We are particularly satisfied with the successful increase of the share capital by 100 million euros and for the trust and support of our shareholders. We carried out one of the largest IPOs that have been done in recent years and not only in this particular industry, and I warmly thank -once again- all the shareholders who participated in our development plan. We are building a new Intrakat, which is extroverted in its investments and competitive in modern terms in all areas of its activity. We want to build a strong foundation at Intrakat, and that’s what we’re doing now, relying on our own engineers (we’re already hiring), our own machinery and know-how, and less on subcontractors, which are certainly important, but they have to play a supporting role. The relationship among the shareholders is an essential component of the company’s progress and it is certainly one of Intrakat’s strengths – the excellent relations between the main shareholders. As the new main shareholder and new management, we have envisioned Intrakat as a leading group in SE Europe and this is the strategic goal that we support and serve. Now, following the share capital increase, the company has more than 140 million in equity and proportionately very little debt, which allows it to access financing, should it be required, in order to participate in large infrastructure development projects. Very soon you will hear from us on the acquisition front, as we evaluate investment opportunities in construction – infrastructure, in RES, in PPPs and concessions, but also in the sectors of waste management and real estate, which we have entered dynamically. Of the 100 million euros of the increase, we estimate that 50 million will be invested in acquisitions, while the rest will be used as working capital.”

One of the sectors which Intrakat attaches special importance to, is the ‘Renewable Energy Sources’ sector. You have announced the preparation of a bond issue of 120 million euros. How is this process going?

  • “RES already play an important role in energy self-sufficiency, as well as in sustainable development. We see this as an area where Intrakat can grow strategically and create a strong footprint with stable cash flows, both in clean energy generation and storage, and is -therefore- our investment priority. We already have a portfolio of 1.8GW (1,000MW wind farms and 800MW solar) and 0.7GW electricity storage projects, which we expect to generate positive cash flows by 2023. As far as the bond issue is concerned, we are at an advanced stage of negotiations with the cooperating banks, our goal is to proceed with a dynamic investment plan until 2024 and we believe that it will have the appropriate financing”.

In our country, the procedures for the development of offshore wind farms are also opening. Your company, along with the Belgian Parkwind has announced its participation in the upcoming tenders. How many Megawatts will you claim?

  • “Offshore wind farms are a great opportunity for Greece to increase its production of ‘green’ energy and we are glad that the state has worked in this direction by facilitating the procedures for their development. It is possible to achieve the national target of producing at least 2 GW of offshore wind power by 2030 and Intrakat’s goal is to claim a leadership position in this sector. Our strategic partner Parkwind has extensive experience in similar projects and will soon have a capacity of more than 1 GW. Accordingly, Intrakat has significant expertise in local infrastructure and we already have 1,000 MW of capacity from wind farm projects.”

Participation in the Attica Road competition is one of Intrakat’s biggest bets. How is the process going when it comes to preparing investors for the final phase of the competition?

  • “As you know, we are participating in the tender as part of a 30% joint venture with Portugal’s BRISA, a European giant with vast experience in managing road networks and motorways. In fact, BRISA’s strength and expertise is mainly in the modernization of highways based on digital technology, which is of utmost importance for the future of highways in our country. Given that the deadline for submission of offers is set for May 29, we are in the final stages of preparation.”

And one last question…

A large ‘pie’ of construction projects is opening up in Greece. What size could Intrakat claim?

“Major construction projects and infrastructure are a priority for us, as we believe that there is no development without modern infrastructure, roads, trains, ports, airports. Our goal is to claim even more projects that will improve public infrastructure and the daily life of citizens, but also the image of Greece as an attractive investment destination. We are planning our participation in projects that will be announced in the period 2023-2024 and will concern our areas of interest. Projects that we can execute well and within the predetermined timeframes and which will contribute to strengthening our position in the sector”.

Computers & Software Pharmaceuticals & Biotech Science Technology

Data Capture in Laboratories: Exploring the Barriers and Ways to Overcome Them

Substantial investments should be made in strategising and combining data from a set of instruments in order to turn a medley of free-floating data points into a coherent, integrated message. 

With that said, failing to automate data collection and standardisation via instrument integration is the biggest bottleneck that causes substantial lag in laboratory operations. 

In a recent article published in European Pharmaceutical Review, Samantha Kanza, a senior enterprise fellow at the University of Southampton, sheds light on the leading challenges of adopting digital technologies in the laboratory data collection process and how to overcome them. 

What Is Data Integration?

Data integration means accumulating datasets from multiple sources and equipment and merging them to get a unified view.

Data integration across the value chain—from discovery all the way through production to commercialisation—is critical to strengthening decision-making. 

Even though the massive troves of data a laboratory generates are a great asset, most of it remains unexploited due to failure to connect data and processes.

Leading Data Integration Challenges

The researcher underscores the lack of data standardisation and data standard saturation as two major roadblocks to laboratory data integration. 

Inconsistent datasets, proprietary data formats, and a lack of compatible instruments are a few of the many barriers worth mentioning.

Let’s dive deeper into the issues with proprietary data formats: 

One of the key aspects of successful data integration is to have all datasets from all sources in the same format (or at least convertible into a single format). 

However, in many cases, data attributes in two different sources may conceptually convey the same information, but the datasets are in two different formats, which are sometimes difficult to convert into a desired format. 

These lexical and structural disparities in datasets may cause unfixable errors or even data loss if data gets integrated without standardising or cleaning.

The Solution

Overcoming data standard issues is paramount to enabling a fully integrated and digitally interconnected laboratory.

The research fellow at the University of Southampton advises laboratories to carefully evaluate the software programs they would leverage while generating data and the file formats these systems support. 

On the other hand, software providers should also ensure their programs don’t use intricate proprietary formats that could hinder data integration, sharing, and reuse.

According to Dr. Kanza, researchers must be provided with specific guidelines on the standard process of data structure to efficiently evade the risk of data inconsistencies. 

On top of that, all datasets generated directly from the instruments should include metadata to ensure effective utilisation.

Electronic Systems Adoption Barriers

For laboratories looking to accelerate their R&D, using Laboratory Information Management Software (LIMS) or Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) as the core part of their research activities is critical. 

Besides enabling instrument integrations for automatic data capture, ELN or LIMS helps automate workflows and ensure efficient management of samples and associated data. 

The result: streamlined operations and quick recognition of bottlenecks across experiments leading to substantially improved efficiency

Despite all the benefits, the adoption of electronic systems in labs has been slow.

Let’s flesh out the reasons:

First off, transitioning away from familiar methods to use a new system may seem challenging for some researchers.

“Whether rightly or wrongly, researchers don’t necessarily trust ELN systems, particularly if they are in the cloud…While trust is important, some of this comes down to a lack of education and understanding on data security coupled with some learned behaviour that needs to be addressed,” explained Dr. Kanza.

Secondly, the scepticism of lab operators about the security of the stored data in cloud-based LIMS or ELN is another leading reason behind the slow adoption rate of LIMS. 

Thirdly, even though digital systems help labs streamline the data capture and management processes, the greatest concern arises when labs aim to leverage these digital systems in their daily operations. The full ELN/LIMS adoption requires buy-in from everyone involved. For some users, the learning curve may seem steeper. 

Overcoming the Electronic System Adoption Challenges

For laboratories looking to address the above challenges and centralise data once siloed in multiple systems to turbocharge their R&D efforts, cashing in on a high-end digital lab notebook like Sapio Sciences is a sensible decision. 

A class-leading ISO-certified system ensures top-notch data security while also offering easy training so that users can get the hang of it in a short time.

On top of that, some high-end integrated LIMS-ELN systems offer automated data capture from instruments via integration that helps minimise experimental redundancy. 

Plus, these systems foster decision-making by enabling interactive visualisation of all data points.

However, digitally transforming a laboratory needs a complete overhaul of lab culture, a change of attitude, and a willingness to learn. 

Besides, before investing in a system, laboratories should evaluate the disparities between the system and their laboratory requirements. Through careful vendor evaluation, they can choose the most profitable compromise between the features offered by a seller and a fully customizable solution. 

Business Computers & Software Marketing & Sales Media & Communications U.S

How a Young Woman Started a $9,500-a-Month Business Selling Digital Products on Etsy

Etsy is a popular store designed to sell products that people have created themselves. When you think of it, you’re more likely to think of handmade jewellery, knitted or crocheted items, paintings, clay modelling stuff, glass items, etc.

You know… trinkets. 

(Can you tell I don’t spend much time on Etsy?)

So, when I came across an article about a woman using her maternity leave to start a $9,500-a-month business on the website, I had to read it.

The first thing that surprised me was that she wasn’t selling those stereotypical products. She was selling printables that she created on Canva.

Rachel Jiminez had a full-time job as the director of alumni engagement at a university. She was also studying on the side—Positive Psychology. Her blog and Etsy store were, in her own words, “side hustles”.

Ms Jiminez explained that her Etsy shop was consistently getting her around $50 a month. She just didn’t have enough time to invest in it. It was when she was on maternity leave with her second child that she started putting work into it. 

In the article, she explains how she built her business.

Tips For Expanding an Etsy Business

According to Ms Jiminez, building her business was a four-step process. Here’s how it started.

Developing the Growth Mindset

When starting your own business, it’s easy to take failure personally. Once you do that, you’ll give up at the first sign of trouble. 

That’s why Ms Jiminez considers the first step of her journey the one where she stopped thinking that she wasn’t good enough and focused on figuring out the problem.

Learning From Others’ Successes

When you’re on a platform like Etsy, you can see how other sellers are performing. Again, it’s likely that you see others doing better than you and feel jealous. 

What Ms Jiminez did with that emotion was to use it to learn from the sellers she perceived as more successful than her.

She says she’d “…study their strategies, devour any podcasts or blog posts they created, and put their tips and recommendations to the test.

Testing and Tweaking Periodically

No matter how well a strategy works for someone else, it’s possible that isn’t suitable for you in the least. When Ms Jiminez saw a strategy failing to deliver, she’d “try to get helpful data” from her failures.

One of the questions she’d ask is whether it was a marketing problem or a product problem. For example, say she had high volumes of traffic to a product page, but not enough conversions. That told her the product wasn’t appealing enough.

On the other hand, if she didn’t have many people visiting the product page, but those who did ended up buying more often than not? That meant she wasn’t marketing it well.

Considering the Customers’ Needs and Wants

Customers tend to vote with their feet. If they don’t like the product, no matter how well you sell it, they won’t buy it. That’s why Ms Jiminez decided to find out exactly what customers were looking for. 

She says she looked for “clues in Facebook Groups and online forums, noticed what was trending in stores, and used tools like Google Trends and Pinterest Trends.” She even used paid tools, such as eRank.

This research helped her identify the problems her customers wanted to solve, which she then used to design her products.

Why Digital Products?

I discussed this in another article about Digital Products UX Trends in 2023 in greater detail but a digital product is any product that is built, delivered, and consumed online. 

As Ms Jiminez explained, “a digital product can be a PDF, a JPEG image, or even an Excel spreadsheet that you make once and profit from forever.

Of course, if you’ve read my previous article on digital product trends, you’d know that it also includes other online consumables like audio files, videos, apps, software, templates, plug-ins, and more.

However, the key point is the latter half of her description… make it once and profit from it forever.

A digital product doesn’t need a warehouse (or a workshop cupboard) to be stored in. You don’t need to ship it physically to a customer. You don’t need to build a copy every time someone orders it.

In short, it doesn’t have much overhead.

How Can You Create Your Own Digital Products For Your Business?

In the article, Ms Jiminez says she used Canva to design both her products as well as her listing images. Other people might use Keynote, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, or Illustrator. Others might use Notion, OneNote, or Excel.

Of course, if you wanted to design a digital product that required more technical knowledge, you might need to hire a digital product development company, like Luminos Software.

It would depend on what you want to design and sell. You might want to do your own research to see what customers want and need. Or, you might have a brilliant idea but you aren’t quite sure how to market it.

Hopefully, Rachel Jiminez’s story will inspire you to give it a go and provide you with enough pointers to get you started on your path to success.

Business Computers & Software Finance Financial Market Technology

Managing API Security Is Essential For the Banking Sector

I recently saw a headline that reported multiple branch closures by Lloyds, Halifax, and TSB. Personally, it didn’t affect me so I didn’t read the article. 

Why would it? I do my banking on my phone.

And, that’s mainly the reason why banks are closing their seldom used branches—people are banking online and not physically walking into banks.

As someone who prefers living online, I am not here to debate the benefits of high streets and banks. What I do want to talk about is the role of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in modern banking.

According to Express Computer, an Indian IT publication, APIs are spearheading the banking sector’s evolution.

These software programs allow banks to share their data and services with third parties. Third parties, as a result, can improve their services and customer experience.

APIs in Banking

According to the article, banks use APIs both as consumers and publishers.

As consumers, APIs help banks:

  • Automate the customer onboarding process, making it smoother
  • Get real-time information on customer credit-worthiness
  • Make better decisions for loan applications
  • Add value to their core business with investment and financial planning advice
  • Integrate with other services, such as e-commerce stores, and make online payments easier
  • Add other financial products into their range of offerings

As publishers, banks use APIs to reach more customers and diversify their services.

So, yes, the banking sector can thank APIs for a great deal.

However, that brings me to my next point. Since APIs are now an integral part of the banking sector, API security also becomes a larger issue.

I’ve discussed how re-evaluating your cybersecurity stack could help stop API breaches earlier. Then, I came across this post that discusses how identity distribution is essential for modern API security.

What Is Identity Distribution?

APIs enable a network of services that users can access. Once a user is inside that network, from any access point, they can get to any and all information within that network.

Identity distribution is the process of ensuring that the user is authorised to access information, at every point instead of just when they enter.

If you want to think of it in terms of your home security, once a person has entered your house—whether through the front door, back door, or window—they can go through the contents of all your rooms.

Identity distribution is the process of vetting their access and authorization in each room. If they are only allowed to enter the living room, they can’t be let into the master bedroom.

Identity Distribution For API Security in Banking

Identity distribution shouldn’t just take into account who is asking for access. It should also consider the origin of the request, the external application through which the request was sent, and an allow-list of callers.

Unfortunately, this brings up two other issues. 

One, sharing the credentials across the network means everyone who receives those credentials could use them to get the same level of access.

Two, It means distributing the user’s credentials across the network when some of the information might be sensitive. 

In effect, you’re sharing the user’s authorisation credentials (thereby making them available to other services on the network), which also means you’re sharing their information (which could be sensitive).

To mitigate this issue, you’d need proper identity distribution techniques. The technology you use will play a role in how secure the implementation is—that means having a detailed understanding of how your services interact with others and the pathways your users will have to take.

That, in turn, would help determine which services would need what identity data to complete the request.

Additionally, you’d also need to determine what piece of data these services would need to take the authorisation decisions.

Identity Distribution Techniques

Once you know the data that needs to be delivered to other services and who needs it, you can choose from a selection of identity distribution solutions. These can be:

  • Using Transport Layer Security (TLS) end-to-end, even with services within your network, instead of only at the perimeter
  • A locked-down infrastructure, where you control all communications within the network through encrypted connections, and using mutual TLS (mTLS) and frameworks (SPIFFE, Kubernetes) to manage service calls
  • Using established standards like OAuth and JSON web tokens (JWTs) instead of developing your own solutions
  • Using claim-based authorisation instead of using API keys or scopes (because, remember broken authorisation is listed as OWASP’s no.1 API vulnerability, and discussed in an article on API Security Solution by, the leading API management platform)
  • Using opaque tokens instead of JWTs (which can reveal information to the frontend application or threat actors)
  • Using token-sharing techniques, such as token embedding or token exchanging

As you can see, API security is important across the board, but the banking sector is a bit more high-stakes than others. Whilst a security breach can be devastating regardless, banks are responsible for people’s money and savings. 

Investing in better cybersecurity is not just for them but also for their customers. And, API security is going to be a huge part of it.

Business Marketing & Sales Services Technology Website & Blog

Announcing Storeplum’s New E-commerce Store Platform That Is Easy and Simple to Use

Outside The Limit [], a reputable online technology advice and research company, has recently released a report and review on Storeplum’s new e-commerce store platform. This innovative platform is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes and aims to provide an easy and simple to use solution for the competitive online retail market.

The new e-commerce store platform offers a comprehensive range of features that can help businesses streamline their online operations. With Storeplum, businesses can easily manage their online stores, keep track of their inventory, process orders, and accept payments in a safe and efficient manner.

One of the standout features of Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed with simplicity in mind and allows business owners to set up their online stores quickly and efficiently. The platform’s dashboard provides easy access to all the necessary features, allowing business owners to focus on growing their businesses.

The platform is highly customizable, enabling businesses to create unique online stores that reflect their brand and style. Storeplum offers a range of customization options, including customizable themes, fonts, colors, and layouts, ensuring that businesses can create an online store that is tailored to their needs.

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to shop online. Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is mobile-friendly, ensuring that businesses’ online stores are accessible and easy to use on any device, including smartphones and tablets.

Moreover, the platform is affordable, providing businesses with a comprehensive range of features at a competitive price, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. Storeplum is also offering a coupon code to save 15% if users us the code: JOEL15.

“We are excited for the release of Storeplum’s new e-commerce store platform,” says “The platform is designed to be easy to use, reliable, customizable, and affordable, providing businesses with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive online retail market.” is dedicated to providing businesses with the latest insights, advice, and reviews on new technologies, including e-commerce platforms, online video platforms, and digital marketing tools. Their mission is to help businesses succeed in the digital world by providing them with the tools and resources they need to stay ahead of the competition.

Storeplum’s e-commerce store platform is a game-changer for businesses looking to succeed in the competitive online retail market. With its user-friendly interface, robust security features, customization options, and affordability, it provides businesses with the necessary tools to streamline their online operations and stand out in the digital world. For more information, visit today and use the Storeplum coupon code: JOEL15 to save 15%.

Business Computers & Software Technology U.K U.S

Gantt Charts: Exploring the Applications and the Benefits

Managing a project, irrespective of its size, comes down to juggling a myriad of tasks, people, and whatnot—a single deadline is missed, and the entire project can go awry, incurring hefty losses and serious repercussions.

For project managers looking to boost their productivity by effectively managing their teams and projects, taking a visual approach to project management is a no-brainer. 

Even though tons of project management methods are available, Gantt charts have long been considered the most effective.

Instead of bogging you down with details, these charts give you a comprehensive visual representation of the tasks, milestones, and deadlines plotted against time.

IntelliPaat has offered a complete breakdown of a Gantt chart to help you get a head start.

But first, let’s elaborate on what a Gantt chart is.

What Is a Gantt Chart

Invented by Henry Gantt, a Gantt chart is, at its core, a pictorial view of a project: the resources involved, the start and end date of the project, how it’s planned to be executed—all laid out in horizontal bars. 

Based on your specific project requirements, you have a wide range of Gantt charts to choose from—such as basic Gantt charts, milestone Gantt charts, resource-loaded Gantt charts, dependency Gantt charts, and more. 

Applications of a Gantt Chart

Since a Gantt chart offers instant insight into a project, users can effortlessly see how it will progress over time. 

A Gantt chart facilitates:

  • Project Planning: Project planners can visualise the building blocks of their projects, thus organising and categorising them into fragmented and more manageable tasks. Plus, tasks can be prioritised for scheduling efficiency.
  • Resource Allocation: Stretching the available resources over too many tasks causes setbacks. With the project timeline in the Gantt chart, project planners can get an instant snapshot of how and where the resources are being used. Besides, a Gantt chart facilitates resource management by enabling project managers to delegate effectively while also aligning resources. As a result, project milestones are more likely to be achieved within the allocated budget and timeframe, ensuring no employee is overworking.
  • Defining Logistics and Task Dependencies: Gantt charts help project managers keep an expert eye on project logistics. In addition, by illustrating dependencies as lines linking two tasks or linking a task to a milestone, they can show when a particular task should start or end in relation to other tasks. For a company running projects in a multi-team environment, this feature can be highly effective. 

The result: Efficient project building and management that keeps measurable (and quick) revenue rolling in the business

Benefits of a Gantt Chart

  • Boost Team Productivity: One of the notable advantages of a Gantt chart is that it facilitates cross-departmental collaboration and brings all involved stakeholders on a single page. On top of that, it helps stakeholders track how a project is progressing in real-time, thus enabling the team to plan their steps ahead of time. Staying aligned on project tasks allows them to bolster business productivity.
  • Set Realistic Deadlines and Expectations: As we have already stated, the Gantt chart visually represents all the tasks and interdependencies comprising a project. Such a cohesive visual representation helps teams set realistic deadlines for each task and ultimately, the entire project.
  • Adjust the Plan in Real-Time: Having insights into the pace at which each task is progressing helps you depict the upcoming delays and roadblocks. This allows you to dodge potential risks or adjust your plans accordingly.

Turbocharge Your Presentation with Gantt Charts

Project managers dealing with massive troves of information frequently create calendar-based Gantt charts in Microsoft Visio or Project and import them into PowerPoint slides. However, the process is time-consuming and gets arduous due to lacking essential features. 

For those who want to create Gantt charts directly in PowerPoint with fewer clicks and less time, leveraging an add-in, such as think-cell, is a sensible decision. Automated Gantt charts, built with high-end software, help create better results—both for your presentation and timeline planning.

Wrapping Up

In short, when it comes to organising a project efficiently, a Gantt chart is second to none. Get the hang of Gantt charts and manage even the most complex project in a breeze. 

Computers & Software India Technology Transportation & Logistics World

87 Parking Lots in Chandigarh to Get Smart; Tenders to be Floated Soon

Eighty-seven parking spaces in Chandigarh are set to get revamped as union territory (UT) adviser Dharam Pal directed Chandigarh Smart City Limited (CSCL) to float “tenders for smart parking immediately,” reported The Times of India.

A statement on the above concern was released by the Chandigarh administration on February 23, 2023, after the contracts with the two agencies manning those 87 municipal parking lots had expired this January.

UT Adviser Dharam Pal, while interviewed by The Indian Express, said, “Parking is the city’s problem. The administration has faced a lot of flak over the parking issue. A draft of the policy will be placed before the General House of the civic body for discussion. We have merely drawn a draft of new smart parking. We have to become a smart city, and for that, a proposal needs to be made. We prepared a draft, and then it will be placed before the House for discussion. We are all working towards the same goal here, to provide good, smart facilities to the residents of the city.”

On the same day, the Mayor of Chandigarh, Anup Gupta, stated that the General House of the civic body is committed to ensuring the city residents reap the benefits of the smart parking from the first day and soon starting to draft the terms and conditions as per the tender.

“Also, several other issues need to be discussed — like the issue of giving a window of ten or fifteen minutes, whatever is decided, to allow pick-and-drop at these lots,” the Mayor explained.

Smart Parking Features to be Adopted in Chandigarh

The features that are expected to transform the 87 parking lots in the city are:

FASTag-based parking management system

CSCL has demonstrated the plan to introduce a FASTag-based parking management system in Chandigarh. The aim is to move the paid parking spaces to an automatic system wherein most of the toll collected will be cashless, requiring no vehicles to stop. 

Besides FASTags, drivers, however, will have a range of options—such as cash, Paytm, or UPI—while paying their parking charges.

Parking Central Control Centre

All 87 parking lots are set to be connected with the Parking Central Control Centre, Police Command and Control Center (PCCC), and the Integrated Command and Control Centre (ICCC) for facilitating monitoring.

The purpose is to ensure the utmost safety of the drivers and vehicles by identifying and minimising incidents—such as tiffs or theft—inside the parking lots.

“The parking management system will be integrated with the Integrated Command and Control Centre of Chandigarh for data analytics and service monitoring,” said Anindita Mitra, CEO of CSCL and commissioner of Chandigarh municipal corporation (MC).

Automated and Single Entry-Exit

A proposal for deploying automated gate control at the entry and exit of the parking lots has also been introduced. An automated entry-exit system will allow authorities to control access by lowering or lifting the boom barrier and stopping vehicles from entering or exiting a parking lot unless authorised. 

On top of that, since vehicle movement will be unidirectional, traffic congestion inside and outside the parking lot will be decreased significantly.

A Parking Management System Application

In order to constantly monitor the availability of each parking lot while also enabling keepers to book slots, the agency handling the city’s smart parking lots would need to use a high-end parking management app

The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

According to the MC commissioner, ANPR cameras will be installed to bring all 87 parking lots under stringent surveillance. 

A cost-effective way to provide consistent data to parking enforcement apps, an ANPR camera helps ensure car parking safety and detect repeat delinquents or target vehicles/block-listed vehicles. 

For a ticketless parking space, installing high-end ANPR surveillance cameras, such as ZatPark, is critical to facilitate vehicle access control. Advanced ANPR technologies ensure a 100% capture rate accuracy under recommended lighting conditions.

Wrapping Up

Since Chandigarh was declared a ‘smart city’ in 2016, the revamp of the city’s parking management system has been long overdue. 

The UT advisor expects to turn 25% of the 87 spaces into smart parking lots within one month of the grant of the contract.